Contract of Marriage!

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Grace POV

I woke up with a patched-up body. I could still feel the pain in my thighs, as the anaesthesia was starting to wear off. I couldn't walk now, not that I could previously. But this time, I am not sure that I can't even move my legs, without hurting myself.

Soon the monster arrived with his men.

"Good morning princess," Nicholas greeted me sweetly as if we were best friends meeting at a tea party.

"So, are you ready to answer now or still the stubborn self," he spoke taunting me.

I couldn't care for anything less.

I just ignored his existence and looked at the wall on my left as if it was the most interesting thing there.

"Ohh, so now you're ignoring me, princess," Nicholas said waKing towards me.

He grabbed my face with his hands and pulled it upwards. I winced at the impact making him pleased with the effect.

"When I speak, look at Me and Answer. Else, I have many ways to make you," he spoke confidently.

"Make me, if you can," I spoke spitting on him.

"You're just another example of an apprehensive childlike person, who attacks behind the back. You couldn't face Shane, so you used a smoke bomb instead, coward bastard," I yelled at him.

I knew this was not the best time or things to say to the kidnapper, but I couldn't stop the resentment inside me from surging up.

"Expected this from the child of Satan parent," he muttered.

"Boss should we give her another dose of beatings for disrespecting you," one of the men shouted from behind. He looked like a senior ranking person cause he dared to directly speak to him.

"Torture her how much ever you want but don't kill her," he ordered going out frustrated from my stubborn attitude.

I am surprised that he has so little patience being a leader!

They started their normal kicks and punches as if I was a punching bag.
I don't know how much more I can endure, but I just hope that Shane does not agree to give away his Mafia for me.

Shane and Acer both are smart enough to not fall into Nicolas trap, but I just hope that they don't sacrifice it for me.

After another round of beatings, all the pain became numb. At last, my screaming stopped, because I lost all my energy in bearing agony from slaps to kicks to hits to what not.

They purposely hit the almost broken knee and the right thigh, which had just started to heal to making everything even worse.

I just lay there almost lifeless waiting for heaven to take me.

'No Grace, don't think like that, you need to remain alive for Madre, Acer and your entire family. You can't lose hope now.'
I tried to encourage myself to endure it.

Suddenly the door opened again, and in came a person with the doctor.

He looked at me with pity in his eyes. I hate gaining sympathy, it portrays weakness which I loathe.

"I am sorry for doing that to you, " he told me looking guilty softly, not within the hearing range of the doctor.

Oh, now I remember he was the one among the guys who hit me.

"Oh, thanks so much for apologising," I replied sarcastically.

"I truly had no option. You are a good person, who doesn't deserve that," he told me and left the room without hearing my reply.

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