Safe and sound

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Arizona: I love that a lot. Can I have some eggs aswel?
Timothy: Of course you can mama. I will make the best eggs ever.
Arizona: I love you so much Timmy.
Timothy: I love you too mama. Of course I love you aswel mommy.
Y/n: I love you too.

You got changed, but felt the nausea floating through your veins. You could feel yourself getting sick again and were just in time to get to the toilet.

Arizona: Are you okay honey? Do you need some help?
Y/n: Maybe you could help me with my hair?
Arizona: I'm here. Oh babe. Let me get your hair up.

Arizona rubbed your back, while you were getting sick again. She held your hair back up and you could feel the sickness again.

Rosey: Mama? Mommy? Where are you?
Arizona: We are in the bathroom Rosey. Mommy is a little sick.
Rosey: Oh no mommy. Here is water.
Y/n: That's very sweet of you baby to get a bottle of water. Did you sleep well last night?
Rosey: I slept amazing! I could cuddle you all night. Did you like that?
Y/n: I always love your cuddles. Can I get one now?
Rosey: Of course mommy. My best hug for you, so you feel better.
Arizona: That's very sweet of you. What would you say if we go to the zoo today?
Rosey: The zoo? I love the monkeys and the Nemo fish.
Arizona: We will have breakfast first and then we will visit the zoo together with your brother. He is getting changed right now, so will you get ready aswel?
Y/n: When you are changed, go downstairs with your brother and we will be there soon.
Rosey: Okay mommy. Can I wear my pretty dress?
Arizona: Yes, you can. I will help mommy and then we will make you breakfast.
Timothy: I'm ready mommy to make the breakfast with you.
Arizona: Hey Timmy, will you help Rosey getting dressed. I need to talk with your mommy first before we will have a fun day out.
Timothy: Okay. Lets go Rosey. I guess, you want the pretty dress again.
Rosey: Yes me in pretty dress please.

The kids left and you looked Arizona in the eyes. Without speaking to each other, you both knew what was crossing your minds.

Arizona: Do you think what I'm thinking at the moment?
Y/n: I believe we have the same thoughts at the moment. Will this be a sign? 
Arizona: There's only one way to find out. Let today be a magical day and even more because we will spend the day with our family.
Y/n: Will you pass me the stuff? I hope it worked, but I'm not happy about being sick all over again.

Arizona ran out the bathroom and came back in a few minutes time.

Arizona: I quickly got changed. Did you already do it?
Y/n: Yes, I peed on the stick. Do you want to look at it together?
Arizona: Do you want to look at it with me?
Y/n: Honestly, yes I would love to see the results together.
Arizona: Come here and we can sit on the bed.
Y/n: In 10 minutes time, we will know if I'm pregnant again. I'm so excited, but scared at the same time.
Arizona: I know what you mean. Whatever the stick says, we are in this together.
Y/n: We're all in this together. With you by my side and the love of the kids, we can do anything.
Arizona: As long as we should live. Our happily ever after.

Arizona sweetly kissed your cheek and hugged you tight. You waited just over 10 minutes and during that time you got ready for the day out. You were sitting next to each other in silence, staring at the test you just did, laying on your nightstand.

Arizona: Are you ready?
Y/n: Are you ready to have a look?
Arizona: I asked you first.
Y/n: I think I'm ready to find out if it worked.
Arizona: Me too, I'm ready to see if there's another cookie coming.
Y/n: Calling it cookie is still so weird, but cute at the same time.
Arizona: Cookie, bubba, peanut, I will call it whatever I want. Lets have a look at the stick right now. The kids are waiting for us to come downstairs to have breakfast together.
Y/n: I guess this is the moment of truth.

You took the test of your nightstand and looked Arizona in the eyes before turning the stick around. Arizona took your other hand in hers and stroked her thumb over your hand. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and that's when you decided to turn the stick around to see if it was positive.

Arizona: Do you see what I see?
Y/n: So this is it?
Arizona: Now we know it. We have the results.
Y/n: I don't know how to feel right now.
Arizona: The only thing I know is that I will give you a kiss and a hug.

