A Vampire's Lust

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I sorta forgot who requested something and I feel bad 😞.

Have this Vampire AU thing but it's a bit smutty, yes smut. SMUT. SMU-

Aether was home cooking some soup and tofu for dinner. He needed to pass the time away. The blond then heard the door open as he let the ingredients sizzle in the pot. He didn't think too much about the person coming in since many have the key to his house and come and go as they please. He's used to the door opening at this hour.

A raven then set his chin onto Aether's shoulder, startling the blond.

"Oh Xiao. You're home early. Did they let you leave early for something?"-Aether

The raven did not respond. He just laid on his shoulder staring at the soup with a blank expression. It looked red to him. Like it was a pool of blood he needed to taste.

"Xiao? Xiao, you're worrying me. What's wrong? Are you hungry? Food will be ready in a couple of minutes. ACK!"-Aether

The blond was suddenly pinned to the floor. Xiao licked a bit of the surface of the skin before he bit into the blond's neck. Aether screamed a bit before he started moaning softly. This hurt, but felt good almost instantly. What was this feeling? It felt like heaven, but hell at the same time.

"Hah~ S-Stop it, it hurts-HGH~!"-Aether

"Xiao, s-stop. STOP!" Now it was starting to hurt. Xiao's eyes widen. He stopped biting and looked at the amount of blood he took.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"-Xiao

"It's fine. I'm okay. It just hurts a bit. Ahh..."-Aether

Xiao cupped the blond's cheeks as he remembered the food on the stove. It could've been burnt by now.

"Phew. It's not burnt. Hold on. Let me treat you first before you move." Aether didn't listen and tried to stand up. He made it all the way to the sofa before passing out. The blond left a blood trail with him.

"Aether? Oh there you are. You tried to move? Please stay there, I'll go get you something."-Xiao

Xiao ran towards the medicine cabinet for some bandages and pain killers. Shit, they were out. He'll make use of cotton balls then.

Meanwhile, Aether was breathing heavily. He was still thinking about what happened. It felt like his lover turned into some sort of beast. And that it felt good. Strange.

"I'm sorry again Aether. I just couldn't control it anymore."-Xiao

"It's...fine. I can...always give you some...of my blood. In your lunch. Just bags."-Aether

"But won't your hurt yourself every day giving blood bags to me?"-Xiao

"I'll be fine. Yeah, I'll be fine."-Aether

Xiao could only sigh and stroke his hair. Nothing was going to stop that ambitious side of him. Once he's focused on something, he'll be so determined that he'll forget to sleep.

Once he finished clotting the blood, he served him and Aether some food. It was a bit cold, but it was something. At least they had food.

"Xiao. I hope that next time, I'll be ready. That I won't react the way I did."-Aether

"I didn't even really pay attention to your expressions. Now I wish I did."-Xiao

Aether could only stuff his face in his lover's shirt out of embarrassment. Xiao was confused, but laughed anyways.

Sleep time. 578 words

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