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(Birthday celebration of Grace)

Grace POV

           I hope I don't encounter Alessandro again. One meeting was enough for today. Luckily he was not home for dinner, which eased my mood to a great extent. Mason and Damien were missing which made the dinner go smoothly.

Andrew and Xavier were talking amongst themselves. Elijah was mostly on a phone call, so I ate and feed the kids in peace without any interrogation or forceful conversation.

Uffff..Thank God!

I know Damien must be pissed, by the way I behaved. But he deserved it. I am not at all sorry for all the things I said in the morning and I know same goes for him as well..

I just need to ignore him from now..

After finishing dinner I went upstairs with Bella and Edward to tuck them after their night routine. Seeing my mood was not good, both of them didn't force me to sing a song or read a storybook and quietly went to sleep without tiring me.

I Wish they would be this much understanding everyday..

Now for the night, I knew that I would have nightmares after the encounter with Alessandro. I actually planned to complete all my assignments to stay awake full night.

Thinking this, I started working on my online worksheets. It was about 2 in the morning that I could not hold any longer. The urge to sleep overpowered 'my will' to remain awake.

For what happened next, I wasn't prepared at all...


          Grace and Alina were getting ready for my 13th Birthday party. The entire mansion was decorated with ribbons and balloons to celebrate my first step towards being a 'Teenager,.

Even Shane who was normally busy  was assisting Olivia and Madre in all preparations. Grace was indeed the 'little mafia princess' for everyone in the American Mafia.

Grace used to treat all the mafia men with respect and prank them a lot. They all cared for her as their own daughter and were ready to even take a bullet for her.

Grace was pampered a lot but she never disrespected anyone. She valued Time and Money. Madre trained her well irrespective of all the circumstances. Grace always wished for her real family to be a part of her growing years. She hated her father for breaking her Madre's heart. But there was also a hope in her which craved for her father's attention and exhaustive love.

But what happened next broke her heart into million parts which can't be mended.

All gathered around  Grace and sang 'Happy Birthday Song' cheerfully. Grace got a lot of presents including the latest phone and lot of accessories. The gift she loved the most was a small platinum bracelet given by her best friends with Acer.

 The gift she loved the most was a small platinum bracelet given by her best friends with Acer

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