Chapter 5 - The Trio

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A/N: Before hyung line enters the story I'd just like to mention that they won't address their elders 'hyung' in this book. I had other books where I used these terms but since we are currently in France, they won't use them. Just saying, because yesterday I re-read some parts and realized that some of you might point it out so I'm preventing it :)

This chapter is basically Tae running, crashing, shouting, running, crashing, running, shouting, running and crashing. That's it.


The brunette boy stepped out of the store and sighed contently. He put down his basket on a table that was displayed in front of the building and checked whether he has everything one last time.

He just finished shopping for some new fabrics for his new designs. He couldn't wait till his shift for the day is finally over and he can work on his clothes at night. Speaking of, he had to get back to the castle soon or he'll be scolded by the Madame... again. They barely got any breaks so they treasured them with his colleagues. He wondered where the two youngers spent their free time.

Just as the boy was about to leave, suddenly a cat and a dog rushed past him. The dog ran right through a muddy puddle that he had no idea where it came from, splashing him all over with mud.

He gasped and was about to shout after the reckless animals when a blonde boy followed them, accidentally pushing him over. He lost his balance and fell right into the puddle.

'I'm so sorry!' yelled back the other, but of course he wouldn't stop to help him.

'Rude!' shouted back the brunette angrily as he stood up, having mud all over his clothes and face. He started swearing in French seeing the condition he was in as he picked up his basket and stormed away fuming. These were his work clothes after all.


The tall blonde boy was dancing through the castle garden between the beautiful rose bushes. He sighed, smelling the flowers' amazing scent. This was his favorite time of the year, when he could spend time outside in his free time. He was so sick of being locked up in the castle for winter.

The wind was playing with his hair as he danced. He picked a pink rose from one of the bushes and smelled it. Then he did a theatrical move with his left hand and stepped forward.

'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet' he sighed quoting Shakespeare. Then he stopped and giggled at his own silliness. He was acting like if he was in a romantic drama. But he couldn't help it. He loved dramas, romance novels, classical music... he was your stereotypical hopeless romantic and was constantly teased for it by his elders.

He was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't even see the cat and the dog running towards him. He started dancing again, but was caught off guard when the two animals ran past him, pushing him a bit. He lost his balance but somehow he managed to catch a bush. Unfortunately that wasn't much of a help as the roses had thorns. They pierced the boy's fingers, making him yelp and pull his hand away.

He was checking his hand for any wounds when Taehyun ran past him after Brutus and Miette. Both of them were so immersed in their own thing that Taehyun accidentally tripped over the taller's feet, making him trip too. He fell straight into the rose bush.

'Sorry!' shouted back Taehyun as he managed to keep his balance and continued running.

'Hey, that hurt!' screamed the blonde, roses sticking out of his hair and clothes. 'Ouch!'


The black haired male was sitting on the edge of the water fountain, strumming his guitar and humming to himself. He was happy, he finally started getting his song together. He looked up at the castle and sighed, realizing how fast time flew and that he needs to go back soon to his shift.

He stood up with his guitar in his hands and was about to make his way back when... yeah, you guessed it right, Miette suddenly appeared. The kitten ran quickly between the boy's legs, rushing forward. She was followed by a huge brown dog whom the boy recognized as the regent's dog. What is he doing here...?

As Brutus ran past him, he pushed the guy over. The tall boy gasped as he lost his balance, but somehow he didn't fall.

Unfortunately his guitar pick flew out of his hand as he was balancing. He hummed as he looked around for it, but he couldn't see it. He didn't see that the pick landed on top of a statue that was in the middle of the water fountain. How? I don't know either. The statue was the shape of a Cupid that held out his hand. On his palm there was the guitar pick. Unfortunately our boy was still pretty far from finding it. He put down his guitar and searched the ground for it.

'I can't lose it, that was my last guitar pick' he mumbled. 'What if it fell into the fountain?' he thought as he stepped forward and leaned on the edge to search the water for the small item.

Just then Taehyun came running, gasping as he saw that the dog is chasing his cat through the castle's gate, towards the building.

'Oh no!' he shouted. As he followed them, he didn't see the tall black haired boy who was still searching for his guitar pick. When he spotted him, it was already too late and he accidentally crashed into him. The taller gasped as he felt himself losing balance again and falling straight into the cold water of the fountain.

'I'm so sorry!' shouted back Taehyun. He contemplated for a second whether he should help or not, but then he remembered that if that dog catches Miette, he probably won't ever see his cat again. He ran towards the small bridge in front of the castle gate. The other stood up in the fountain, his clothes drenched in water.

'Hey! I'll get you!' he shouted angrily.

'I'm afraid you'll have to stand in line!' yelled back Taehyun. His gaze found Miette and Brutus. The two were running inside the castle building through a side door.

Taehyun ran past a few guards who unfortunately spotted him as an intruder.

'Hey! You can't go inside!' one of them shouted and Tae could already hear footsteps following him, making him run faster again.

He just wanted his damn cat back, why is it so hard?


A/N 2.0: This really has nothing to do with anything here but an amazing someone I really looked up to just died and I just can't believe that he is gone. He was incredible. One of the most talented people and authors of all time. He is one of the many reasons I love reading so much and why I started writing. I just don't know what to say. May he rest in peace.

Sorry for fxxking up the mood but I'm just sitting here ever since I heard the news and I'm still trying to comprehend it so I had to write this down.

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