I'll be there for you

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Lexie: How is she?
Mark: She is still not awake. I'm scared that I will lose her.
Lexie: She is strong Mark. She will pull trough.
Mark: Do you really think that?
Lexie: I do. It's y/n, she is like supergirl. Stay positive Mark.
Mark: Thank you for being here for me and y/n every day.
Lexie: Of course. I still care about you and I love y/n. She became a sister to me.
Mark: Three weeks Lexie. She got shot three weeks ago. What if she doesn't wake up?
Lexie: Lets not think about that right now.

They stayed there for some time when there was a knock on the door and Amelia walked in.

Amelia: Sorry guys, I have to do some checks.
Mark: That's fine Amelia. Go and do your job.
Amelia: So there are no changes at all. Mark we need to discuss something together.
Mark: She wrote downs when she wants to stop the life support, hasn't she?
Amelia: She has. She wants to stop it all if there are no changes in 4 weeks time.
Mark: Do you think she will wake up? What do you think?
Amelia: It's really hard to say. Lets hope she wakes up soon. Lets hope for a miracle.

In some time Mark and Lexie went back to work. It was now the end of the day when Carina came by your room with Maya to see you.

Carina: Hey y/n.
Maya: Why aren't you awake? We all miss you so much.
Carina: Do you know what's funny?
Maya: What is it?
Carina: The first time I met y/n I was trying really hard to get her to sleep with me.
Maya: What? You're joking right?
Carina: She was at the bar and I was giving my best flirting tricks. There was just something about her.
Maya: I guess it didn't worked?
Carina: Nope. She was not interested in anyone at that moment.
Maya: Only Arizona had succes with her. They belong together, it's the way they look at each other.
Carina: Arizona is very lucky and she didn't needed to work hard for it. Arizona and y/n got together so easily, they fitted well together from the first second. That's when I knew I had found my one.
Maya: I miss them so much. Y/n, if you hear us. Please don't give up and fight. Please wake up soon, we need you around.

The next week
Jo: She looks like she is just asleep.
Stephanie: I know. Tomorrow they will unplug her if she doesn't wake up.
Jo: It's so unfair. She is so sweet, kind and has her heart in the right place.
Stephanie: Besides the person she is, she is a great surgeon.
Jo: She is the best. Y/n will definitely be chief resident. We just started as senior residents and look at her. This isn't supposed to happen.
Stephanie: It's so unfair. Having y/n around made so many things better. She is an amazing friend.
Jo: She is and she was always there for us. It didn't matter what was going on, she helped us.
Stephanie: I got paged, you too?
Jo: Yes. Y/n, please wake up, we all miss you so much. We need you.
Stephanie: We have to go to work. If you hear us, please wake up. We love you.

It's been a day and it's almost midnight. Almost everyone gathered around your room waiting for the moment they unplug you or the moment you would hopefully wake up.

Mark: I can't do this. She is my little sister. She is everything I have left. I have no one else.
Lexie: We are all here for you and are here for each other.
Amelia: I don't want to do this. She is my best friend.
Mark: We have 30 minutes left.
Amelia: We have to hope for a miracle. We are all here and she feels that, believe me.
Lexie: She needs to wake up.

It's almost time and you feel the support and live from everyone. It felt like you were in a deep sleep. You were dreaming about all the great memories and about Arizona when you felt yourself getting sleepier.

Amelia: It's time. We have one minute left.
Mark: I can't be here. She means the world to me. I love her so much.
Amelia: We all love her deeply, but it's what she wants.
Lexie: We will be there for you Mark.
Amelia: I will stop the life support. I will turn off everything so you won't hear any beeping.
Mark: Can I say goodbye before you turn it off?
Amelia: Of course you can. We will give you a minute alone.
Mark: Hey sis, Never thought I'd lose you, but here I am, standing alone. Without you by my side. We're siblings for life, we promised to always love each other. But now you're gone, I don't know what to do. Without you, I'm going crazy. I'm trying to hold on, to keep strong, but it just doesn't feel right. I'm waiting here, my arms wide open, tears running down my face, ready for your return. Even if it takes forever. I don't want to live without you y/n, but I will let you at some point and make you proud. But please don't leave.

