We're all in this together

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⚠️Smut warning⚠️

Jo: Hey y/n, how are you feeling?
Y/n: Good. Just a little headache at the moment.
Jo: How did the exam go? You took it in here right?
Y/n: Yes, Bailey arranged everything so I could make the test in bed. I think I nailed it if I'm honest. How did your test go?
Jo: Good I think. Some questions were really hard.
Stephanie: Hey guys, how did the test go?
Y/n: Really good, how was yours?
Stephanie: I found it harder than I thought, but I think I passed.
Jo: So when do we hear the results?
Stephanie: In three hours. Crazy to think that we survived our first year.
Jo: It is, do you guys have any idea what specialty you like the most?
Stephanie: I love Neuro. I hope Amelia Shepherd will come back soon, I loved working with her.
Y/n: She will probably come back in less than two months.
Stephanie: That's amazing news. So what about you?
Y/n: I still love trauma, but I prefer peds at the moment. Working with kids brings me so much more joy.
Jo: I still don't know. I enjoy working in peds aswel, but also general, ortho and OB.
Y/n: We will have enough time to figure out what we want.
Jo: I just got paged, I have to go. Speak to you later y/n, bye.
Stephanie: I will leave you so you can rest. The faster you can get back to work hopefully. Bye y/n, oh hi dr. Robbins.
Arizona: Hi dr. Edwards. Hey you, how are you feeling?
Y/n: Good, only a little headache and a bit tired.
Arizona: Can I lay next to you? I want to cuddle with you.
Y/n: Of course you can lay next to me. You can lay your head on my chest.
Arizona: I love that. So how did the test go?
Y/n: Really good, I think I passed.
Arizona: That's great news. I'm so proud of you.
Y/n: Thank you Zona. So how is your day?
Arizona: Nothing much to do. I only have one surgery after lunch.
Y/n: Will you have lunch with me? I'm so bored being on my own all the time.
Arizona: I would love that. What do you want for lunch?
Y/n: A sandwich and pasta salad please.
Arizona: And a jelly?
Y/n: Yes, I love a jelly.

Arizona kissed your temple before walking towards the door to get lunch for the both of you.

Arizona: I will get it and be back in a few minutes. Love you.
Y/n: Love you too Arizona.

After having lunch together, Arizona went to the OR to have her surgery. You got some more sleep, because you were really tired.

Arizona: Hey you, did you got...
Y/n: Huh, what?
Arizona: Sorry, I woke you up. I will leave.
Y/n: It's okay. How did your surgery go?
Arizona: Great, she is in recovery and already asking for ice cream.
Y/n: Come here, I'm cold.
Arizona: Then I should lay next to you and cuddle you.

Arizona jumped in the bed next to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips before cuddling with you.

Arizona: So I heard the other interns talking about there results.
Y/n: Oh, I forgot. I fell asleep after you left after having lunch with me.
Arizona: Okay, check your mail. I want to know if you passed.
Y/n: It's not loading.
Arizona: Log in on mine and try.
Y/n: There is a lot of information. Oh look here it is.
Arizona: So, did you pass?
Y/n: I did! I had a score of 96%.
Arizona: That's an outstanding score, I knew you would nail it.
Jo: So you passed aswel?
Y/n: Yes, what about you?
Jo: We all passed.
Stephanie: Why don't we get drinks once you get discharged?
Y/n: Sounds great! I'm in.

It's been two weeks and all the OR's are being used again and you are back at work.

Arizona: Y/n, I'm home. Where are you?
Y/n: In the shower. I'm almost finished.
Arizona: Wait a second.
Y/n: Why?
Arizona: So I can join you.
Y/n: That sounds like a plan.

Arizona walked in the shower and you had a old school make out session together. As you were showering the door opened and Lexie walked in.

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