No more sad songs

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Y/n: Of course we can. I'm so sorry for how I reacted today. Will you forgive me?

Arizona pulled you in by the waist and crashed your lips together for a heated kiss. You both pulled away when you needed air and stayed in a tight embrace for some time.

Arizona: Of course I forgive you y/n. Come on and lets change into our pajamas and have some cuddle time.

A few weeks later you were doing much better and found a way to work with Regina and Lauren. Today you had your 10 weeks scan with Arizona, so you were on your way when you saw Amelia coming your way.

Amelia: Hey y/n, Arizona, what are you doing here?
Y/n: Oh uhm we were just going to see Carina.
Arizona: Yes, we want to have a double date again with her and Maya.
Amelia: Sounds fun. You did that a lot right?
Arizona: Yes, we did.
Y/n: What are you doing here on the ob floor?
Amelia: I was just going to see a patient.
Arizona: Oh what is it with her?
Amelia: She's got a brain tumor and 30 weeks pregnant. Maybe one of you two need to see the case in case we need to do a C-section.
Y/n: Right, we will ask Carina. We will see you later Ames.

You walked down the hallway when Carina walked out of the room, looking right at you.

Carina: Oh hey here you are. I was worried you didn't come.
Arizona: We ran into Amelia and she told us about a mom, 30 weeks pregnant, with a brain tumor.
Carina: Oh yes, it's a hard case. Can one of you look at it. I think we need to get the baby early.
Y/n: I will have a look at the case.
Carina: So Arizona, make yourself comfortable so I can make the 10 weeks scan. How are you feeling?
Arizona: I'm feeling okay, just sick at some days.
Y/n: When she's sick it is bad Carina. I never seen her this sick.
Carina: I will give you something for it.
Arizona: I'm so nervous, what if there's no heartbeat like last time?
Y/n: Take a deep breath. We don't know that, but I have a feeling everything is fine.
Carina: Let's start and just tell me when I need to stop or take a break. 

You held Arizona's hand tight in yours and kissed her cheek.

Y/n: I love you Arizona. I'm already so proud of you.
Arizona: I'm glad you are here with me. I love you too.
Carina: I will put the gel on your stomach. It's cold so try to relax as much as you can.
Arizona: That's really cold.
Carina: With the wand I will have a look. Tell me if anything hurts.
Arizona: Y/n, can you come closer. I'm so scared.
Y/n: I will hug you while Carina has a look. I will not leave you. We are in this together.
Carina: So I see that...
Arizona: It's bad. Something is wrong again. Oh god I can't do this.
Y/n: Hey you, listen. Let Carina finish what she wanted to say.
Carina: Bambina's everything looks fine.
Arizona: Nothing is wrong?
Carina: Everything looks perfect. From what I see, your baby has a strong heartbeat.
Y/n: So there's nothing to worry about?
Carina: No, you don't have to worry about anything. Do you want to hear the heartbeat?
Arizona: I would love that Carina.

In a few seconds the room was filled with the sound of a strong heartbeat. Both of you got tears in your eyes and you only smiled.

Carina: Seeing the two of you like this makes me so happy. I'm so happy for you both. Shall I take a picture of the echo?
Arizona: Yes please. Can you take a few, I want to give one to my parents aswel.
Y/n: Carina, I just want to say thank you for making us comfortable and making sure we have nothing to worry about.
Carina: It's my pleasure. I will get something to help you with being sick and if there's anything I can do, please let me know. If you want to have another check, reach out to me and I'm more than happy to do another echo.
Arizona: Carina, thank you and what would you say if you and Maya come over for dinner this weekend?
Carina: Sounds perfect, Maya would love to have dinner with the four of us.

Carina left and you helped Arizona to clean her stomach and hugged her tight.

Y/n: This is what I've been dreaming of for such a long time.
Arizona: This was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I love you so much y/n Sloan- Robbins and I will love our peanut with everything I have.
Y/n: I have no doubt you will love him or her. You will be a great mom, no you will be the best mom for our baby.

You kissed her temple and helped Arizona off the table. 

Arizona: Let's get back to work and go out for dinner tonight.
Y/n: Sounds perfect. You are perfect Arizona. We will have the most amazing little family.
Arizona: There's no one else in this world that makes me as happy as you do. Thank you for being by my side.

Two weeks later
Jo: New interns coming today. Are you just as excited as I am?
Y/n: It's okay. Hopefully they don't suck to much.
Jo: Oh come on. We were all once there where they are right now.
Arizona: Hey you, looking at the newbies?
Y/n: Yes, come take a seat.
Arizona: And congratulations to you for getting in your second year of this fellowship.

Arizona sat next to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips.

Y/n: Stop it. All credits go to my amazing mentor.
Arizona: Nope, you did it all by yourself.
Jo: You two are so cute. You are the great lovestory. Will there ever be a little one running around? You will both be such amazing moms.
Y/n: Maybe one day Jo.
Arizona: But thank you. You and Alex are also a great couple. I can't wait for the moment Alex Karev will get married.
Carina: Speaking of getting married.
Arizona: Oh hey Carina. Come and take a seat.
Carina: Hi, Arizona I need to ask you something and y/n I need to ask you this aswel.
Y/n: What is it Carina?
Carina: Would you both want to be a bridesmaid for our wedding?
Arizona: Of course we want that. We are honored to be your bridesmaid.
Y/n: Yes, we love that. So when will the wedding take place?
Carina: We are thinking about next years spring.
Amelia: Oh look, the new babies are walking into the OR.
Carina: That's my stupid little brother.
Amelia: Who is your brother?
Carina: The one on the left with the white shirt with blue lines.
Arizona: Shhh, Richard is starting.

Richard: Each of you comes here today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today... you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you
Y/n: It's such a great speech.
Jo: It is and Richard is the best.
Carina: Hopefully my brother will not mess this up.

A few days later
Arizona: They should be here. Why aren't they here?
Y/n: Calm down babe. They are probably waiting for their luggage or had to go to the bathroom.
Arizona: I just want to see them. It's been to long without them.
Y/n: They missed you too. Talking to them on the phone every week isn't the same as seeing them in real life.
Arizona: I think they missed you almost as much as they missed me. The first question they always ask is how you are.
Y/n: They are so sweet. I can't wait to tell them the news.
Arizona: They will be so happy. I'm nervous to tell them I'm 12 weeks pregnant. There's one weird thing about my dad I never told you.
Y/n: Don't be nervous, they will be so excited. What is it about your dad?
Arizona: Everyone needs to call him sir or colonel and with you he said you can call him Daniel. That has never happened before.
Y/n: I'm feeling honored. Oh look there they are.
Barbara: Hello honey, how are you? Hi dear, it's so good to see you y/n.
Arizona: I'm fine, really good. It's so good to see you again.
Y/n: Hi mr and mrs Robbins, how was your flight.
Daniel: You need to remember you can call us Daniel and Barbara. The flight was nice and easy.
Arizona: I told you y/n.
Barara: What did you tell her?
Arizona: Something between us mom. Lets get you to your hotel and you can settle in. We will have dinner at our place around 07.00 P.M.
Y/n: And I will pick you both up just before that.
Daniel: You don't have to do that y/n. We can take an uber to your house.
Y/n: No, I insist of getting you both. It's nothing big. I love picking you up and bringing you to our home.
Barbara: You are such a sweetheart. Arizona you picked the right girl.
Arizona: I know I did. I'm such a lucky person. I love you y/n.
Y/n: I love you too Zona.

You gave Arizona a kiss and pulled away taking her hand in yours.

Daniel: Uhm we are still here ladies.
Barbara: Oh just let them Daniel. They are so cute.

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