39 ~ Official Pt. 2

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Lizzie POV

I'm a little nervous about this date I have planned. I'm nervous that it won't be as special as I want it to be. Y/N deserves an amazing, special date and I really hope she likes it.

"Hey you good over there?" She asks, reaching over to rest her hand on my thigh.

"Mhm, yup." I reply quickly, biting my lip softly.

"You look nervous...don't be nervous." She states gently, squeezing softly.

"You cured me. I'm not nervous anymore." I reply sarcastically and she laughs, making me smile.

"Why are you nervous?" She asks and I look over to see her soft gaze on me making me blush before looking back at the road.

"I just want this to go well and I think maybe it's too simple and needs to be a better date." I explain with a sigh.

"Lizzie, we could be doing nothing and I'd still think it was an amazing date. Spending time with you always makes me happy. I'm sure I'll love it." She assures me and I take a deep breath.

"You're sweet. Thank you." I reply and continue to take deeper breaths until my racing heart calms down.

I pull into the car park soon after and she perks up to see where we are.

"Temescal Canyon Park?" She asks, looking over to me with curious eyes.

"I um. I like to go hiking here. There's a 360 degree view of the city and it's nice when I need to clear my mind." I explain.

"We are going for a hike?" She asks, looking down at her jeans and white t-shirt, a simple white crew neck in her lap, and all white converse on her feet.

"No, I um. There's something else planned. Come on." I prompt and we both get out. When she meets me in front of the car I slide my fingers into hers and we both look down with smiles at how perfect our hands look and feel together.

She leans over and kisses the top of my head before twisting around, swinging her free arm as she waits for me to guide her to my surprise. I giggle as I start our walk to one of the green patches of grass, using the setting sun as a guide. Thankfully there are flashlights already waiting for us for later.

When she sees it, she gasps and looks over to me with glassy eyes. "You didn't." She whispers and I nod.

"I did. I thought...we are starting this new chapter, why not remind ourselves of where we came from?" I explain as the candlelit picnic blanket gets closer and closer. There's a guitar case in one corner, snacks in a basket and of course candles placed around the blanket. A bouquet of sunflowers sits in another corner of the blanket.

"How did you do this? I mean...I was with you all day!" She asks breathlessly as we step onto the blanket.

"That's for me to know and for you never to find out." I tease but she doesn't even seem to mind as she continues to take in the setting. Okay, maybe I was overthinking a little bit.

"I love it. Thank you." She finally meets my eyes and leans forward to peck my lips simply. I don't know why it surprises me and I watch the corner of her lip quirk up in amusement.

"I brought some snacks and my guitar...so if you felt like serenading me you could." I allude to and she smiles.

"I always love serenading you." She reveals and reaches over to take my hand in hers, lifting it to kiss my palm before guiding my hand to rest on her cheek. Fuck she's adorable.

She notices some hikers and families in the area and I watch her eyes turn from playful to anxious. Why is she nervous? "Bug? What's wrong?"

"Um, nothing. I just...I had a moment where I kind of freaked out about us being in public but then I remembered that we don't have to hide from anything." She explains, the varying emotions I still see in her eyes settling on relief.

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