How does Nicholas know my Location???

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While feeding the birds, all the thoughts rotated in my mind like a loophole.

Andrew informed Mason about me leaving with the Twins.

But who informed Emma about my exact location?

Grace POV

No one except Sawyer knew my exact location. Sara only knew that we were going somewhere out, and so did Andrew.

It was only the bodyguards that Mason had appointed for the twins that followed us everywhere.

Does that mean that the mole is one of the trusted bodyguards that Mason has assigned for the twins?

Cause they were the only people who followed me here as well knew my exact location... the garden as well as the lake. Emma might have contacted the mole to find me today.

Wait, this is exactly what we wanted for a very long time...

I just need to check the CCTV footage that I have so amazingly hacked as well as play a little with the secured phone line on her phone.

I informed Sawyer that maybe the Mole is one of the trusted bodyguards that Mason has appointed for the twins. If he has fallen into our trap by becoming active, now we can easily trace him.

We need to catch the mole cause he has been messing with the shipments of the Italian Mafia for so long cunningly without getting caught. It has lead to huge casualties as well as almost hampered the relations with other Mafia, who has started to lose their trust in us.

We have been trying so hard for the last two years but are unable to catch them, cause they have blended in so well. We knew that the only possibility to catch them was being a part of the Italian Mafia, staying here and creating a situation where they need to reveal themselves.

I know it's not the work of one person, there might be more than one Mole hidden in the Mafia but catching even one of those can lead a way to trap the others...


Sawyer, for this reason, masked as a trainee was recruited by the Italian Mafia as suggested by Anotonio making him trustworthy. He earned his position as the head of security over two years. For the plan to accomplish well, I knew I had my backup with me making it easier to carry out all the tasks. With Nicholas now knowing my Exact location, I need to be prepared for the Final War.

But there is still one thing that I am pretty confused about.




It's been two years since I hid in the Spanish Mafia from him. I didn't meet my family Shane and Olivia, my Madre anyone associated with them except Acer and Sawyer since then. I worked arduously day and night to become the best version of myself to face him.

Last year I met Nicholas once while doing an assassin job in a club. I was almost on the verge of attacking him single handled if it weren't for Antonio's Order restricting me to do so. I knew it was a suicide mission if I attacked him there, cause it would be me alone, against him and his Mafia men.

It took everything in me to remain sane, and wait for the right time...

Even after, I did such an amazing job, in fooling everyone including Emma by my disguise how the hell did he know about my whereabouts, that also in one night?

This can't be done by the Mole, I am petty sure it has to be someone from my side who betrayed me.

I can't wait to know who that is and punish him or her for the betrayal in the most brutal way possible along with Nicholas

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