I knew you were trouble

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Maya: Where is the little princes?
Y/n: She is here, in the kitchen.
Carina: Hello beautiful girl. She is so cute.
Timothy: Auntie Maya! Look me helping mommy and mama.
Arizona: The others are already in the garden.
Maya: Can't believe this cutie is already two weeks old.
Carina: She got so big since the last time I've seen her.
Arizona: She is growing really fast. She's eating good and having a lot of nap times.
Maya: So how is everything going?
Y/n: Great. She is an angel.
Arizona: Just like Timmy. They both are so amazing and giving us enough sleep.
Carina: Lucky ladies. Not many parents are getting this amount of sleep.
Maya: Can I hold her?
Y/n: Of course you can. Do you want to give her the bottle?
Maya: I would love that a lot.
Arizona: So where is Tayla?
Carina: She had a playdate and was looking forward to it for the whole week, but she wants to meet Rosey soon.
Y/n: Maybe you can come over later this week to have dinner with us.
Carina: That's great. We will let you know when we will come over. Lets go and see the others.

Carina and Maya walked out with Rosey to great the others who were already there. You continued on the food for the lunch together with Timothy and Arizona.

Arizona: They are right you know.
Y/n: Right about what?
Arizona: That we are lucky. We have such sweet kids, who were perfect babies.
Y/n: Yes, we are two very lucky mommies. Oh and I'm a very lucky lady having you by my side.
Arizona: I thought everyone is here, but there's a knock at the door.
Y/n: Will you open the door?
Arizona: I'm on my way.

Arizona walked to the door and opened it to see someone she never expected to see ever again.

Y/n: Babe, who is at the door?
Arizona: You should look for yourself.
Timothy: Mommy, where are you going?
Y/n: Stay here sweetie, mommy will be back soon.
Arizona: Did you know she was coming?
Y/n: Uhm no. Hey Sloan, what are you doing here?
Sloan: I wanted to see my favorite aunt again.
Y/n: I'm your only aunt. What are you really doing here?
Sloan: Just visiting. There's nothing more to it.
Arizona: Last time you had more on your agenda than you told us.
Sloan: Okay, but that was then.
Y/n: I had send you multiple messages when Mark died, but nothing happened. You didn't replied, you didn't came to the funeral and you haven't said goodbye to your father. He did so much for you and you didn't even think about coming here.
Sloan: You don't know what I was thinking.
Arizona: She is right, isn't she?
Sloan: I bet that there is money?
Y/n: What?
Sloan: When he died he probably left some money behind and since I'm his daughter...
Arizona: Are you really asking this to her? Are you out of your mind?!?
Timothy: Mommy, me hungry.
Y/n: We are coming big man. Just a second.
Arizona: I think you should leave right now.
Sloan: So did he left money for me or not?
Y/n: No, he didn't! Now leave, you never cared about family, so leave us alone.  
Sloan: But it's mine! I deserve that money.
Y/n: He left nothing for you. All the money was for Lexie and his kid, but they died! You don't deserve a single penny, as he put only his family in his will.
Sloan: You took all the money?
Y/n: No, he gave it to me! He gave it to his family and I don't use his money. I use it to give my family the best life they deserve. So please leave and make something of your own life.
Sloan: I don't have a life!
Arizona: How is your kid by the way?
Sloan: He is happy with a lovely family.
Y/n: You made at least one good decision to give him up for adoption.
Arizona: I think it's time to leave Sloan.
Sloan: I will get a lawyer. That money belongs to me!

With that she finally walked off and Arizona closed the door. She turned around, seeing you standing there with tears in your eyes.

Arizona: Come here babe. It's all going to be fine.
Y/n: How can someone be like that?
Arizona: I don't know, but try to put this aside right now as this day is all about Rosey.
Y/n: I will, thank you Zona.

You gave her a sweet kiss on the lips and when you unlocked lips, Arizona pulled you in a tight hug.

Y/n: So Timmy, what would you say if we make these cookies to give to all of our friends?
Timothy: Yaaay cookies. Mommy okay?
Y/n: Yes, I'm fine, but can I get a hug from you? That would make me feel even better.
Timothy: Me loves hugs and cuddles.
Arizona: We love you so much buddy. You are such a sweetheart.

It's been a few weeks and today it was your first day back at work.

Arizona: Are you okay? You seem nervous.
Y/n: I'm nervous, is that weird?
Arizona: I felt the same at my first day back. It's normal, but I'm happy having you back with me in the OR.
Nicole: That's good to hear.
Arizona: Hello dr. Herman, how are you?
Nicole: I'm fine. So have you thought about my offer?
Y/n: Honestly we haven't talked about it yet. We were just enjoying time with the kids.
Arizona: We will discuss it soon and will come back to you.
Nicole: Let me tell you that I will not wait very much longer.
Arizona: When do you want to have an answer?
Nicole: The sooner, the better. Try to have an answer at the end of the week.
Y/n: We will let you know if we want to do the fellowship.
Nicole: I hope you both will take this opportunity. I really believe you two can be the best new fetal surgeons. You are both promising surgeons.
Arizona: But why us Nicole? You could have picked any other great surgeon.
Nicole: I don't want great. I want outstanding and that's what you both are in my opinion. You were one of the youngest heads of any department in the country Arizona and y/n, you are such a quick learner and have the right mindset. I think you two are the best to learn my specialty in a short time.
Y/n: But why the hurry?
Nicole: We need more fetal surgeons and we need them soon to safe unborn children.
Arizona: We will think about it and let you know if we are going to do the fellowship.
Nicole: I hope you two will take this chance.

Nicole left and you both did rounds at the pediatric floor.

Arizona: So do you want to do the fellowship?
Y/n: It sound so interesting and it's still very new, so maybe.
Arizona: I think you would do great in fetal medicine.
Y/n: But you would also be an amazing fetal surgeon.
Arizona: We could be the new super duo in fetal surgery.
Y/n: That sounds perfect to me. Lets talk about it more when we get home.
Arizona: You are right. Starting a fellowship will have a huge impact on the kids.

You were done and were on your way to the OR to remove a tumor from a girls liver when you got a 911 page from Arizona. You ran towards where she paged you to.

Y/n: What is going on? Why did you paged me 911 to the daycare?
Arizona: They are gone.
Y/n: Who? Arizona, what are you saying?
Arizona: Timothy and Rosey. She took them.
Y/n: Where are our kids? How could this happen?!?
Arizona: It was Sloan. She took our kids with an explanation that we asked her to pick up the kids.

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