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⚠️ Smut warning⚠️

Y/n: Okay so I have another present for you.
Arizona: You really didn't had to.
Y/n: Do you know which day it is, besides your birthday?
Arizona: Saturday?
Y/n: And besides it's Saturday?
Arizona: I have no clue to be honest.
Y/n: Today is also the day that we are three months officially together. Our first real talk was when you had a hard day, because it was the day your brother died and I can imagine that living without him can be so hard.
Arizona: And the tears are back, thank you. It is hard without him. He would had adored you. I don't like my birthday, because he always made it special and with him not being here, it is just not the same.
Y/n: With all that in mind, I made something for you. Here you can open this box.

Arizona opened the box and tears immediately rolled down her cheeks. She only looked in the box, only looking back at you when you rested your hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: Are you okay?
Arizona: It's beautiful y/n. Can I get a hug?
Y/n: Of course you can get a hug.
Arizona: I love you so much. I don't know how you did this, but it is so sweet.
Y/n: I love you too. I'm glad you like this present.

You made a picture frame with a photo in it of her brother in his army uniform. You found one of the other men who were also in the army and he had a picture and gave it to you. You told this to Arizona and she found a good spot for the photo. You started your dinner and had a great night. You were laying in bed, Arizona resting her head on your chest and her arm wrapped around your waist.

Arizona: I had an amazing day, thank you so much y/n.
Y/n: I'm glad you enjoyed today. Even after what happened with Amelia this morning.
Arizona: Lets not talk about that right now.
Y/n: What would you say if we cuddle some more and watch a movie?
Arizona: Which movie were you thinking about?
Y/n: You can choose as it is your birthday.
Arizona: I would like 'Catch me if you can'. Lets get ready for the movie.

You went to the kitchen and made some popcorn and got the both of you a drink. You walked back and saw Arizona waiting for you.

Y/n: Are you ready? I made some popcorn.
Arizona: I'm ready to have a great end to this amazing day. Can I lay in your arms during the movie.
Y/n: You can always lay in my arms.

She came up and gave me a passionate kiss and cuddled into me.

Y/n: Before the movie starts I need to tell you something. I've been thinking about it all day and I don't know how to tell you.
Arizona: Is it something good, because honestly you are scaring me.
Y/n: I think it's something good, but I can't tell if you think that aswel.
Arizona: There's only one way to find out, tell me.
Y/n: You are so special Arizona and you made me believe in love again. I want to thank you for that, but I'm not good with words and don't know exactly how to tell you what I feel.
Arizona: Just try and I will listen. Know that I love you so much.
Y/n: Maybe this will help a little. I have something for you.

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