Chapter 7 - A Place To Stay

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A/N: I'm baaaaaack!

Wow, guys, what a week last week was! It was pretty crazy with many ups and downs but I really enjoyed my vacation. And also it's great to be back because a lot happened here too! Like my previous books all reached different milestones which I'm very thankful for! Also the fact that this was not the first time when someone texted me that Swan Lake is their favorite book made my heart melt. It feels so amazing, like till this year I was just another reader here on Wattpad and now I'm writing books which are your favorites?? WOW! Oh, and Prince and the Pauper became #1 in Cheolsoo????!?!?!?!? How did this happen oh my gosh...!

Anyways, now that I'm back I'd also like to welcome all the new readers of this book! Thank you for being here, I hope you like the book so far <3

And now all these being said, let's continue, shall we?


Tae has been sitting on the ground for hours. He was using some brush that was the size of a toothbrush to clean every inch of the floor in the ballroom. Soobin was seriously evil, but in a professional way.

Taehyun felt like his hands were going to fall off soon, no matter how many times he put the brush in his other hand and tried to shake the feeling off. He constantly felt cramps in both of his arms and this was only his first day. Well, at least he hoped he didn't have to clean floors with toothbrushes every day.

'You missed a spot' stopped Madame de Bossé in front of the boy. Tae sighed slightly, luckily not loud enough for his boss to hear because he knew if she had heard it, she would've probably given him much worse tasks. Even though he couldn't imagine what it would've been. Probably to mow the lawn outside by picking the grass one by one with his bare hands. Honestly, he didn't want to get on the woman's bad side.

'What is this?' shouted suddenly the Madame, startling Tae who dropped the brush. Then the woman leaned down and picked up Miette who was watching over Tae. 'Cats and other animals aren't allowed in the castle!' said Madame de Bossé as she made her way outside with the kitten. Taehyun waved after Miette apologetically. He wasn't worried about the kitten. He knew Miette will most likely wait for him outside. And the next day he can just leave the cat with Alexander in the stable.

He was rather concerned about himself. Seriously, where will he sleep?


It was almost 11 pm when their shift was over. The four boys left the castle together. Taehyun was happy to see that Miette was actually waiting for him in the doorway.

'Well, goodnight guys' he sighed as he turned around. Kai was looking at him in concern.

'Taehyun, you don't have a place to stay?' he furrowed his pretty eyebrows.

'N-not really' stuttered Tae as he was faced with the night city and gulped. He really didn't want to sleep on the streets of an unfamiliar city. 'But Miette and I will find out something.'

'Guys' whispered Kai. Yeonjun and Soobin, who were a few meters away from them already, turned back. 'We can't just let this poor boy sleep on the streets! And we have a spare bed now that Sunghoon left.'

'Do you think it's a good idea to let him stay with us?' asked Soobin raising an eyebrow. Kai showed puppy eyes. Soobin rolled his eyes in response. Then suddenly Yeonjun gasped, making the three turn to the oldest. Miette was nearing him with big sparkly eyes, purring as cutely as she could.

'Mon dieu!* Mon petit chaton,* how cute!' he awwed as he crouched down to pet Miette. Taehyun chuckled lightly. Soobin sighed as he stared at Yeonjun playing with the kitten, then walked up to Taehyun, making the boy's smile drop and be replaced with a concerned look.

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