We are family

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Arizona: You are doing great babe. It will all be worth it.
Y/n: It hurts so much. Please tell me it's almost time.
Carina: I think with two big pushes it will be over and you can hold your little girl in your arms.
Arizona: We will meet our girl soon.
Y/n: Where is Timothy?
Arizona: Don't worry about him. He's with April and she will give him to my parents, when they arrive. I've texted them and they texted back that they were on their way.
Y/n: Why does this hurt so much?!?
Carina: Because it's the last minute.
Arizona: Are you okay?
Y/n: Do I look okay?!?
Carina: Wrong question. Come on and push!
Arizona: I can see her little head. You are almost there.
Y/n: This is the worst thing I've ever done. I could use a drink right now.
Carina: I will count to three and then you have to give one last big push.
Arizona: I will sit behind you. You can lean back when you push. We will do this together.
Carina: It's time. Push y/n! Push as hard as you can.
Y/n: Aaaaaah! Aaaaah! Is it over?!?
Carina: It's over, she is here. Arizona you can cut the cord.
Arizona: You did it. Our little miracle is here and she is beautiful.

Arizona kissed your forehead and then cut the cord. After she did that, Carina took the baby to exam her.

Y/n: Why don't I hear her crying?
Carina: Just give her a minute to adapt to her new surroundings.
Arizona: Can I have a look?
Carina: Let us check her over and will someone page Karev?
Y/n: Page Karev? Why? What is happening? Arizona?
Arizona: It will be fine. Alex will just help her breath. She is a little to early and her lungs need some help. It's normal, I promise.
Carina: Arizona is right. It's normal and I will check you. I see some bleeding and will stop that.
Y/n: I'm bleeding? Did I hurt our girl?
Carina: Y/n it will all be okay. This little blood is very common when babies are born a little early. You haven't hurt your girl at all.

The door opened after a minute and Alex walked in.

Alex: I was paged?
Carina: Please have a look at her. She hasn't cried yet and has a little trouble breathing.
Alex: Okay, it will be fine. She is beautiful, congratulations girls.
Arizona: Thank you Karev. How is she doing?
Alex: Give her a second.

Within a second the room was filled with the cries of your little girl.

Alex: She has very strong longs. Arizona, do you wanna hold her?
Arizona: Of course I want that.
Alex: Here she is. She all good and cleared. Again, congratulations with her.
Y/n: Thank you Alex.
Alex: Have some cuddles with her and rest a bit. I will see you all later.
Carina: Thank you Alex. So everything is fine and you are all okay, right?
Y/n: I'm feeling fine. Just exhausted.
Carina: I get that. I will come back later to check up on you. Congratulations with this precious little girl.

Carina left and you looked at Arizona, who was holding the new addition to your family. You started crying and couldn't stop it.

Arizona: Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?
Y/n: I'm just so happy seeing you with her in your arms and knowing we have the best big brother for her.
Arizona: Do you want to hold her?
Y/n: Of course I want to hold my little princes.
Arizona: She is beautiful, just like her mommy. You did great y/n, I'm so proud of you.
Y/n: She is so little, but she is so cute. Look at those little fingers.
Arizona: She is perfect. Do you want me to get Timothy?
Y/n: Can you wait a few more minutes?
Arizona: Sure, can I sit on the bed?
Y/n: I will move a bit so you can come lay next to me and princes to enjoy this moment together.
Arizona: I love you so much and I love you too little girl.
Y/n: I love you too Zona. You, Timothy and our second miracle.
Arizona: Do you know if we agree on the name?
Y/n: I think we have the perfect name, for this perfect little girl. I think we can get Timmy to meet his sister.
Arizona: I will get him and then we can tell her his sisters name.
Arizona went to find Timothy and brought him in, Arizona's parents following her.

Timothy: Is mommy okay?
Arizona: She is fine, but please be gentle with mommy. Do you want to sit on the bed?
Timothy: Can I cuddle mommy?
Y/n: Come here big man, I can use your best cuddles.
Daniel: How are you feeling?
Y/n: Just exhausted, but fine. Happy that it is over.
Barbara: How is our granddaughter?
Arizona: She is perfect, but sleeping at the moment. I will get her so you can hold her if you want.
Barbara: I would love to meet her. I think Timothy would love to see her aswel. He was asking if his sister was okay.
Timothy: Mama, me love sister.
Y/n: And she loves you already. She will have the best big brother.
Timothy: Me best brother. I love her.
Arizona: We love you too baby. You and your sister mean the world to us.
Y/n: The family Sloan-Robbins.
Daniel: She is so tiny, but so beautiful.
Timothy: Sister cute.
Arizona: She is Timothy. Would you like to hold your sister together with mommy?
Timothy: I'm strong.
Y/n: We know. You can hold her, but I will support you.
Barbara: This is so wonderful. Here, you can hold her Timmy.
Timothy: Me big brother. Happy!
Arizona: My perfect little family.
Daniel: So do you already have a name?
Y/n: Yes, we have. We have a perfect name, for our perfect little miracle.
Arizona: So Timothy, you don't have to say sister to her all the time.
Y/n: You can say her name and her name is Rosey.
Arizona: Mom, dad, meet Rosey Alexandra Sloan-Robbins.
Barbara: It's a very beautiful name.
Daniel: Where did you picked it from?
Y/n: Actually it's from a movie.
Arizona: The first time I stayed over at y/n's place we watched the Titanic together. It was like our first date.
Y/n: Back then it wasn't our first official date, but looking back at it, it sort of feels like that.
Barbara: So you named her after Rose?
Arizona: Yes, we thought that it was cute.
Daniel: It's cute, but a little weird if I'm being honest.
Arizona: But we are a little weird, so it fits perfect.
Timothy: Me a big brother? I love sister.
Y/n: I think she loves you too big man.
Timothy: Hi Wosey, me Timothy. I love you.
Arizona: Look at him, he's so sweet and caring. I've never been so happy in my life. Having my beautiful wife, son and daughter here with me. One thing is that we need to work on R of Rosey with Timothy.
Y/n: And we love you too babe.

Arizona sweetly kissed your lips and Timothy's head, before getting into bed next to you. You stayed like this for quiet some time together as a family of four.

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