Put on a smile

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Y/n: Our friends told me that. They were worried about you.
Arizona: Worried about what?
Y/n: They saw that you were not yourself lately and acted different.
Arizona: Y/n, use exact words please.
Y/n: I don't have more words, because that's what they told me. They thought you missed me and that it was the reason you were pushing them away.
Arizona: Nothing was going on. I'm fine.
Y/n: Please be honest with me. Why were you so cold towards them?
Arizona: I don't know honestly. 
Y/n: What would you say about movie night. Just us, popcorn and some cuddle time. Just enjoy each others company.
Arizona: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too. Oh and this is a cute little apartment.
Arizona: We have to look for something bigger for the two of us. I'm glad you are back if I'm honest.
Y/n: If I'm being honest, all I learned about myself and life the last few years is that I'm the happiest when I'm with you.
Arizona: Really?
Y/n: All I know is that I just wanna be with you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

Arizona cupped your face in her hands and kissed you passionately. You stayed like that fore some minutes, before pulling away and looking in each others eyes.

Arizona: And you, Y/n Sloan-Robbins are the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm sorry if I worried you.
Y/n: It's all okay. Hopefully Bailey will give me a job back at the hospital.
Arizona: Of course she will, she loves you and you are a great surgeon, no the best.
Y/n: Lets watch a movie. What do you say about 'Isn't it romantic'?
Arizona: A great choice, I will get some popcorn so we can start our movie night.

It's been a few months and you were now working as a fellow at the hospital, which is renamed; Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. Arizona and you were in a great place and today you will officially be functioning as the new board of the hospital together with Derek, Meredith, Cristina, Arizona and Jackson. You had to safe the hospital because they had to pay each of you 15 million dollars. So you all bought it with the help of the Fox foundation. You also bought a new apartment together with Arizona. Today you were starting a new journey with the hospital.

Y/n: So we haven't thought about a great re-opening?
Arizona: We forgot that part, but we can reveal the sign.
Jackson: I will pull off the canvas.
Derek: So that's it?
Jackson: I think sow. Go back to work I guess.
Arizona: Lets safe some Tiny Humans y/n.

A few days later
Arizona: So in a week it is our two year wedding anniversary.
Y/n: Two years of being married to the most amazing women.
Arizona: Two years married to you, my very best friend.
Y/n: So I will have that surgery before lunch. Will we have lunch together?
Arizona: Yes, I have a meeting before lunch with Jackson and the craniofacial surgeon, who will help us tomorrow. After lunch we have two consults.
Y/n: I will see you at lunch, I have to go. I love you Zona.

You kissed her cheek and went your own way.

Arizona: I love you too babe.

You were in surgery while Arizona just got to the hospital getting coffee before watching you perform the surgery.

Lauren: Uhm that's my coffee. I'm Lauren.
Arizona: Sorry?
Lauren: That's my name on the cup of coffee in your hands.
Arizona: I'm so sorry.
Lauren: It's okay, I will take your coffee, Arizona.
Arizona: I'm sorry that I took yours, I have to go, but thank you.
Lauren: It's all fine, it was nice meeting you Arizona.

After the surgery, Arizona was waiting for you outside of the OR. You walked out after scrubbing out and Arizona kissed your cheek.

Arizona: Hey you. Dr. Sloan, you did an amazing job in there.
Y/n: Thank you dr. Robbins. Ready for your meeting?
Arizona: Yes, I'm ready, Jackson would be there with the other doctor.
Y/n: I have to inform the parents, I will see you at lunch.
Arizona: Lunch it is. I love you.
Y/n: I love you too Arizona.
Arizona: Oh wait a second. I was thinking and I want to know something.
Y/n: Uhm okay. Ask what you want.
Arizona: As it is our anniversary next week, I want to go away. Just you and me spending quality time together on a holiday. So what do you say?

You stepped closer to her and gave her a sweet short peck on the lips.

Y/n: I say yes, of course I want that. I love you so much.
Arizona: Amazing, I will take care of it all. I have to go and look at the plan for my surgery.
Y/n: Good luck. I will see you for lunch.

You told the parents the good news and were now working on some charts. Arizona went to see her patient and have a talk with Jackson and Dr.Boswell.

Jackson: Hi dr. Robbins, meet dr. Boswell, the craniofacial surgeon, who will help us with the case.
Lauren: Hi Arizona.
Jackson: Wait, you two know each other?
Lauren: Yes, we go way back to the coffee car this morning.
Arizona: We briefly met when I accidentally took her coffee.
Lauren: Your coffee wasn't bad. I'm glad I get to spend more time with you and to get to know you better.
Arizona: I hope I get to learn from you.
Jackson: Yes, we really hope we can learn from you dr. Boswell.
Lauren: Lets have a look at the patient.
Arizona: Yes, do you have his latest scans and stats?
Jackson: They are here. Have a look at them, so we can make a plan together.

Later at lunch with Arizona and Carina
Arizona: Hey babe, do you want to share your food with me?
Y/n: Sure, I have a sandwich and pasta. What do you want?
Arizona: Please, can I have the sandwich? I will get a salad and smoothie aswel to share with you.
Y/n: Okay, sounds good. You seem very happy.
Arizona: It just feels like a really good day.
Y/n: Carina, I have to ask, but when will you marry Maya?
Carina: I don't know if we are ready for that.
Arizona: Ready for what? Here is your part of the salad.
Carina: To get married.
Arizona: That would be amazing. You two are together for so many years.
Y/n: Yes almost as long as we are, so around 5 years right?
Carina: In three months we will be 5 years together.
Lauren: That's a long time. I'm sorry I'm doctor Boswell, Lauren Boswell, nice to meet you.
Y/n: Hi nice to meet you, I'm dr. Sloan.
Carina: I'm dr. Deluca. You are helping Arizona and Jackson right?
Lauren: Yes, I will perform a surgery with them tomorrow.
Y/n: I'm sorry, I got paged 911 to the ER, I will see you later.
Arizona: See you later. You don't have to wait for me tonight. It will be a late one.

It was the end of the day and you were at home waiting for Arizona to come home. Arizona just ended her shift and were on her way to leave the hospital. Arizona walked in the elevator where dr. Boswell was leaning against the back.

Lauren: Hey, I hoped I would run into you again today.
Arizona: Are there any changes in the plans for our surgery?
Lauren: No, but have people told you that you have really pretty eyes? Are they Hazel or blue?
Arizona: I'm married. I'm happily married. You've seen her earlier today at lunch, dr. Sloan.
Lauren: Arizona...
Arizona: She is hot, magical and sweet. I'm married and very happy. I also have one leg.
Lauren: I know that.
Arizona: Huh?
Lauren: Do you know how many people are called Arizona Robbins on the internet? Just one. I will see you tomorrow.

The doors opened and Lauren got off the elevator. Arizona turned around and got cheeky smile on her face thinking of what just happened.

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