Xiao's Nightmare

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So I realized I haven't given enough trauma to Xiao in the Royal AU


Royal AU

"Stay with me. Please."-Xiao

They were in the middle of war with the Tsaritsa and her Fatui forces. Aether came up with a strategy that would slow them down, but not killing them. It would be so painful that whoever got it wanted to die. After he lead everyone through the war, the blond was assassinated from behind upon reaching back to camp to rest. They killed him in his bed. Xiao tried everything to keep him alive for the moment.

"Keep Aria and Apollo safe." Was all that came from Aether's mouth. He never spoke again.


"Wake up! Wake up! Xiao?"-Aether

It was a dream. Only a dream. It wasn't real. He could hear Apollo crying because he was scared of the noise. Aria was sleeping on her mother's arms while he looked worried.

"Xiao? What's wrong? You were crying and yelling in your sleep. Oh Apollo, calm down for me please."-Aether

Aether sang the little boy a lullaby to calm him down. The song put the raven at ease.

"Your singing is the reason why I'm still here. Plus that bard that saved me and my siblings."-Xiao

"Heh. Thank Barbatos for that. Why were you crying? What happened in your dream?"-Aether

"You...We we're in the middle of war. You were shot with a dendro arrow and told me to keep Aria and Apollo safe as I was carrying you back to camp. That's all you told me."-Xiao

Aether's soft eyes looked outside of the window. It was sunrise, so the orange mixed in with the yellow and red as the sun rose up to greet everyone. He sighed and gave his lover a hug.

"You've been so worried of loosing someone else that you dream about your mother carrying you in her arms. I'm not going anywhere. Until you die in my arms."-Aether

"Aether..." Xiao sobbed as his lover heard all of them fall out of his mouth like misheard words. All jumbled and full of bottled up emotions that wants to be drank away by alcohol or some wine. It was fine to let them out for a while, but are they all the emotions he has kept over the years? Or did erosion already hit?

404 words


I'm actually starting to feel bad that I like Xiao x Aether ☹️

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