What's my name

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Maya: Oh hey look, that's Carina.
Amelia: Carina, how is she? How are they?
Meredith: How far is she?
Barbara: Can I see my little girl? Y/n hasn't texted back for some time now.
Carina: Okay, I get you all want to know different things, but I have an update on Arizona and the baby.
Maya: Tell us. We are waiting here for so long right now.
Daniel: Are there problems with the baby?
Carina: Arizona is doing more than fine. Y/n is only a little emotional.
Barbara: How long do you think it will take?
Carina: Let me congratulate you both for becoming grandparents to a beautiful, strong and healthy baby boy.
Daniel: He's here? We have a grandson?
Carina: Yes, Arizona gave birth to him almost 30 minutes ago.
Amelia: How is she feeling?
Carina: Great, she hasn't stopped smiling. She did threaten y/n while in labor, but they made up.
Jo: Sounds like a fun few hours together in that room.
Carina: Mr and mrs Robbins, you can come with me to meet the little man and see the two new mommies.

At that exact same moment you were enjoying the time with the three of you. The baby was on Arizona's chest and you sat next to the on the bed, cuddling Arizona.

Y/n: This is what I've been dreaming off.
Arizona: I can't stop smiling. Just look at him. He is perfect.
Y/n: He is already so sweet. He seems like a quiet little man.
Arizona: As you love sleeping a lot, this seems like a match made in heaven.
Y/n: Even if he wasn't this quiet, we would have been a match made in heaven.
Arizona: He's so perfect. My little perfect prince.
Y/n: You know what is weird? He's here with us for almost 30 minutes, but it feels like he was here for so much longer.
Arizona: I think I know what you mean. It's like I can't remember the time we were just with the two of us. It's like we've always been with the three of us, it's weird I know.
Y/n: It isn't weird. We will go home with the three of us. Home will never be like it was.
Arizona: We haven't talked about it, but it's the name we already picked, right? Our first choice.
Y/n: Yes, we said we had to see him first to know if it fits perfectly. It fits better than perfect, look at him.
Arizona: So we have a name. The most perfect name.
Y/n: For this perfect little man. Our lovely and handsome prince.

There was a knock on the door and Carina slowly opened it to come in.

Carina: I'm sorry, but there are two people who really want to meet your little boy. They are so excited and couldn't wait any longer to meet him.
Daniel: Where is my grandson?
Y/n: Hello Daniel and Barbara. Please come in and meet our little man.
Barbara: How is he?
Arizona: He is perfect. He is more perfect than I ever imagined.
Barbara: Can I hold him?
Arizona: Of course you can mom.
Daniel: So what is his name?
Arizona: I hope you like his name. We both think that it's the most perfect name for him.
Y/n: Barbara, Daniel meet Timothy Mark Sloan-Robbins.
Arizona: Dad, are you okay?
Daniel: It's such a beautiful name. He would have been honored.
Barbara: Your brother too y/n, they would be so proud and honored.
Y/n: He would have adored him so much.
Arizona: And Tim would have loved him so much.
Y/n: In this way they are always here with us.
Barbara: That's so beautiful girls. This is so special. Thank you so much for bringing him into our lives.
Y/n: Barbara and Daniel, I never really told you this, but I love you so much. I'm very lucky to have you in my life.
Daniel: We are very lucky with you in our lives. Marrying our girl was the greatest gift ever as I never saw her this happy. Now with Timothy here you made it even more perfect.
Barbara: Y/n, you are like our daughter. We love you so much.
Y/n: That means a lot to me. I love you both so much. Thank you for everything.
Barbara: No, we need to thank you my dear.
Arizona: I've never been so happy like I'm now. Look at us. This is what life is all about, love and family.
Y/n: Thank you all for giving me this and showing me that love still exist.
Arizona: This is the start for a new journey. You, me and Timothy.
Barbara: Someone is looking at his granddad all the time. You want a cuddle too Daniel?
Daniel: Of course I want some cuddles.
Arizona: I love you y/n and I couldn't do this without you.
Y/n: I love you too Zona. He is so perfect and looks just like you.

You kissed her temple and Arizona cuddled more into you, while you were holding her close to you with your arms wrapped around her. You stayed there for an hour with Arizona's parents when there was another knock on the door.

Maya: Can we come in?
Arizona: Yes, come in.
Maya: We were so curious about your little man.
Jo: You've let us wait long enough.
Carina: Your parents just left to go and have some sleep in their hotel.
Arizona: They were so happy. The look on their faces was magical.
Maya: This man is very sleepy, isn't he?
Y/n: He is a sleepy head.
Arizona: Just like his mommy. They are so alike.
Amelia: He's so handsome. Look at how cute he is.
Y/n: He looks like his mama. Both so beautiful and cute.
Jo: So how did it all go?
Arizona: It was so long, but all good in the end.
Carina: Arizona did amazing and y/n has been the best support.
Jo: And this little boy is all good?
Carina: This boy is strong and healthy. So he can go home very soon.
Maya: So do you have a name?
Y/n: Yes, we have a name. A perfect name for this perfect boy.
Amelia: So what is his name?
Arizona: Ladies and gentleman, this is Timothy Mark Sloan-Robbins.
Maya: After your brothers?
Y/n: Yes, so they are always here with us. Like they never left.
Meredith: It's such a perfect name. I really like it and Zola was asking when she could meet him as she knew it was almost time.
Y/n: All the kids can meet him soon when we are back home.
Meredith: He will be so loved. He has the best mommies he could wish for.
Arizona: Thank you so much. Y/n look at Timmy, he has only eyes for Carina.
Maya: I get that. She is very pretty to look at.
Carina: Always a big flirt. I will love you so much Timothy. I already do.
Arizona: And he already loves you with his whole hart.

It's been two days and Arizona and Timothy are just discharged from the hospital.

Arizona: Do you have everything?
Y/n: Yes I've packed all of our stuff. We are ready to go home.
Arizona: Do you hear that Timothy? We are going home.
Y/n: He's already two days old.
Arizona: Two amazing days that felt like a big dream.
Y/n: I'm glad both of my babies are doing fine.
Arizona: Hopefully he will like it at home.
Y/n: He will, I promise you. There's one thing I haven't told you.
Arizona: What did you do?
Y/n: I did nothing. Why do you think that? Never mind, but some of our friends are waiting for us at home to have a drink and some snacks to celebrate with us.
Arizona: Sounds good to me. You will have your first little party at our home Timmy.

A/n: I hope you all liked this cute little part. Please let me know anything you like to share about the story. Lots of love💕💕

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