Mark cried with his head in his hands and Amelia walked back into the room.

Amelia: Are you ready?
Mark: No, but it's okay.
Amelia: It can take some time, but it can be very fast.
Mark: I know Amelia. I never thought she would go first.
Amelia: We all wished she was here with us. It's no fun at all. It's time.

Just before Amelia was going to turn off the life support Arizona ran into the room.

Arizona: Please wait.
Mark: What are you doing here?
Arizona: I'm here for y/n.
Mark: After all this time, you decided to show up?!? Get out!
Arizona: Please can I have just one minute?
Mark: No, you can kiss my ass. You abandoned her Arizona. You already left her! You gave up on my sister!
Amelia: Give her a minute, Mark. One minute and then you have to leave Arizona.
Arizona: Thank you.
Mark: I hate you for what you did!

Mark and Amelia left the room to give Arizona a minute to see her final goodbye.

Arizona: Y/n, I'm so sorry. There are no words to describe how sorry I am. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you gave me, you made me so happy. I love you so much y/n Sloan. I don't want to lose you. I'm so sorry for leaving you. I just couldn't see you like this. I'm fine now, but at the same time I'm not, because you're not here with me. You are my one, my only love.

Arizona kissed the top of your head while tears were streaming down her face.

Arizona: I will always love you. You will always be the love of my life.
Amelia: We have to get her of the support.
Arizona: Goodbye, I will never forget you.
Mark: You better leave and never come back. I don't want to see your face ever again.
Arizona: I couldn't see her like this after I survived. It feels like this is all my fault. This isn't supposed to happen. She saved me, but gave her own life for it.
Mark: You should've been here with her. Maybe we would have been in a different situation, but you only thought about yourself!
Amelia: Stop it, both of you. This is not the time.
Mark: But she disappeared.
Amelia: All of us handled it on our own way. There is no right or wrong in that. Just be there for each other, because we will all go through a rough time.
Arizona: I didn't knew what to do okay. So I ran away. I was so scared to lose her.
Mark: I'm scared too. All the time I was scared to lose my sister, but I stayed and was there with her.
Arizona: And I wasn't here, but there wasn't a second where I wasn't thinking about her. I cried myself to sleep every time and wore her sweaters every day to keep her close with me.
Mark: I get that you needed time, but she needed you here. You never came to visit her!
Arizona: I was here the first moment I had the chance. I stayed with her that night. When I woke up I got the feeling of guilt. I was alive and all cleared, but she was still laying here in this bed.
Mark: You have visited her?
Arizona: I have and it broke my heart when I saw her like this.
Mark: I'm sorry. I never knew that. I didn't realize how this is for you.
Arizona: Mark, she is the one for me. I love her so much. I wanted to marry her.
Mark: Really?
Arizona: I wanted to ask you for your approval and I was thinking about asking her on Christmas Eve.
Mark: I'm really sorry for how I just reacted. Do you want 5 more minutes with her? Amelia, is that okay?
Amelia: That's fine. Maybe you will provide for a miracle.
Arizona: I'm good, I don't need more time. I only want to kiss her one more time.

She leaned over you and kissed you on the lips like prince charming did with Snowwhite.

Arizona: I will always love you and never forget you y/n Sloan.
Mark: She loved you too. She really was in love with you Arizona. You were the first girl where she spoke about the both of you getting old together.
Amelia: We have to let her go, I'm so sorry. It's time.
Arizona: We both got shot and now I'm here and she isn't. It's unfair and it's not how it's supposed to be.
Mark: Sometimes in life we are lucky and sometimes we are not.
Arizona: I guess so.
Amelia: Do you both want to stay in this room?
Arizona: I would love that.
Mark: We will stay with her, so she isn't alone.
Amelia: I have turned it all off. We will all stay outside the room. We are here for you.

Amelia left the room and you could feel Arizona holding your hand and Mark holding your other hand. You felt Arizona's tear falling on your hand when it felt like you could feel a warmth and saw a bright light.

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