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At Joe's bar.
Alex: Hello, are you new in Seattle?
Y/n: Actually, yes.
Alex: Hi, I'm Alex. What's your name?
Y/n: Hey, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you.
Alex: Can I buy you a drink?
Y/n: A club soda please.
Alex: Okay, what are you doing here all by yourself?
Y/n: I'm waiting for someone. We are supposed to meet each other at this bar.
Alex: Waiting for a date? A boyfriend?
Y/n: No and not a boyfriend. I'm very single.
Alex: Oh that's great. I mean not great. Uhm it's just that you are very beautiful. You know that?
Y/n: Thanks I guess.
Alex: So would you like to go on a date with me some time?
Y/n: I'm not really interested. Sorry.
Alex: Why not? I'm good looking and really good in bed. We could have so much fun together.
Y/n: You can kiss my ass. Leave me alone.
Alex: I would love that honestly.
Y/n: You know what? Go f*ck yourself. Just leave me please.
Mark: Hey y/n, it's so good to see you. I missed you.
Alex: So you don't want me, but you do want him? He's a dick.
Y/n: I don't want him either. You are an asshole, you know that?
Mark: I see my sister is still the same badass chick as the last time we saw each other.
Alex: Sister? You have a sister? She is your sister?
Mark: Yes, I have. Now leave before I kill you for being a jerk to my sis.
Y/n: Thank you Mark. I missed you so much.

You give him a big and tight hug.

Y/n: So how are you?
Mark: I should ask you that question. You look amazing.
Y/n: We can catch up later. Now I want to have a drink with you and you can tell me if you're seeing someone at the moment.
Mark: Okay I will get us a drink. Oh and that girl, who just walked in the bar is my girlfriend.
Y/n: 'The' Mark Sloan has a girlfriend. I've been away for to long.
Lexie: And who are you?
Y/n: Hi, I'm y/n Sloan. Mark's sister.
Lexie: Mark you never told me that she is this beautiful. I'm Lexie Grey.
Mark: I never did, because compared to me she isn' that beautiful. I'm the pretty Sloan.
Lexie: With a face like that, you must have a cute boyfriend.
Y/n: I haven't got time the last few years to date anyone. So I'm very much single.
Carina: Oh hey, so your single? So am I and you are very much my type.
Mark: This also never changed.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Mark: People who want you left, right and in the middle.
Y/n: Ugh shut it Mark. I'm not really looking for anything at the moment.
Carina: That's very sorry. You are gorgeous and I would love spending time with you. It can be just sex, no strings attached.
Y/n: Who are you actually?
Carina: My name is Carina DeLuca. I work with Mark at the hospital.
Y/n: Oh okay. I'm y/n, but I'm really sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not interested in your offer. I think that blonde at the bar is, because she keeps looking at you as she is checking you out.
Carina: I should have a conversation with her, but know that I would happily make time for you.
Lexie: Has this ever happened before? Like people coming up to you like that.
Y/n: It's not the first time, but Mark was always there for me to help me out.
Lexie: He is a sweetheart when it comes to family.
Mark: I'm always a sweetheart.
Y/n: No your not. You can be a pain in the ass.
Callie: Who is a pain in the ass?
Lexie: Mark is a pain in the ass.
Callie: Oh yes you can be a pain in the ass, but we love you for that. So who are you?
Y/n: Hi, I'm y/n Sloan, Mark's sister.
Callie: It's really nice to meet you y/n. I'm Callie Torres.
Y/n: It's really nice to meet you too. So next round is on me. Who wants a drink?

After some time other people from the hospital came in. You talked for some time with Derek as you knew him from years ago as he was Mark's best friend and was like your other brother. You met almost every friend of Mark and you were all ready to go back home.

Mark: So what will you be doing tomorrow?
Y/n: Okay I can tell it now. I will start my intern year at Seattle Grace tomorrow, so I will see you all there.
Mark: My sister will become a super surgeon. I'm so proud of you.
Meredith: Oh that will be so much fun. Any idea which specialty you will like the most?
Y/n: I'm interested in trauma, cardio and peds actually.
Mark: Plastics?
Y/n: Sorry Mark, maybe I will get interested when I'm on your service.
Lexie: So where are you staying?
Y/n: I have bought my own apartment down the street.

