Lay me down

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You were out of surgery and Mark and Lexie were sitting next to you, waiting for you to wake up.

Mark: Hey sis, we are all here for you. Everything will be alright. I love you wo much.
Lexie: You have to wake up y/n. We are waiting for you. We are all here for you.
Mark: I'm so glad she didn't used something. I was so scared she did. She worked so hard to get clean and stay clean all those years.
Lexie: She is strong enough to resist it. Your sister is one of the strongest people I know.
Mark: She is so strong after everything she has been trough. I'm so proud and honored to be her brother.
Lexie: She is. I'm still wondering why she isn't awake yet. She is already two hours out of surgery.

At that moment April walked in to check in on you.

April: She needs time. The accident and the surgery asked a lot of her body. She will wake up when she's ready.
Mark: I just want to hold her and tell her that everything will be alright.
April: It takes time, but she will be fine and she is now on top of the list to get a new liver.
Mark: That's great, thank you April, thank you all so much for saving my little sis.

It is now the next morning and you are still not awake yet, most people came by to spend some time with you. Everyone left to get some sleep when Arizona walks in. She hasn't visited you since you were out of surgery. Arizona took a seat next to your bed and grabbed your hand in hers, giving it a little squeeze and short kiss.

Arizona: Hey you. When will you wake up? Everyone worries a lot about you and I want to see your smile again, because that's the beat thing in this world. I hope you can forgive me and that you're not mad at me, I'm so sorry. Y/n I have to ask you one thing. Can you live, can you live for me? I want to spend as much time with you as we can, because I like you so much y/n. I don't know what it is about you, but you make me nervous and happy at the same time.

Arizona only looked at you and didn't noticed that Mark was standing in the doorway.

Mark: You really like her, don't you?
Arizona: Oh hey Mark, I didn't saw you there, but I do Mark. She is so sweet and kind. I just want her to feel safe again. That's all I want fir her.
Mark: She likes you too. I see that. She never looked at someone like the way she looks at you.
Arizona: Will she forgive me?
Mark: Listen, this is not your fault at all Arizona. There was a drunk driver who hit her and that's something you couldn't protect her from. The police informed me last night.
Arizona: But everything with Leah and Callie is my fault.
Mark: No, it isn't your fault at all. They are just jealous. Both of you are great people and I can tell that my sister never really experienced love. It was all an illusion. She is just scared to get heartbroken again, so please take care of her. If it is someones fault, it's mine, because I told Callie about my sister. I thought I could trust as I thought she was my best friend.
Arizona: I will take care of her. She gave me these butterflies the first time we've met and I never felt this way about someone Mark. I just don't want to hurt her again. You could never know Callie would do this.
Mark: You have never hurt her Arizona. Please stay with her and make her happy. She deserves that and so do you.
Arizona: You really think that?
Mark: I can see it when two people are meant to be. You belong together, there was this magical chemistry the moment you guys had met.
Arizona: But she will never be with me if it brings so many problems.
Mark: Listen to me. She knows when to fight and believe me, she will fight for you.

Mark had to leave as he was asked for a consult in the ER. Arizona still was sitting next to your bed and she was slowly falling asleep as she couldn't sleep during the night.

Arizona: Please be okay y/n. I will never forgive myself if you aren't okay. We will find that liver for you.
Y/n: A-arizona. It's not your fault.
Arizona: Y/n, I'm so sorry.
Y/n: Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong.
Arizona: But everything with Callie and Leah, it's because of me.
Y/n: Just listen. Will you still go on a date with me?
Arizona: Of course I want that. I would love going on a date with you.
Y/n: I like you too Arizona.
Arizona: You do like me?
Y/n: A lot actually. Thank you.
Arizona: Why do you thank me?
Y/n: For the fact that you're here with me.

You were chatting some more when Callie walked passed your room.

