25 ~ Sad Corny Fuck

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Lizzie POV

The ceremony at the cemetery concluded with the caskets being lowered, and each person throwing a deep red rose into each grave. It was...overwhelming and beautiful at the same time.

I didn't think this is how Y/N and I would meet again. I wasn't even sure if I would see her again. A part of me feels like maybe we were meant to find each other now so I could be here for her.

When we get back to the car, I put the address into the car's GPS and peek over to Y/N. Even full of sorrow, she looks so beautiful. 

Her cheeks are more defined, along with her jaw line. Her bright eyes are a little dim today but still alluring. Her long eyelashes are distracting and her full lips keep getting my attention. She's just...breathtaking. She always was but now it's just...wow.

"Why are you looking at me?" She asks, her eyes timid.

"Um, sorry I just. You're just pretty." I spit out without thinking and blush when her lips curl into a small grin.

"The line is moving." She points out and I look back at the cars in front of us, now on their way to the reception.

I focus on the world in front of me to make sure we get there safely, low music playing from my phone. She hums when a song starts to play and reaches to turn it up. "This is my song." She points out and I smile.

"It is...I think I have all your music saved on my phone. I'm proud of you." I offer as she sings quietly to herself.

"Thank you." She offers before continuing to sing. I listen closely to her gentle harmonies.

Are you on this side of town?
Could you be beside me right now?
You could ask me that anywhere, I'd say, "Be there soon"
Love don't get better than you

I recall the feeling of wanting to be with her all the time in college. I remember thinking that if she asked me to come over in all of these years, I still would have.

I stood for a breath at your door
Just to let it sink in a bit more
However you held me that night, I just knew
Love don't get better than you

We spent so many nights holding each other, young and in love and I don't think I've felt the same for anyone else.

And I still don't know what you've done to me
I'm just a sad corny fuck suddenly
I still don't know what you've done to me

She made me a sad corny fuck. I think of all the cliches and romantic shit I want to do with her or for her. What did she do to me?

I was naive in your arms
I was naive from the start
I felt it back then, can't you tell I still do?
Love don't get better than you

Our young love was naive. We didn't know what life had in store for us and we ended up leaving each other behind. Does she still feel the same though? I know I do. I knew the second I saw her again.

And I know I held on for too long
Somehow that never felt wrong
But now that you're gone, I'm just scared it's still true
Love don't get better than you

Did we hold on too long? It never felt like we did, we actually chose to say see you later before anything could get worse.

And I still don't know what you've done to me
I'm just a sad corny fuck suddenly
I still don't know what you've done to me

I don't know what she does to me. I don't know what it is about her. All I know is that my heart still beats for her. It's been a week of spending time together, two since the award show, and my entire world has changed.

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