Cold heart

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Y/n: She did what?!?
Arizona: I know, but what are we gonna do? What if she hurts them?
Y/n: First I'm gonna ask the people around here what really happened and why they haven't checked if we wanted her to take them?
Arizona: That's something for later.
Y/n: Second thing is that I'm going to find her and k1ll her. No one hurts my children! 
Arizona: You can't do that.
Y/n: I'm willing to do anything to get our kids back.
Maya: Hey, what is going on? Why are you freaking out?
Arizona: Someone took Timothy and Rosey.
Maya: What? Is there something I can do?
Arizona: Stop y/n from k1lling the one that took them.
Maya: Honestly I would k1ll the one that would take Tayla from me.
Y/n: Is there something you and the station can do for us?
Maya: Yes, I was on my way to see Carina, but I go back right now and do a search. I will call our friend, who works as a police officer, and you two go to the police to let them know what is going on. They will send out a search right away as there is a baby involved.
Arizona: Thank you so much Maya.
Maya: Do you know who took her?
Y/n: It was my niece Sloan Riley.
Maya: Mark's lost daughter?
Arizona: Yes! Y/n, lets go to the police.
Y/n: Wait, what about my surgery?
Arizona: Karev will take over. Don't worry about that.
Y/n: It's not that I'm worried about the surgery, because I'm busy being worried about Timmy and Rosey. 
Arizona: I get that, I'm scared too. We need to find them and we need to find them fast.

It's been a few hours and no one has found Sloan and the kids. You were waiting at the station when Amelia called.

On the phone
Y/n: Hey Amelia, can I call back later?
Amelia: No, y/n wait. There is news.
Y/n: What news?
Amelia: You have to come to the hospital. Timothy and Rosey are here.

You stopped the phone call and looked shocked at Arizona.

Arizona: What was that about?
Y/n: It was Amelia. We have to go to the hospital.
Arizona: No, we can't! What if there is news about Timothy and Rosey.
Y/n: This is about them.
Arizona: I'm not getting it.
Y/n: She didn't tell me that much more, but they are at the hospital.
Arizona: Are they hurt? Are the kids okay?
Y/n: I don't know and that's why we have to go right now!
Arizona: Okay, so why are we waiting? Lets go, move!

You drove to the hospital and ran inside. You burst through the doors of the attending's lounge and saw Amelia and Carina with the kids.

Arizona: Hey there buddy, how are you?
Timothy: I missed you mama and mommy.
Y/n: Are you okay? Hey my little girl, come to mommy.
Carina: They are both fine. They were very lucky.
Arizona: What happened? Do you know how they ended up here?
Amelia: Maya brought them in, they were in a car accident.
Y/n: They were what?!?
Carina: Calm down. It wasn't a major accident. Sloan hit a tree when she took them. The station had to pull them out of the car.
Amelia: We checked Timothy and Rosey and they are fine. Nothing happened to them. Sloan had hit her head pretty hard and she is now in surgery with Derek.
Arizona: Timmy, are you okay? Look at mama.
Timothy: I was scared. The women was fast in the car.
Y/n: You are here with us and we will make sure you never have to be scared ever again. We will keep you and your sister safe.
Timothy: I love you.
Arizona: We love you too buddy. We love you both so much.

Arizona kissed the top of Timothy's head and you kissed Rosey's cheek.

Y/n: They are fine, we have them back where they belong.
Maya: Hey guys, how are they?
Carina: They are both fine. They are back with their mommies and that's what matters.
Y/n: Back were they belong, safe in our arms.
Arizona: What exactly happened to them?
Maya: During the search we got a call about a car crash and that people were stuck inside. We had to go there and open the car.
Y/n: So you found them? Who got them out?
Maya: We got them out, I got in the car first and saw them both in back. Rosey was crying and Timothy was quiet. From what I saw they weren't injured. Only the front of the car was crashed.
Arizona: I my god, they had to sit there all the time by their own.
Carina: But they are here now and they are fine. That's what matters Arizona. Both of them are healthy.
Y/n: So what did you do? How did you got them out?
Maya: I got inside as far as I could and carefully picked up Rosey to get her out of the car. Timothy kept staring at me when I slowly got her out through the window. I gave Rosey to Travis and went back to help Timmy get out of the car. Together with Jack, I got him out and he hugged me tight.
Amelia: They got here really fast to let us check them over to be sure they were fine.
Arizona: Thank you so much for saving them Maya. Please tell the team we are grateful for them.
Maya: It's our job, but I will tell them.
Y/n: We will come by the station soon to thank you all for saving them. I don't know what would have happened if you guys weren't there in time.
Maya: Don't try to think about it. They are here in your arms and that's what's important.
Carina: She is right, they are back in your arms.
Arizona: And we will never ever let you both go.
Derek: I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have news about Sloan.
Arizona: What is it?
Derek: I'm sorry, but she had some major head injuries and there were lots of bleedings.
Y/n: So she died on the table?
Derek: No, I did all I could and fixed it, but she is braindead. There are no responses at all.
Amelia: I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, she was still your family.
Y/n: That we were family by blood, doesn't mean we were family.
Arizona: But she is the last living part of Mark. She looks a lot like him.
Y/n: Is there any news about what she would want if she would be in a situation like this?
Derek: We don't know. We tried to get in touch with her mom, but unfortunate there is no responds.
Maya: So what now?
Derek: I think y/n, that you should decide what to do.
Y/n: I'm sorry what? I can't make such a decision.
Derek: Listen to me y/n. You are the only one that can decide this.
Y/n: I need some time to think.
Amelia: Y/n, you and I both know that there is no time.
Arizona: Lets go and get some fresh air. We will be back soon. Come Timothy, we will go to the park to play with each other.
Timothy: Is Wosey okay?
Y/n: She is fine and asleep in my arms. We can also get some ice cream.

You got to the park nearby and got some ice cream. You were sat at a bench with Arizona while Timothy was playing with the swing and you were holding a sleeping Rosey.

Arizona: Can you believe what happened?
Y/n: No, I can't and then there's the fact I need to decide what will happen with Sloan.
Arizona: You don't have to do this alone. I will be there for you and with you.
Y/n: What will you do if you were in my shoes?
Arizona: I don't know. Looking at the facts it's likely she will not wake up and if she does, it's likely that she will never have a normal life again.
Y/n: I know that I can look at the facts, but the thing is that I don't know if I can be the one that makes such a decision.
Arizona: You are her family by blood. At the moment you are the only one who can decide what will happen to her.
Y/n: It just feels so wrong.
Arizona: I can see the struggle in your eyes. I know you will make the right decision when you have to make it.
Y/n: I love you Arizona.
Arizona: I love you too y/n. Oh look at Rosey, she is smiling while she's asleep.
Y/n: She is just like you.
Arizona: Like me? What do you mean?
Y/n: When you are sound asleep you have that adorable smile of yours on your face aswel.
Arizona: Are you watching me sleep again?
Y/n: Maybe I do. Sometimes, not all the time. You are just so beautiful to look at, even when you are asleep.

You kissed Arizona's cheek and stayed in the park a little longer. 

A/n: I can't believe I've reached 100 chapters with this story. I want to take this moment to thank you all for reading along. I hope you enjoy reading it and if you want to share your thoughts, please leave a comment. Lots of love💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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