Callie: Oh look, she finally woke up.
Arizona: What are you doing here?
Callie: I heard what happened and came to see if you could need a shoulder Arizona.
Arizona: Oh I could use a shoulder, but I don't want yours. Can you just leave?
Callie: Y/n, can I get you something? Maybe something to relax. 
Y/n: Just go, I just want to lay here and get some sleep soon.
Arizona: I swear Callie, back off.
Callie: I'm only here to help. Don't you see that?
Y/n: I already have enough help so you can go. Oh and one more thing; next time if you try to make me look bad, you should try harder.
Callie: You really think you are the better person?
Y/n: I don't think that. What I think is that you're acting so childish.
Arizona: Now go and leave Callie! Don't think about showing up again. I'm so done with you and if you see Leah, tell she can stay the hell out of our way aswel.
Callie: Ugh, I will go now. Oh and y/n I heard the arrested that drunk driver. Sometimes people have bad luck I guess.

After that Callie left and you looked at Arizona, who was pissed for what just happened.

Y/n: I like seeing you so bitchy.
Arizona: I'm normally never like this. It's just that I want to protect you and make you feel safe. You deserve that y/n Sloan.
Y/n: You are so cute Arizona Robbins.

April walked in to exam you and to see how you were doing.

April: Hi y/n, good to see that you're awake. I will have a quick look and explain what is going on with you.
Arizona: I can leave if you want.
Y/n: Please stay with me and can you page Mark?
Arizona: I will page him.

After a few minutes Mark came by, but had to go because he was needed in a emergency surgery. Lexie and Jo visited and stayed with you for some time. They left because they got paged and only Arizona was still sitting next to you as it was a very slow day.

Y/n: Hey Arizona, how are you?
Arizona: You know that you're the one who is laying in a hospital bed? I'm fine, just tired because I couldn't sleep last night knowing that you were hurt.
Y/n: Arizona will you come here and lay next to me in bed? You can get some sleep if you want.
Arizona: Move your ass out of the way, but I will only get some sleep if you do too. Say if I hurt you .
Y/n: I will and I know I will sleep even better with you next to me. Can I ask you something else?
Arizona: You can y/n. What is it?
Y/n: Uhm I don't know if it's weird, but can I get a kiss?
Arizona: You will get my best kiss.

She leaned over you and gave you a sweet and passionate kiss while cupping your face in her hands. After enjoying the moment you both fell asleep and only woke up when Arizona's pager went off. You had been waiting for a new liver for a week now and were getting better each day. Arizona came by every moment she had and you both got to know each other more and more.

Arizona: Good morning y/n. How are you feeling today?
Y/n: Good, but tired.
Arizona: It's been a week since it all happened and I wondered if you want a date with me tonight?
Y/n: I was the one who asked you on a date. Then there's the fact I'm stuck in this bed attached to different monitors and machines?
Arizona: I know that, but I arranged everything.
Y/n: Sounds good to me. You are the best Arizona.
Mark: Hey sis, why is Arizona the best?
Y/n: Just look at her and that smile she has. Those dimples are making me melt every time.
Mark: I never seen you like this y/n.
Y/n: That's because I hadn't met her before Mark.
Arizona: So be ready at 6 tonight. I have rounds with Leah, so that will be fun.... not.
Y/n: Give her a hug from me please and tell her that I miss her.
Mark: Really?
Arizona: You could hear the sarcasm in her voice. See you later.

She walked over and gave you a kiss on top of your head before leaving the room.

Y/n: See you later. Safe some tiny humans.
Arizona: I will. Get some sleep today, you will need the energy tonight.
Mark: What is happening tonight?
Y/n: We will have a date. I don't know what she is up to, but it is a surprise.
Mark: You like her a lot, don't you?
Y/n: I do Mark. It's the first time I have this feeling.
Mark: I can tell that this is the first time you really experience love.
Y/n: I don't know what it is, but she is so sweet and kind. I think I'm falling in love with her Mark.
Mark: Why are you crying?
Y/n: I'm scared I will mess it up. She is so special and she is so patient with me.
Mark: I know her for some time now and this is the first time I see her like this aswel. She likes you so much sis.
Y/n: I hope we can be something some day.
Mark: Just tell her how you feel, before it is to late.

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