29 ~ Giddy

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Lizzie POV

I can't stop thinking about all the plane facts Aiden has told me while I'm on my flight to Boston.

Apparently this weekend is the last weekend Y/N has custody of the kiddos and I think she's feeling some feelings about it.

So we are going to make the best of it and spend a bunch of time with them. I'm excited to see Y/N and I'm also sort of nervous. The last time I saw her I was engaged and now this time I'm seeing her I'm a single woman.

I don't know what could happen this weekend but I really don't want to get my hopes up. I don't want to rush anything or push her at all.

Despite not wanting to have expectations I can't help but think about all that could happen this weekend. I can't stop my mind running wild and my stomach flipping at just the thought of seeing her let alone I don't know...kiss her?

I don't know if that's something we're ready for though so I have to chill out.

When I get off the plane and head towards the pick up area I'm surprised by the sight waiting for me. Y/N is leaning against a car, a bouquet of sunflowers in her grasp as she scrolls on her phone. I pause and observe her for a few moments while she's unaware of my presence and smile softly at how simply beautiful she is.

She slides her phone away so she can comb her fingers through her hair, looking up through her long eyelashes as her head tilts up to look at me. A wide smile grows on her lips quickly and she stands straight when she sees me so I continue walking towards her.

"Hey, Sunshine. How was your flight?" She asks once I'm close enough, reaching out to grab my suitcase from me.

"Hi great bug plane wires." I spit out like an absolute idiot and cover my face with my hands. Speak actual words Lizzie.

"Um, you okay?" She asks, stepping closer into my space once my case is in the back of the car.

"Mhm." I reply and take a deep breath. "Hi, bug. The flight was great and all I could think about was how much wiring was in the plane." I slowly repeat what my brain was going to say before she made me nervous.

"You're adorable. I'm sure Aiden would love to hear about that." She decides with a warm smile. We both shift awkwardly before she steps even closer, our hips lightly grazing as she wraps her arms around my waist to pull me into a warm hug. I love how she hugs me with her entire body, it's my favorite.

Jesus, I didn't know just hugging her would get me feeling this giddy.

I let my body melt into hers as my arms wrap about her neck. I can't stop the smile from growing when she presses her face into my neck. I grin to myself with my eyes closed, taking in the feeling of her body wrapped around mine until there's a loud honk, startling us both.

She pulls away, a charming half smile on her lips as she gently slides her fingers into mine, leading me over to the passenger side. She opens the door for me and I slip inside so we don't get honked at again.

I watch as she walks around the front of the car, a confidence to the stride before she slips into the car and starts it. "The kids are very excited to see you." She shares as she pulls out into traffic carefully.

I can't take my eyes off of her as she drives, her hair blowing around in the wind from the cracked window. She peeks over to me when I don't respond and smiles softly. "Is there something on my face?"

"No, you're just pretty." I state softly, smiling when she blushes.

Her shy smile morphs into a smirk before she reaches over and slides her hand onto the middle of my thigh, her eyes locked on the road. I'm thankful for it because if she looked at me she'd probably see a tomato. She brushes her thumb over the outside of my clothed thigh and I quickly lay my hand on top of hers.

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