Arizona cupped your face in her hands and pulled you in for a long kiss on the lips. She only unlocked lips when you both needed air.

Timothy: Mama, mommy, when are you coming downstairs? We are hungry.
Rosey: Me want the Nemo fish! And pancakes.
Arizona: We will be with you in a few minutes. I have to get mommy ready.
Y/n: Can you believe it, because I'm still in a shock I think.
Arizona: It's amazing, but it feels unreal.
Y/n: We are having another baby Zona. We will have a brother or sister for Timmy and Rosey in 9 months time.

You took Arizona's hands in yours and quickly kissed the top of her head.

Arizona: We are so lucky. We already talked about it, but for some people it is so hard to get pregnant.
Y/n: I know and there are a lots of women around the world who struggle with fertility.
Arizona: The first time we tried, I had a miscarriage, but we are so blessed to have two perfectly healthy kids running around.
Y/n: And hopefully we will have the third perfectly healthy baby running around next year.
Arizona: We are really having another baby. I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too babe. I love this crazy little family. I will quickly change into normal clothes to meet you three downstairs in a few minutes.

You both stood up and walked down the stairs after getting ready to start making breakfast with the kids. After eating Arizona got a bag ready for your day out to the zoo.

Timothy: Mommy, are you feeling better? Aren't you sick anymore?
Y/n: I'm feeling great again after mama helped me out. I'm also so excited to see the Nemo fish again.
Rosey: You love Nemo too mommy?
Y/n: It's my favorite fish. I also love to see the sweet elephants.
Timothy: Will we also go to the playground at the zoo? They have a big slide.
Y/n: Of course we will go to the playground. Maybe if you two are sweet enough, mama and me will give you some fries with nuggets.
Rosey: Nuggets. I want nuggets.
Arizona: I thought mommy said you will only get nuggets when you two are sweet.
Rosey: I'm sweet. Look, I give you a kiss.
Arizona: That is very sweet of you baby. I always love your kisses on the cheek.
Y/n: Can I get a kiss aswel Rosey?
Rosey: Yes, I give you a sweet kiss. Just like the kiss with mama.

Later that night
Arizona: Did you enjoy today in the zoo with us?
Rosey: It was the best day! The Nemo fish was cute and I loved to play with Timmy at the playground.
Timothy: This was a fun day, but mommy you were a little weird.
Y/n: Weird? What did I do?
Timothy: You were to excited at some points. Oh and you were screaming so loud when you got of the slide with us.
Arizona: Mommy is just sometimes like a child, but that's why I like her so much.
Rosey: I love mommy when she plays with us.
Y/n: I always love playing with you both. That's my favorite thing to do.
Arizona: Mommy is right. We have a great job and amazing friends, but the thing we love the most is being with you two.
Y/n: Mama is right. Spinding time as a family makes us the happiest.
Arizona: Talking about our family, we have to tell you both something.
Y/n: Yes, we have a surprise for you and we hope you both love it as much as we do.
Rosey: A doggy, do we get one please?
Timothy: A dog? I always wanted to have a dog.
Arizona: I'm sorry kids, but we don't have a dog running around soon.
Y/n: Having a dog means to take care of him or her a lot, but that's really hard with our jobs as surgeons. Maybe in a few years time when you are older we can get a dog.
Rosey: But I want a cuddle dog.
Y/n: I'm sorry baby, but not tonight. There will be another surprise.
Timothy: I would love a dog, but I can wait. What is the other surprise?
Arizona: Something special. Mommy and I have to tell you something, but you need to keep it a secret.
Rosey: Secret? I can keep a secret really good. I won't tell anyone.
Y/n: So I was sick this morning and that happened because of the surprise we have.
Arizona: Yes, so mommy got a little sick, because there is a baby inside of her belly.
Rosey: A baby? How can a baby be inside your belly?
Y/n: That's a long story. The belly is the safest place for a baby to grow. You were inside my belly aswel and Timothy was inside the belly of Arizona.
Rosey: I was inside your belly?
Y/n: Yes and after 9 months you were ready to meet us in real life.
Timothy: I always cuddled mommy's belly when you were inside.
Rosey: You cuddled me? Is that why I love cuddles so much?

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