6 ~ Bradley

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I know she's waiting for me to continue but I feel like the more I share the more I'm going to get judged. I already feel bad about the Hailee thing and the Charlotte thing. I still have so much left to share but I don't know how to do it. But she's still here and I can tell she's still willing to listen.

"Alright, I guess I can continue." I decide.

"You can take your time Y/N, you don't have to rush to tell me anything, I'm fine with just chatting about random stuff too." She offers an out but if I don't get it all out now I don't think I ever will.

"No it's okay. So, where did I leave off?" I ask quietly and continue the story once I figure it out.

So, after writing with Harry I met Finneas and Billie. They are sweethearts and Finneas actually reached out about my old song Break My Heart Again. We instantly clicked and now we are good friends.

Camila also leaves Fifth Harmony and wants to write with me for her solo album and I agree. She was always very sweet and asked a bunch of questions so she comes by the studio often to get started on her solo music. I continue to work with Fifth Harmony on their last album and Lauren is now 21 which means she's fully an adult.

I'm still 7 years older than her but it doesn't seem like she cares.

I start working with smaller artists too and this band Cavetown picks up my song Green. I start working with them here and there too. I like working with alternative artists more than pop. It's the music I write for myself most of the time so it makes me happy.

I also meet Hayley Kioko and work on her album with her. We write Wanna be missed and What I Need together. We stay late at the studio a couple nights and well...you know.

"Y/N...don't be modest now." Lizzie teases and I roll my eyes.

When Kehlani comes in to record the duet with her, well let's just say something was suggested and it might have happened.

"What what? I don't understand." Lizzie butts in again.

"Lizzie...three lesbians in a recording studio...." I paint the picture for her and her face flushes a bright red.

"Oh." She whispers and I nod.

Anyway, Kehlani picks up Honey and I also start working with 5 Seconds of Summer. They wanted to work with me while I was working with One Direction but I didn't have time. So now that I do they come write with me a bunch. I really like Ghost of You and Lie to Me but the entire album is really good if I do say so myself.

So...all while I work with 5 seconds of summer in 2017, I might have also been seeing a green eyed girl that is not Lizzie.

"...okay who is it?" Lizzie asks.

"Ummmm...Lauren?" I reveal and she thinks about it for a few seconds before her eyes widen.

"The girl 7 years younger than you?" She checks and I nod. "Y/N..."

"What? She came onto me. It's a casual thing and she's very mature for her age, leave me alone." I defend, not liking her judgmental tone.

"Is that who's been texting you all day?" She asks and I blush.

"Um, to be quite honest there are two people texting me right now." I share and look away when her eyes fill with even more judgment.

"Go on." She replies and I sigh in relief that I don't have to keep defending myself.

So I start seeing Lauren who is very grown up and very ready to be with me without any strings. It's very great and I enjoy it immensely. We build a good friendship on top of the physical stuff and I love writing with her. We might get high a lot too but when am I not getting high to write?

(Ten Years) ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now