Chapter 12 - Dreams

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A/N: This book gained like 60 reads in the last two days! Also I have no idea what's happening to my books but they are all gaining reads and wow it's crazy! Thank you!

I keep updating frequently because I'm having so much fun writing both this book and also my next one, but I have to finish this before publishing that ><  By the way, this story fits TaeGyu so well in my opinion, I never would've thought. Like I had my doubts at first because it's kinda weird writing about them since both of them are younger than me so they are basically babies to me (before anyone would think I'm a weird old lady, I was born in the exact same month as Soobin so in 2000 December) but I think it's really turning out better than I expected. Okay, now let's continue where I had to stop yesterday!


'I never would've thought that one day I'll fly above Paris' sighed Taehyun looking at the amazing view from the air balloon. The houses from up there seemed to be so tiny, and the people walking on the streets looked the size of ants.

'I know right' giggled Beomgyu as he stepped next to the younger. Tae felt his heartbeat increase at the other's closeness. 'Everyone always says that we can't fly. But sometimes you have to chase your dreams-'

'-even when everyone else thinks it's impossible' finished Tae. Beomgyu looked at him with admiration in his eyes. 'Look, there's the castle!' gasped Tae, unaware of the other's eyes on him. 'It's so beautiful' he was mesmerized by the view from up there.

'Indeed it is' mumbled Beomgyu still staring at Tae.

[A/N 2.0: BWAHAHAHAHAAH THIS WAS THE MOST CLICHÉ SHIT I'VE EVER WRITTEN I  didn't even have it in the draft and I always cringe so much when I read stuff like this but I just HAD TO I'm sorry hahahahahahaha even the Prince and the Pauper book wasn't this cliché and cringe even though the Cheolsoo couple was close to it. Okay I'm done lmao]

Then the prince looked up at the heater and frowned.

'I think we'll run out of fuel soon' he said suddenly. 'We should land somewhere... maybe there in the park' he pointed towards the park near the castle building that had a small field which looked just perfect for landing.

'Uh, and do you know how to land?' raised an eyebrow sassily Taehyun.

'Well, there's always a first time for everything' giggled the prince as he went up to the heater. 'It would be so cool to just stay up here' he sighed. 'No more etiquette, no more crowning stuff...'

'No more Madame de Bossé' muttered Tae. 'Is it so bad to be the heir to the throne?' he asked suddenly. Probably he won't ever have another chance to talk to the prince so why not ask?

'Ah, it's just... if I become a king I'll have to give up on all of this' Beomgyu gestured at the balloon. 'All my life I enjoyed experimenting and just followed my heart and now this will all come to an end.'

'You know, the fact that you have your two feet on the ground doesn't mean that you have to give up your dreams' said Tae with his back against the basket's railing.

'What's your dream, Taehyun?' asked Beomgyu. Tae really liked the way the prince said his name. Meanwhile Beomgyu started to decrease the temperature as they were nearing the field where they planned to land.

'I want to become a musketeer!' said Tae excitedly. The prince chuckled at that.

'You? A musketeer?' he snorted. Taehyun looked at the older questioningly. 'I mean, you're so young and musketeers are... you know, strong and fast' said Beomgyu while still working on the landing. Tae was furious but as he was about to voice his thoughts (probably not really the nicest way possible) suddenly the balloon reached the ground.

'Ah!' shouted the both of them. The whole thing pushed over as the fabric the balloon was made of fell all over them and the two of them fell out of the basket, hitting the ground hard.

'Uh, I really need to practice the landing' hissed Beomgyu. Then he shut up as he realized that Taehyun fell on top of him. The blonde was looking at him with fury in his eyes. 'Tae...?' the prince questioned. Taehyun pushed himself up and was about to walk away. Meanwhile two musketeers on horses arrived to check on the prince.

'Tae, wait! What's wrong?' asked Beomgyu standing up too. Tae turned back with his hands on his hips.

'What's wrong? Really? So you can dream of people flying but what's so unbelievable about me wanting to be a musketeer?' he scoffed then turned back without another word.

'I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that, I-' Beomgyu's words didn't really matter as Tae was already gone in the direction of the castle.

'Are you okay, Your Highness?' asked one of the musketeers as they jumped off their horses. Beomgyu simply nodded as he looked after Taehyun sadly. The boy was something else.


'Okay, let's try it from the beginning! Un, deux, trois*-'

'Duh, what's so hilarious about me becoming a musketeer?' Taehyun entered the musketeer practice room sulking. Yoongi stopped the others' practice with a wave of his hand.

'You are late!' he scolded.

'Yeah, after I saved the prince's life!' scoffed Tae.

'WHAT?!' exclaimed Kai, Yeonjun and Soobin in sync. Tae sighed as he started telling the story.

'I was just cleaning the windows on the second floor when his flying machine somehow broke loose and started flying!'

'The flying thingy? I thought he was just experimenting!' said Soobin.

'Yeah, he was supposed to. But the ropes tore apart... or someone cut them' said Tae as he reached in his pocket and grabbed the piece of ruby he found the other day. 'Look' he held out his hand. The other three and Yoongi gathered around him. 'I found this next to the chandelier's ropes after it fell down. And the rope of the balloon was tore similarly as those. I believe it might be for a reason' he explained.

'The other day the chandelier almost fell on him, and today his balloon is being set free' summarized Kai.

'Maudit*' whispered Yeonjun. 'Someone's trying to kill the prince.'

'And that someone must be an insider' added Tae, making everyone look at him questioningly while Yoongi just nodded. 'I mean, they had to know that he's going to walk down that staircase! And they also had to know about his experiment and plans! Obviously it's someone who's familiar with the castle.'

'Shouldn't we report this to someone?' asked Soobin. 'Like Monsieur Namjoon?'

'Or the regent' added Kai. Yoongi who was meanwhile walking back and forth, suddenly stopped and turned to them.

'No' he said strictly, making the four look at him. 'If someone is conspiring against the prince then we can trust no one' he said. The boys exchanged glances and nodded.

'Keep your eyes and ears open' continued Yoongi slowly. 'The prince's life is in danger.'



Un, deux, trois: One, two, three

Maudit: Damn

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