His Last Smile

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So uh. I hate school.  The kids suck. Angst. Yeah 👍

Aether wouldn't let go of his children, hugging them both in his arms. One was four and the other was only a couple months old. They were both asleep. Aether smiled, and this time it was genuine. Aether, the overworking Prince of Celestia, gave a genuine smile to his kids.

"Their little faces brings me joy."

What joy did he get from looking at them sleep? Xiao always wondered what Aether thought about every day, but this is far beyond what he thought of. Aether laughed as he saw his lover's face.

"You're so funny Xiao. They bring me joy because I see you in them. We made them together, didn't we?"-Aether

Xiao was confused if this was a compliment or not. Aether set Apollo and Aria beside him and cupped his lover's cheeks.

"You are a wonder Xiao. Promise me that you'll never shut anyone out if I die."-Aether

"Why are you asking me this?"-Xiao

"You refused to get out of your bed once your mother passed. It took you a month to realize that grieving in one spot is not healthy. So I am asking this question. Promise me that you'll never shut anyone out if I die."-Aether

The raven held out his pinky and smiled. Aether wrapped his pinky finger around and smiled as well. He gave his biggest smile to his lover.

That was the last smile Xiao saw from his lover. He died the next week. He threw up blood and fell to the ground bleeding from his mouth. He couldn't move at all.

"Stay longer...with me." Aether's long blond hair was covered in blood. Xiao was holding back tears. They were in the middle of a echoey hallway after all. He wanted this moment to himself.

"You left two kids, who are peacefully sleeping not knowing their mother is dying and won't let anyone help them."-Xiao

"I lived too long."-Aether

"One of them won't even remember you! Aether, are you hearing yourself?! Just let me get you help!"-Xiao

"I don't think I'll...make it."-Aether

Xiao grabbed Aether's arm and wrapped it around his neck for him to stand up. He was already getting light and cold.

"Aether's almost dead! Please!"-Xiao

"Lay him down! I'll try to help him as best as I can!"-Lumine

Lumine tried everything. She cleaned the blood out of her brother's hair and mouth. She then tried everything she knew about cures for the internal body on her brother. He didn't make it.

Xiao gave up. He cried in anguish for his lover. He died while his children were sleeping. They never got to say goodbye.

Aether laid in a coffin with Inteyvats beside him. Aria clung close to her father, not knowing what was going on. She didn't know what happened after she went to bed. And why wasn't Apollo here? Why weren't they home? Who is Yue?

"Yue. That's a name I haven't heard in a while."-Lumine

"Why is Mama there? Where is Mama going?"-Aria

"Mama is going on a big adventure somewhere. And he's going to bring you and Apollo back a gift."-Xiao

Xiao couldn't break her heart. Especially when she's so young. He left her and a newborn in his care. The raven squeezed his daughter's hand in guilt. If he just got help sooner, if he just got someone to identify his sickness. Then someone could've got him medicine.

"Papa, why are you crying?"-Aria

"I don't want Mama to leave."-Xiao

"But Mama needs to go."-Aria

"Promise me that you'll never forget your mother. Tell Apollo all the stories about Mama that you know."-Xiao

"Okay!" Aria's smile made his day better. She didn't understood why her mother was being buried and sleeping underground, but she promised her father to never forget her mother.

Xiao hopes for the best in Aria and Apollo's future. They hope none of them end up like their grandfather, rude and disrespectful. Surely not like his father, always talking about the past.

687 words

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