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Hours had pass avery was on her way to ilocos already without even her family knowing it, she's trying her best not to have a breakdown as she needs to go home safe and sound to her Grandpa's birth place. Meanwhile Irene gathered herself and bid her goodbye at the gravestone of her son as she made her way to Forbes and didn't even bother to go at San juan. As soon as she step out from her car silence welcome her into their humble abode, it was a dead silence.

It wasn't like before and never will be like before...

Irene then went inside as she remembers what her daughter just uttered she went to her room, she was shocked to see that it was full of beautifully made paintings and full of musical instruments with some sports things like tennis poodle, badminton rocket and volleyball ball, a neat and tidy room, a couple of certeficates and medals on a designated cabinets as well as full of trophies and sort of certification to all the events she went to as a guest speaker; member; leader and a joined events for competition, things were placed nicely and properly to its designated place. Irene sat down on Avery bed as her eyes caught the teddy bear placed on her bed the twinny bear she bought for her and for noah.

She heaved a deep sigh before she continues...

She made her way to her daughters closet the cabinet avery was uttering earlier, she opened it and revealed a long brown envelope top with many papers along with sketches and many flashdrives and SD cards labeled along side with different names. She all get it and proceeded to greggy's office and watch the clip and footages.


On the other hand the family was all there gathered around the garden just waiting for Irene and Avery, they're hoping that everything will go well.

"Greggy did you try calling Irene nor avery?", Imelda queried

"Not yet ma, irene told me she'll call if something happen so I bet they're still both talking", greggy responded and smiled

"I hope all well get along already, I miss how Irene and avery bond way back before", imee interjected

"Ako din namimiss ko na kung paano maglambing si avery yung masigla kang babatiin at hahalikan", bong joined in the conversation

"She change because she had the valid reason but we're here to help your sister and your pamangkin. We can bring back avery", imelda uttered and smiled. She look at the boys whose having a fun time alongside the pool. "Help us ferdinand your daughter and apo need you. Irene need you, I hope you can touch your grand daughter heart to find a way of forgiving Irene", imelda said in her mind

It was already 7:30 in the evening Irene nor Avery wasn't there, Greggy was trying to call her wife while his son's is trying to call their sister but none of them was picking their phone.

"Greggy, check the location of their phone it was connected on you as per your order back then", liza commanded

"Irene's location was at forbes already, while Avery I can't locate it the last one was at the the cementery", greggy informed them

"Aren't they still answering any of your call?", Imelda ask

"Not yet", they all answered in unison

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