57 ~ Boston

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I can't believe I met Scarlett Johansson and had her in my house and made her dinner. Lizzie says she likes me so I'm freaking out a little bit.

I'm also really excited because it's Monday morning and we are on our way to see Aiden and Mia. Charlie too of course. I guess we are seeing my sister and Derek too but the kids are more important. Not sorry Marie.

Lizzie is driving us from the airport so I get to play with her fingers and sing to her to annoy her. She's smiling though so I think I'm failing. "I'm trying to annoy you...be annoyed." I request.

"Baby, you're being adorable. You don't annoy me ever." She responds softly, looking over briefly to look into my eyes. The moment was a second long but it felt like hours. I could look into her eyes for the rest of my life and be perfectly content.

"What about now?" I ask and squeeze right above her knee.

"Y/N! I'm driving!" She scolds and slaps my hand away. I grin and rest my temple on my headrest so I can watch her, a soft smile on my lips I can't hold back.

I softly slide my hand over hers that is now resting on my thigh and bring it up to kiss each of her knuckles.

This is surreal. I never thought I would be with her like this again. I thought I'd spend the rest of my life watching from afar as she lives a happy life without me. A part of me still thinks this won't last. I know I told her that we can't give anyone or anything power over us and scare us into thinking something will ruin us, but my brain has other plans.

I overthink constantly and I try to tell her when I'm worried, but all she has to do is smile and my mind is blank.

I still have commitment issues, I'm still anxious about being in a relationship again after so many years actively protecting my heart by avoiding. I trust her I do...but I also know that life has its own ideas. I've lost so much, I'm just scared to lose even more.

"Otter? You okay?" She asks and I blink before looking around. Oh we're here.

"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking. Let's go see the kids!" I throw my door open and practically run into the house.

"Auntie, you're loud." Aiden greets as I kick off my shoes.

"Hi Aid, I missed you so much! Where's your sister?" I ask as I gesture for a hug that he runs into. I ruffle his hair as he giggles and squeeze him tighter.

"She's upstairs." He informs me and looks up before diverting his attention. "Hi Auntie Lizard." He greets and I smile as I stand.

"Hey there alligator." She greets, her lovely smile on display as she hugs the little guy with so much warmth. She's so beautiful.

"I'm going to show you my new action figure." He decides and grabs onto Lizzie's thumb to bring her into the play room where Charlie is already building with kid legos. I watch with a smile before grabbing our suitcase and bringing it down the hall to the guest room.

I look around the room and smile as the memories flood back of Lizzie being here when I needed her most. Lizzie was here despite my stubbornness, kissing me again after so long in the bed sat in front of me. Now we're finally together again, ready to show the world who we are without fear. No one is stopping us and it feels amazing.

I take a deep breath and head upstairs to see my little Mia. When I open her bedroom door she's laying on her bed listening to music. She looks over to me and offers a small smile. I offer a sad smile and join her on the bed, her body turning to cuddle into my side instantly.

"I'm here bug." I whisper and kiss the top of her head.

"I miss them." She sighs and I nod.

"Me too." I share.

(Ten Years) ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now