21 ~ Sunflower Fields

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I sit in the lounge at the piano as I wait for Marie to come back with Aiden. Mia and Hailee are still doing whatever the fuck outside. Derek is putting Charlie down for his nap. Lizzie is taking a shower and Pam is probably working. Nope just kidding, she's sitting on the couch staring at me.

"What?" I ask and she shrugs.

"You gonna play something?" She prompts and I shrug back.

I slide my fingers over the ivory keys and will myself to play anything but I'm struggling.

"Do you know the chords?" She asks and I shoot her an annoyed look.

"Of course I know the chords...I just. I don't know." I sigh and grumble to myself.

"Musician block?" She asks.

"Don't say it out loud! Now all I will think about is not being able to play or sing or write." I complain and she smirks.

"You're so dramatic." She teases.

"You're being mean." I whine.

"You're being a baby." She shoots back.

The front door flies open and a little body comes running into the room, Aiden's little frown taking my attention. "Auntie! You didn't tell me you weren't coming to get me. Why didn't you tell me Auntie Marie was going to pick me up? You didn't tell me and it messed up everything!" He communicates clearly and I smile sheepishly. I fucked up.

"I'm sorry, bud. I didn't know she was going to. It wasn't planned, she just decided to go get you herself." I try to explain.

"You have to plan it! You have to. I like plans and I don't like not knowing the plans." He explains and I sigh.

"I know, Aid. I'm so sorry. Do you want to come play with me?" I ask and watch as he takes a few deep breaths.

"You messed up my routine." He blames me again and I allow it even if I wasn't even the one to do anything. I should have known better though and went with Marie. I notice Marie in the doorway also looking guilty and I shoot her a look to not worry about it. He will be okay.

"I'm sorry Aiden." I say again and he sighs, throws his bag on the floor and decides to sit next to me at the piano.

His little fingers start to play random notes that he thinks of and it makes me smile. Music is so easy for him, it's like he was born to play.

I take out my phone and start to record a voice note. There have been times where I used some of his little melodies in songs before and he absolutely loves it.

His random melodies start to sound more familiar as he starts to play idontwannabeyouanymore. "Sing Auntie." He requests and I sigh. I can't say no to him. I'm surprised he even knows this song.

It's such a random one for him to play but I do what he asks.

Don't be that way
Fall apart twice a day
I just wish you could feel what you say
Show, never tell
But I know you too well
Got a mood that you wish you could sell

If teardrops could be bottled
There'd be swimming pools filled by models
Told "a tight dress is what makes you a
If "I love you" was a promise
Would you break it, if you're honest?
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
I don't wanna be you, anymore

He stops playing and rubs at his thigh. "Okay I feel better. Bye." He decides and gets up, grabbing his bag to go up to his room. I smile as I watch him and give Pam a playful frown when I notice she's still watching me.

(Ten Years) ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now