The next day at the hospital in the intern locker room.
Jo: It's so exciting to start our intern year at this hospital.
Stephanie: It is. There are amazing surgeons here, like famous.
Jo: Oh by the way I'm Jo Wilson.
Stephanie: And I'm Stephanie Edwards.
Leah: So you are the other interns? I'm Leah Murphy.
Shane: I'm Ross, Shane Ross. Nice to meet you.
Heather: I'm Heather Brooks. It's so great to meet you all. We will all be friends soon.
Leah: What if I don't want to be your friend?
Shane: Just be nice to her. Maybe we can get a drink at the bar soon?
Heather: Sounds fun. I'm in.

As you and Mark walk towards the locker room.

Mark: And behave yourself. Don't burn the hospital down please.
Y/n: I won't Mark. Now go do your job. I will do mine.
Jo: Are you the other intern?
Y/n: Oh hi, I'm y/n Sloan.
Stephanie: As in Mark Sloan?
Y/n: Yes, he is my older brother.
Leah: That means you will get all good cases and surgeries. Special treatment around every corner.
Jo: Shut it Leah. Hi I'm Jo.
Stephanie: I'm Stephanie Edwards.
Shane: My name is Shane.
Heather: I'm Heather Brooks and that grumpy one is Leah.
Y/n: Okay, so I'm going to find dr. Kepner as I'm on her service. See you all later.

You got to the ER and saw a redhead in a trauma room.

April: Hi, you must be dr. Sloan?
Y/n: Yes, I'am. So what do we have?
April: So I'm April Kepner. You can start stitching that wound on the arm of the man at bed 2.
Y/n: I will. It's nice to meet you dr. Kepner.

After some hours it is time to have some lunch.

April: So we will get something to eat. After it we will check some of the patients who got in the ER the last few days.
Y/n: Fine by me. Any difficult cases?
April: No, not really. So what makes you love trauma? I heard you were interested in it.
Y/n: It's because of the rush I think. I mean I learned a lot about it when I was helping out the surgeons in Iraq.
April: Oh yes Mark told us about you. He is really proud of what you did back there. We all knew that he was a little scared sometimes. You were still his little sister.
Y/n: So my brother does have a heart?
April: He loves you so much. He always talks about the time you lived in New York together. That you were like a family together with Derek and Addison.
Y/n: Yes, Derek and Addison are like my other brother and sister.
April: So other specialties that you're interested in?
Y/n: Cardio and peds actually.
April: That's lovely. I guess Mark wants you in plastics?
Y/n: He doesn't stop talking about it.

It was the next morning and you walked in the locker room. You changed into your scrubs and went to find the peds floor as April had the day off. So you were putt on dr. Robbin's service for today.

Arizona: So how is your sister?
Mark: She is good. She loved to work with April yesterday in trauma. She's on your service today right?
Arizona: She is, I hope we like each other. I hadn't got a chance to meet her.
Mark: You will like each other. She adores kids and is the kindest person ever.
Arizona: So she is not like you?
Mark: Okay that is just mean!

He punches playfully Arizona's arm as you got to the peds floor and walked out of the elevator.

Mark: Oh there she is.
Arizona: Who? Where is she?
Mark: It's the one that just walked out of the elevator.
Arizona: Oh you don't look like each other.
Mark: I know I'm the pretty one.
Arizona: The pretty one? Really?
Y/n: Who is the pretty one?
Mark: I am of course. I don't see pretty faces around me.
Y/n: Funny as always Mark.
Arizona: I see more than 1 pretty face in front if me.
Mark: Who would that other person be?
Arizona: You don't look the same, but you've definitely both got great genes.
Y/n: I take that as a compliment. So uhm hi I'm y/n Sloan. I am on your service today.
Arizona: I'm Arizona Robbins, head of pediatrics. I look forward working with you today.
Mark: Not only working I think by that look on your face.

Right after Mark said that, you could see Arizona started to blush as her cheeks got red.

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