Chapter 21 - On The Rooftop

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Beomgyu luckily already figured out that the regent was part of the enemy and had quick reflexes. As the sword was aimed at him, he jumped out of the elevator through the open side and landed on one of the corridors. He started running as fast as he could.

'You can't just escape me, Beomgyu!' shouted Philippe after him as he pulled out the blade from between the grids of the elevator where it got stuck after the failed attempt. He stopped the elevator and jumped after the prince.

Beomgyu looked back over his shoulder and ran faster. He turned right. He knew it was a lost case since he had no idea where the corridors led while Philippe probably knew everything about the secret tunnels. The only thing he could trust was his luck.


Taehyun stopped to catch his breath and looked around. He arrived to a crossroads where he ended up back in the castle. He had absolutely no idea where he was and more importantly, where the prince and Philippe were. He decided to look out of the window for anything suspicious, while also possibly finding out where he is.

He could spot something moving in the castle garden. He squinted his eyes and let out a sigh of relief seeing that Monsieur Namjoon and the musketeers were catching Philippe's people, throwing them on the ground and tying their hands. At least they are free and succeeded. But where are Soobin and the others?

He continued looking through the window. Then as he looked up, through one of the windows of the many towers of the castle he saw something again. Luckily that tower was close to his current hiding place. He only saw the shadows for a second, but there were two people, both running up the stairs. The first one was Beomgyu, while the other man was Philippe.

'Fuck' inhaled sharply Taehyun and continued running towards that tower, trying not to think about what could happen to Beomgyu if he doesn't catch up with them in time. Especially since towers are known for not leading to anywhere. 'Please, don't be too late' he whispered.

He reached the staircase and started running upstairs, taking two steps at a time. He arrived to a huge window. From there he saw something he wished to never happen.


Beomgyu jumped out of the window and landed on the rooftop. He ran, but he was really slow as he had to keep his balance.

Suddenly the roof came to an end. From there he could only see the huge gap between him and the ground. There was no way out.

He turned back, hoping that he still has a chance to escape, but his hopes were crashed as soon as he saw Philippe. The regent was standing a few meters away from him, grinning widely.

'Well, well. Finally you stopped, little boy. I wouldn't have expected you to make it this far, though' said the man, running a hand over the blade of his sword. Beomgyu gulped.

'You betrayed me, Philippe' he said in a shaky voice. 'Why'd you do that?'

'Because in this damn country every random kid can become a king, meanwhile there are way better candidates too' stepped forward Philippe. Beomgyu took a step back. His heel reached the end of the roof.

'We both know that I didn't want this! It's not my decision to be a king!' he said.

'Of course. You know, what you are, Beomgyu?' asked Philippe in a low voice. 'You're nothing more than a loser, daydreamer scientist who is chasing after impossible dreams! You never deserved the throne in the first place! You're not suitable for it! But I won't let you win over me!' he pointed his blade towards the prince.

Suddenly something that none of them expected happened. Out of nowhere one of the huge flags on the castle swung between them and a shadow in pink outfit landed on the roof between the two men. It took a few seconds for both of them to realize what happened.

'You again, blonde?' groaned Philippe. Taehyun pointed his sword at the regent.

'Leave him alone!' The strength in his voice surprised even himself. Philippe didn't waste a second hitting his sword against Tae's and suddenly they were fighting on top of the roof. Even though Tae was really good at fighting and managed to unarm Yoongi the other day, it felt like it was a thousand years before. Not to mention the fact that Philippe was a great fighter.

Suddenly the man knocked Taehyun's sword out of his hand, making it thrust into the roof with its handle outside.

Philippe smirked, making Tae bite his lower lip. This won't be any good.

'You know, boy, I appreciate your sacrifice. This will make an even better story. First you brought a real sword to the ball, but sadly you couldn't kill the prince there.'

Tae could see from the corner of his eye that Beomgyu was reaching for the sword. He had to keep Philippe's attention on himself.

'How would this benefit you?' he asked, putting his hand on his hip sassily.

'Because since your plans of murdering the prince failed, you decided to go after him. When I arrived here at the rooftop after you, it was already too late unfortunately. And since you attacked me too, I didn't have a choice but to push you off the rooftop' finished Philippe.

'HEY!' Beomgyu's shout was heard from behind and Tae could see his sword flying towards him. He jumped backwards and caught the handle.

'Nice fairy tale' he pointed the blade at Philippe. 'What a shame that it doesn't have a happy end' he added as he hit the metal against the other man's sword, making him take a few steps back. Tae gave in everything he could in this fight. Suddenly Philippe lost his balance. His sword fell out of his grip and he slid down the roof. He managed to catch the edge so he was hanging there.

'Perfect' grinned Tae. 'The musketeers will be here to lock you up, you just stay there' he added with his blade still pointed at the man. Beomgyu quickly stepped next to Tae.

'Are you alright?' he asked the blonde boy worriedly. Taehyun turned towards the prince.

'I should be the one asking that' he said.

'Don't worry about me. Not a single scratch' Beomgyu showed his hands. 'Thanks to you. What you did was incredible' he smiled brightly. Then he looked over Tae's shoulder and widened his eyes. 'Watch out!' he yelled. As Tae turned around, he could see that Philippe meanwhile managed to get back on top of the roof and now his knife was directed at Taehyun's chest.


A/N: Eh cliffhanger again... One more chapter + the epilogue left!

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