Comfort After Wounds

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I present yet another Mpreg oneshot of Aria in Aether's belly and Xiao being a meanie yet caring. Also that one head canon about the twins having reflexes

Royal AU

"You're staying here."-Xiao


"You ate all the fucking food. Even the pickle juice from the jars with the pickle. The chefs need to go buy more. So survive off of pastries."-Xiao

"But food. For me and the baby."-Aether

"You have too many cravings. You even asked for cake with bacon bits on top of it. I'm generally concerned for the baby's taste buds."-Xiao

"Mmmm. Xiaooo whyyy?"-Aether

Xiao flicked Aether on his forehead to wake up his lover. Aether just woke up almost five minutes ago. He tried to bite the finger and succeeded. Xiao hissed in pain. His teeth were sharp on his finger.

"Hehe." Aether kissed him on the cheek. He then sat up while Xiao sighed.

"Turn around. You idiot, trying to hide cuts from me again."-Xiao

"I wasn't! I really didn't even notice they were there. Ohhh, it's from that short 10 year old harbinger that cut my wing scars open. Is it that bad?"-Aether

"It's almost dried and purple. Looked like he sucked on it with his mouth and gave you a large hickey twice. And he did. The mark is still there. God I hate the Fatui so much."-Xiao

"Just patch it up already. It's going to hurt worse because I didn't treat it beforehand."-Aether

He tensed up as Xiao got the med kit with alcohol and cotton balls. One dab of the cotton dipped ball made him tear up. Xiao offered him a pillow to hug and cry in.

" hurts."-Aether

"It's supposed to. It's our fault we didn't notice it earlier. I forgot that you are more sensitive to things in this state."-Xiao

"OW! XIAO!"-Aether

"I have to wipe the blood off the cut too!"-Xiao

No matter how much he complained, Xiao still finished cleaning up the wounds. Aether tried to hold in any sobs and food cravings until the pain went away. The raven laid down while pulling down his lover and started stroking his back scars in circles. He knew the blond loved it whenever he was stressed enough to the point of collapsing.

"Breathe in Aether. Breathe out. Let the pain go away for now. It's okay. I'm here. The baby is fine. You're safe in my arms."-Xiao

Aether soon melted into Xiao's arms and was relieved of the soft words. But the pain just wouldn't leave him alone. The blond twisted and turned at every moment, feeling nothing but pain. Xiao kissed him on the stomach and shushed him to sleep.

"Mmm. Nehhh...." Aether fell asleep after a glass of warm milk.

"Sweet dreams little boy." He got a slap from the blond. "Oww. That hurt Aether" And yet he was astonished at his strength while sleeping. He probably shouldn't be doing that, it's Aether he's talking about.

"I love you. You're so adorable." Xiao got a kick for trying to wake him up with a kiss. He just chuckled at the failed attempt.

I made up for the sad one yayayay

542 words

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