Chapter 9 - Yoongi

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'Your Highness, are you alright?' Philippe and his people quickly ran to Beomgyu. The prince was standing up slowly and looked up towards where the chandelier used to be.

'Yeah, I'm fine! You should check the hanging, something might've gone wrong there' he said, studying the chandelier as if he wasn't about to die from it a few seconds ago.

'This can't be happening again!' growled Philippe at one of his people. The man nodded with a straight face.

In a few minutes almost everyone left the room. Philippe was taking Beomgyu to the doctor just to be sure he didn't injure himself. Meanwhile a few guards arrived to remove the huge chandelier from the hallway.

'Clean up, boys!' clapped Madame de Bossé. 'I can't believe, when finally everything's done, then something like this happens!' she scoffed shaking her head and left. Taehyun rolled his eyes as they got to work.

Kai spotted a shiny piece of glass which somehow didn't shatter into sharp pieces. He picked it up and held it in the sunshine.

'How beautiful!' he said. Yeonjun agreed but he seemed to be deep in thoughts.

'You're gonna cut yourself, put that thing down' said Soobin.

Taehyun was swiping the glass when something red and shiny caught his eyes on a small corridor next to the staircase. He looked back at the others, then went to check it out. It seemed to be a piece of ruby that was as small as his nail. He quickly put it in his pocket. As he looked up, he was faced with some hanging ropes.

'Hey, guys, check this out!' he called out. Soobin, Yeonjun and Kai followed him.

'These are the hangings of the chandelier' identified them Soobin. 'It looks like they tore off' he touched the ropes carefully.

Or someone cut them, thought Tae to himself.

'Boys' spoke up Yeonjun. The three of them looked at the oldest. 'It's just... I don't mean to be nosy or something, but how did you guys learn to fight like that?' he asked curiously. They all exchanged looks, then somehow everyone ended up looking at Taehyun.

'But swear you won't tell anyone 'cause I can't speak about this' he said.

'We swear' said the three in sync.

'Okay' sighed Tae. 'I want to become a musketeer!'

'Oh my god! Me too!' gasped Yeonjun.

'Same!' exclaimed Kai.

'I came here for that too!' admitted Soobin.

'For real? You guys too?' widened his eyes Yeonjun.

'Yes! I just didn't want to start with that. You know, Madame de Bossé says it's stupid' sighed Kai. All of them nodded sadly.

'But musketeers are the best!' smiled Tae.

'Khm' someone cleared their throat. They gasped and turned around.

The man from the kitchen who used a stick to walk stood behind them. Tae bit his lip. There was no way he didn't hear their conversation.

'Y-Yoongi' whispered Soobin.

'Follow me' said Yoongi and turned around. His voice was nice but also strict. The four exchanged looks but decided to follow the man anyways. He was walking towards one of the hallways. It made them wonder why is he going that way as it was a dead end. Yoongi stopped in front of the wall and touched it near the corner with his left hand. The wall disappeared right in front of their eyes. Behind it there was a dark corridor lit with some torches. The corridor led into several directions.

'Come on, I don't have all day' said Yoongi grumpily. Then he entered the corridor. The boys followed him, still unsure about his intentions.

'Where are we going?' asked Soobin.

'This is some secret door' whispered back the obvious Yeonjun.

'Do you think he heard what we were talking about and now he's going to kill us?' gabbled Kai, earning some annoyed looks from the others. Then they all winced when suddenly the door got shut with a thud behind them.

'Don't be stupid, Huening Kai' said suddenly Yoongi, making Kai go pale.

'Oh my god he knows my full name I'm so dead' he muttered.

The five of them started walking down one of the many corridors that the secret entrance held. It had a long flight of stairs. Yoongi was walking in front of them using his stick, walking really really slowly. Tae actually started to think that he's just playing with them. The boys didn't dare to overtake or complain so they were walking behind him silently.

Suddenly the man pulled some handle on the wall. In a blink of an eye the stairs disappeared from under their feet and it became a long slide. The four boys started screaming as they were sliding down while Yoongi was sliding calmly, silently chuckling to himself.

They finally reached the end of the slide. Yoongi landed on his feet like a cat while Soobin, Yeonjun, Taehyun and Kai ended up on top of each other in a pile. Soobin groaned as everyone's weights combined on him.

'Man, you guys are heavy as hell!' Kai and Tae stood up and dusted themselves.

'Mon dieu*' gasped Yeonjun. Soobin rolled his eyes.

'Sorry, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your weight, cupcake' he mocked.

Yeonjun flicked the younger's head.

'It's not that! Look!' he gestured forward. They could see Yoongi entering a door and turning back towards them with a raised eyebrow. Through the door they could see different kinds of weapons and fight clothes displayed on the walls.

'This can't be real' gasped Tae as he rushed forward with Kai. Yeonjun helped Soobin stand up, then slapped his butt. Soobin gasped.

'H-hey, what was that for?' he stuttered. Yeonjun grinned.

'For the weight joke and because I felt like it' he wiggled his eyebrows while walking backwards, then turned around and went inside the room after the others. Soobin felt himself blush but followed the others nonetheless.



Mon dieu: My God


A/N: I managed to type this in record time, idk what happened to me today :D

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