Time of our lives

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Arizona: That was absolutely beautiful y/n. Will you play more often for me please?
Y/n: Of course I will play more if you want. Did bubba like it?
Arizona: He did enjoy it very much as he is really calm right now.
Y/n: Lets get some sleep.
Arizona: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too.

You kissed Arizona sweetly before putting the guitar back and stepping back in bed next to Arizona. You wrapped an arm protectively around her belly and Arizona leaned her head a little backwards against your chest. With that you both slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.   

Y/n: I love you both so much and will always protect you.

It's been a few weeks and Arizona is going on maternity leave today. She just finished her shift and was now changing in the attending's lounge into her normal clothes.

April: It's almost time. These months went so fast.
Carina: I bet you are happy when he is finally here.
Arizona: I'm relieved that it's almost over. 35 weeks pregnant is a long time. I feel so big.
April: I get that. I was so tired all the time with Harriet inside of my belly.
Arizona: I'm just happy that it's almost over because I'm huge. I'm like a big balloon and don't feel beautiful at all anymore.
Y/n: Hey, don't talk like that. You are a beautiful big balloon. The prettiest balloon I've ever seen.
Arizona: I'm so ugly right now. I bet you don't find me sexy anymore and it will take ages to get back to who I was.
Y/n: You are not. You are so beautiful and during this pregnancy you got even more beautiful each day. You started glowing and it all made me fall in love with you more and more each day.
Arizona: You only say that because you want to make me feel better.
Y/n: No, I say that, because I mean it. I say it, because it's true.
Carina: She is right Arizona. Pregnant women are more beautiful than others.
April: You are stunning. Y/n is right, I'm jealous looking at you and seeing that you're so pretty.
Y/n: See they say that you're beautiful, so you have to believe it.
Arizona: It's just I don't feel sexy anymore and maybe my body will never look like how it was before. You will never look at me the same way probably.
Y/n: You know that the most beautiful part of you is what is underneath your skin.
April: That's so cute. I would love Jackson to say something like that to me.
Carina: We never know what the body will do, but y/n loves you no matter what.
Y/n: She is right. In my eyes you are always the prettiest women ever.

You pulled Arizona in for a loving kiss and when you unlocked lips you hugged her tight.

Arizona: I'm lucky and thank you all. Hopefully little peanut will be just like y/n, the kindest person ever.
Y/n: And will look like his mom, because then he will be so handsome.
April: Stop it both. I'm melting about the cuteness right now.
Y/n: Lets go home so we can have dinner.

It's a few weeks later and Arizona is 38 weeks pregnant. You were ready to go to the hospital to do a surgery on a 15 year old girl that broke 52 bones. She also had a subtrochanteric fracture, so you will work with Callie to try and safe her life.

Y/n: I have to go. Are you sure you can stay here on your own?
Arizona: I'm sure. I will be just fine. Nothing will happen. April is coming over later.
Y/n: If there's anything...
Arizona: I will call or text you. I know the drill, stop worrying so much.
Y/n: I will worry, that's my job as your wife. You are almost popping babe. This little man can be here any moment.
Arizona: But not today. Now go and rock this surgery with Callie, make me proud. Although I'm already so proud of my wife.
Y/n: I love you Zona. See you tonight.
Arizona: I love you too beautiful. I will miss you.

You kissed her cheek before walking to the door, looking back at her and blowing her an air kiss. You got to work and Arizona took a shower and got changed. She was waiting for April to come by and spend the day with her best friend.

Arizona's pov
Arizona: So tell me that again.
April: I already told you twice Arizona.
Arizona: Sorry, big baby brain.
April: No, this has nothing to do with the big baby brain.
Arizona: Okay, but are you sure? Have you talked to him?
April: No, I haven't talked to him. Harriët is now 3 years old. This is the right time I think.
Arizona: Talk to him April. Having another child is something big. You have to discuss that with Jackson.
April: I'm scared he doesn't want another baby and that he's happy about the way everything is right now.
Arizona: You will always be scared by not knowing his answer. Go and talk to him about this.
April: So tell me. Will this baby ever get another brother or sister?
Arizona: April, we are literally just getting our first child.
April: But be honest with me. Would you love to have more kids?
Arizona: At first, I never wanted kids at all. I don't know how this little man will be. There's something else and that's y/n. She never wanted kids aswel, so thinking about another child before the first one is born hasn't crossed my mind.
April: If you think about it, would you like to see the two of you with more kids.
Arizona: April, lets focus on this little man that will soon be running around. You want a second baby with Jackson, so you should think about that and talk to Jackson about it.
April: I will talk to him soon. I just wanted to know if you ever thought about more kids yourself.
Arizona: I think I never want to be pregnant again. The first few months were really hard and I didn't enjoyed it at all.
April: What if y/n gets pregnant?
Arizona: I would love to have a little y/n. That baby would be so cute.
April: So it is a possibility?
Arizona: I don't know, maybe. Things change fast. We never wanted kids and now we can expect a baby any moment.
April: I think you two will be such great moms. The love you share is undeniable.
Arizona: I hope all goes well. I can't wait to raise our little boy together.
April: So you already decided about a name?
Arizona: We have, but we have a second name in mind. We know we can give him the name when we see him. It needs to fit perfectly.
April: I understand, I can't wait to meet him.
Arizona: Uhm April, will you call Carina.
April: Why do you want to speak to Carina?
Arizona: And get in touch with y/n.
April: Again, why? You are scaring me Arizona.
Arizona: April, go and get your phone. My water just broke.
April: It really happened?
Arizona: Does it looks like I'm making a joke?
April: I'm calling Carina right now.
Arizona: Okay, hurry, because this hurts.

On the phone
Carina: Hey April, how are you?
April: Sorry Carina, we skip the social talk.
Carina: Uhm okay. What is it?
April: Arizona her waters just broke.
Carina: Uhm oh okay. Make sure she stays as calm as possible. Call 911 to bring her here with the ambulance.
April: I will. I need to get in touch with y/n.
Carina: April, just call 911. I will inform y/n. She's still in surgery.
April: Okay great. Bye Carina.

April ended the call and turned around to look at Arizona.

Arizona: So what will happen?
April: I'm calling 911 to bring you to Grey-Sloan.
Arizona: And y/n? I need my wife. I can't do this without my wife.
April: You have to stay calm Arizona. Carina will inform y/n.
Arizona: So y/n will be there with me?
April: Yes, she will. Don't worry about y/n, she will be there right on time. Now let me call 911.

Y/n's pov
Carina ran down the halls to the gallery of the OR you were in after April ended the call. She pushed the button for the intercom when she got to the gallery.

Y/n: Hey dr. Deluca, good to see you.
Carina: Good to see you too. How is the surgery going?
Y/n: Great, we will almost finish.
Carina: Great. Is there the possibility that someone else will take over from you? 

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