14 ~ Stars

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Pam decides to take the couch in the basement now that Hailee is here and I feel kind of bad. She assures me it's okay though and makes her way downstairs once the kids are asleep.

Tomorrow is Monday. Which means I have to bring Aiden to school. Mia is not going to be going but Aiden is very adamant about his routine so he is. He's excited to get into his routine but I'm worried about him going back too soon.

Mia thinks he would be more upset if I keep him out of school though. So I make sure to write his teachers a letter letting them know what's going on and to try to stay completely true to his routine. I slip it in his backpack and step out onto the porch while Hailee showers.

"Fancy meeting you here." A voice startles me but I relax when I see Lizzie with a mug in her hands.

"Hey. This is your spot huh?" I comment and she shrugs.

"How was your day?" She asks like she didn't see me all day.

"I mean...fine I guess. We got a lot done. Tomorrow I gotta call Linda and make sure Aiden is good at school. Marie should be coming on Tuesday. I uh...I still gotta go through Bradley's briefcase. I've been avoiding it. Pam is taking care of funeral stuff because she's an angel. I just...I'm overwhelmed." I share honestly and it kind of takes me by surprise.

"It's going to all work out. Just take it one day at a time. You lost your brother, it's okay to not have it all figured out." She assures me calmly before sipping on her tea.

"I know it's just...I feel like I'm a little in over my head here. I don't know what I'm doing. I just...who put me in charge of two children?" I ramble, realizing that this isn't just some week-long thing that I'm watching the kids for. Bradley and Sarah aren't coming back.

"Are you second guessing signing the custody papers?" She asks and I frown.

"Is it bad if I say yes?" I ask. I love my niece and nephew more than life itself but can I actually give them everything they need?

"Not at all. Sometimes the best thing to do for kids is to realize they need someone more fit to take care of them." She offers.

"But I. I can do it. I'm fit." I argue lightly.

"I'm not saying you aren't, but this is a lot of responsibility coming at you quickly. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. It's okay to need someone else to step in." She explains patiently.

"You think I should ask Marie and Derek to take them in? That would move them to another country. I want them here with me." I disagree quickly.

"I think you should make the best decision for everyone involved. If that's you taking them in then you have people here to help you out. If that's having a conversation with your sister and trying to figure out the best thing for the kids then do that." She advises.

"I...I really need to call Linda." I repeat.

"Who's Linda?" She asks.

"My therapist." I reveal sheepishly.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a therapist. That's probably a great idea." She agrees.

"It's not like weird that I have one?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Of course not, I have one too." She shares easily.

"Oh." I reply dumbly. I think over my day and smile at the memory of Lizzie and Aiden playing like absolute dorks in the backyard. "Aiden really likes you." I comment and she beams.

"I really like him. He's such a great kid. He asked me what my special interests are today." She shares, her eyes sparking.

"That's really cute." I decide and she nods.

(Ten Years) ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now