22 ~ To Build a Home

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Since I slept all day yesterday we didn't get to figure out the custody stuff. So I'm waiting for Marie to get back from dropping Aiden off at school.

I'm sitting with Lizzie at the kitchen counter trying to figure out how to do this. I think we have to file a petition of some sort to change guardianship. I should call the social worker though because I'm not even sure if everything is set in stone yet. We never went to court or anything. I was given children and signed some papers.

"What does it say?" Lizzie asks.

"Something about a petition to the court and guardianship. I think Marie has to file a petition for guardianship and then a judge has to hear from us why and then yeah. So it might take about a month." I skim through.

"But here it says my guardianship is only temporary until a court decides. It expires." I continue to read.

"So, maybe we can call the social worker and figure it out with her?" Derek butts in as he enters the room.

"Yeah." I agree and take out my phone. I talk to her for a while and make sure she knows that Marie and Derek are here and ready to take over custody and guardianship. Apparently there is a difference. This is exactly why I cannot do this. I don't even know what these words mean.

She tells me that we can have an emergency hearing and will let us know when we get a court date. She sends me the papers that we need to fill out and then tells me to give her a call if I have any questions.

Marie comes back and I fill her in on everything. It probably won't be until after the funeral obviously since it's tomorrow. Fuck the funeral is tomorrow.

"I um, I gotta practice." I realize and Lizzie nods, getting up with me. Is she following me around?

I sit down at the piano bench and she awkwardly hovers when she realizes she followed me.

"Would you like to sit?" I offer and she nods, sitting carefully next to me.

I take a few deep breaths before starting to play, a smile settling on my lips when I realize it wasn't so hard. I start to play the song and go through the piano part first before even attempting to sing. Lizzie sits next to me and watches carefully.

I smile when she starts playing the chords on lower notes. She's a quick learner and I'm not even trying to teach her.

It's a pretty slow song but it's so pretty. I can't help but think about why Aiden picked it. It's obviously a song that he knows but I wonder if there is any special significance to the song for the family.

I finish playing and remove my fingers, cracking them as anxiety rises through my body for no particular reason.

"You okay?" Lizzie whispers and I nod.

"Yeah. Just a lot of thoughts." I explain loosely and she nods.

"Play it again?" She requests.

"Yeah, I gotta practice singing too." I mutter as I set my fingers on the keys again. I start playing and take a deep breath before closing my eyes, the words leaving my lips patiently.

There is a house built out of stone
Wooden floors, walls and window sills
Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home

I think about building a family and how the house is only part of the feeling of belonging. Home doesn't have to be wooden floors and window sills. Home can be a feeling. It's where you don't feel alone.

(Ten Years) ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now