5 ~ Robbie

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Lizzie POV

The more I hear about Y/N's past, the more I feel guilty. I mean, she hasn't had any long term relationships and the one that could have gone well she screwed up because she got scared. I feel like it's my fault. I find a bench and sit down, she follows easily as I start to talk.

I work on some Indie films on my time away from Marvel, Kodachrome and Ingrid Goes West. Aubrey quickly became a good friend and I love her a lot.

"Yeah I could tell, your interviews with her were so gay." She butts in and I scoff.

"Okay rude! I told you I'm bisexual." I amend.

"Yeah...gay." She teases so I ignore her.

I've been busy for so long so I decide to book a trip to Mexico. While I'm there I relax a lot and I meet Robbie. It was really random actually and we spent almost a whole day talking on the beach.

We click almost instantly and instead of spending my vacation alone, I spend it with him. He told me about how much he liked Martha Marcy May Marlene and it makes me think of Y/N briefly, but I shake the thought away. I tell him that I really like his band and he's surprised I even knew who he was. By the time I'm back in NYC to visit my sisters, we are dating and it's out to the public.

It happened so quickly but it feels right, like I'm meant to meet him at this moment in time.

I have to head to Atlanta to film Infinity War so we don't get to spend too much time together at the start of our relationship. I don't have too many scenes but I get to spend a lot of time with Paul. Paul is so fun to work with and we work really well together.

This film is huge and I get to spend a lot of time with so many different Marvel actors. I'm really glad to spend more time with Scarlett and we actually become really good friends.

We get a few months break between Infinity War and Endgame and I spend it going to premieres for Wind River and Ingrid Goes West. But I'm back to filming for Marvel before I can blink and I actually find out we did a lot for Endgame already and I only have a little bit to do for this film. It's kind of great.

Once my part is done I get to go back to LA to spend time with Robbie. We've built a solid relationship so quickly and I really like that we understand each other so easily.

We talk a lot about what I want to do next in my career and he's the one that encourages me to try my hand at producing. So I pick up a small project for Facebook Watch called Sorry for Your Loss.

We start filming as Infinity War is released so my press is all done and I can focus solely on producing. It fills the time between the two Avengers movies releases and I thank Robbie almost every day for encouraging me to try it out. I really like what we made and I don't really care if it does well or not.

"Okay, before you go on...that green dress you wore to the infinity war premier...Lizzie." She gives me a look and I can't quite decipher what she means.

"Uh yes? What about it?" I ask, trying to remember what I even wore.

"It was beautiful...you looked gorgeous." She explains and my body warms up.

"Oh thank you." I reply and she smiles softly.

"Of course. Go on." She prompts and I take a breath before continuing.

After Endgame is released, Robbie takes me out for a very romantic dinner and proposes. I said yes.

We were able to film both seasons of Sorry for Your Loss so they are ready for release before and after Endgame is out. Around this time I am also pitched Wandavision.

(Ten Years) ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now