Chapter 23 - Epilogue

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'Do you know them?'

'Who are they?'

'I don't know but they are the coolest!'

'I know them! They are the new musketeers. They saved Prince Beomgyu's life on the ball!'

'Awwwww! They are so handsome!'

'Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing' muttered Taehyun walking through the crowd of people.

It was the day of their announcement as musketeers and also the day of Beomgyu's crowning ceremony. Tae didn't know how many people lived in Paris, but he believed that all of them are there. Indeed, most likely the whole world was there in his opinion. Even though the ceremonies ended not that long ago, people were still all around the place.

'Come on, Tae! We are heroes now!' exclaimed Kai. The youngest was probably the most excited out of the four of them, constantly skipping his way everywhere. Tae had no idea how he managed to be this fine with all the people. Yes, he enjoyed when people listened to him, but he didn't want to be the center of attention.

'Someone's waving at you' said Yeonjun suddenly. Tae looked up. He spotted the woman in the crowd in an instant. Her blonde hair was combed in a bun as usual and she was as beautiful as ever. Taehyun grinned and started running.


His mother smiled and opened her arms, welcoming Tae in her warm embrace.

'I swore that I won't cry' she whispered while hugging her only son. At her words Tae sobbed loudly.

'I-I di-dn't' he laughed through his tears. His mother let go of the hug and wiped away her son's tears with a tissue.

'My little boy is a musketeer!' she said so proudly that Tae almost started crying again. Instead he took a deep breath and smiled back at his mom.

'Thank you, Mom. For believing in me' he said.

'You can only thank to yourself' his mother adjusted her son's shirt like if he was a little kid again. Then she looked over his shoulder. 'Oh, and who are your friends, darling?'

A few weeks ago Tae probably would've started whining about her embarrassing him, but now his face lit up as he turned to Soobin, Yeonjun and Kai, gesturing them to come over.

'I hope you have enough time mom, because this is going to be a long story!'

'I want to know every detail!' laughed the woman. The four new musketeers grinned at each other and Tae introduced his friends to his mother.

'And how did you guys meet?' asked Mrs Kang. Yeonjun, Soobin and Kai broke out in laughter at that while Tae scratched his nape embarrassedly.

'Well, it's a funny little story-'

'Remember how much Soobin hated Tae at first?' screeched Kai through his laughter.

'He legit pushed me into the water fountain!' protested Soobin. 'And you guys weren't any better either!'

'Yes, it took me days to clean out the mud of my work clothes' remembered Yeonjun. 'And Kai had leaves in his hair even the next day!'

'Okay, enough of the nostalgia' waved them off Tae with a red face. His mother laughed too.

'Yoongi!' shouted suddenly Soobin. Tae turned around to see the white haired man. He didn't have his walking stick anymore, he was walking with a straight back. He waved at them.

'Hey, Yoongi! Do you want to join us? We're discussing what happened' said Tae. Yoongi just smiled and walked over, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder.

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