Chapter 4 - Cat & Dog

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A/N: Let's play foreveeer I just wanna be your dog~~~


'You used to know my father' said Taehyun.

The boy and Monsieur Kim were standing on the terrace of the building, which he learned was a side building of the castle mainly used by the royal guards. Namjoon looked at him.

'His name was Kang Hyunwoo.' [I made up some random name so probably there's someone with this name but whatever lol]

'Oh I remember him. He was a great friend, even though he was way older than me' said Namjoon. 'He helped me during my first days as a musketeer' he chuckled, then his face went serious. 'I was so sorry to hear about his death.'

'I want to follow his footsteps and become a musketeer' said Taehyun excitedly. Namjoon looked at the boy with a pitiful expression.

'Taehyun, you have to understand. Being a musketeer is something people work really hard for. They train for years before they can become musketeers, or even do something heroic to deserve this chance. And you are so young!'

'B-But it's my dream!' Tae hated himself for stuttering. He took a deep breath and continued. 'I'm seventeen!  And I practiced everyday on the farm! I prepared so much! Please, can I be at least a trainee to be a musketeer? Just give me a chance, Monsieur!'

The look in Namjoon's eyes told Tae everything. He knew this was a lost case.

'I'm so sorry, Taehyun' said Namjoon as he put a hand on the boy's shoulder. 'But remember, if you ever need something, don't hesitate to look for me. I'm here for you. I'm sorry I can't do more.'

'I understand' frowned Tae. 'Au revoir*, Monsieur' he said as he turned back and slowly left the place with Miette.


'This day is fucked up' sighed Taehyun..

He was sitting on a bench with his cat besides him. He was so enthusiastic about coming to Paris, but it seems like ever since he arrived nothing's going as planned.

First he met Taehyung, which was actually the only good part of his day. Then the musketeers humiliated him in front of everyone on the main square of the city. Then the dog got his letter and ate it, then Monsieur Philippe was an asshole to him, and in the end, Monsieur Kim didn't accept him as a musketeer. Which is pretty much a bad thing as that was the main and only reason he was currently in Paris.

'I don't want to give up on this, Miette' he continued. His cat was listening intently. 'Remember what Dad always said: Follow your dreams, even when everyone else tells you it's impossible!' His father's thoughts cheered him up for a second, but then he frowned again. 'But what am I supposed to do now? I'm here in a foreign city. I have no place to stay and I don't know anyone here except for stable boy Taehyung. Maybe I'll ask him if I can sleep in the stable' he sighed as he leaned forward and supported his chin in his palms.

As he was deep in his thoughts, he didn't even realize that the huge brown dog from before, Brutus, who ate his letter, was currently eyeing his cat from afar. He only saw him when Miette suddenly started growling at something, making him look up in surprise, as his cat didn't usually growl.

Before he could react to it, Miette jumped off the bench and started running through the crowd. It took him a second to spot the dog that was chasing after his kitten.

'Hey! Stop it, you!' he shouted as he quickly got up and started running through the crowd, trying not to lose sight of Miette. Luckily he was tall and had long legs, but looks like it's nothing compared to an angry dog's and a chased kitten's speed.

'Nononono, please no! Stop!' Taehyun was still screeching after them as he quickened his speed. 'Please no' he sighed as he followed them and turned to his left. He pushed people out of the way, apologizing basically every second while trying not to lose Miette from his sight. It was enough for him that he had to chase after his cat, he didn't want to search for her too.

He jumped over a wheelbarrow that was being pushed by a man, shouting 'pardon!' on his way while quickly looking back, then almost crashed into two women who were talking in front of another shop.

'Excusez-moi*, Ladies!' he half-shouted back before focusing back on the road. He could spot Miette and the dog, but they were already a whole street away from him, turning on another corner on the right.

'Are they being serious?!' he mumbled to himself as he quickened his pace even more.

This was honestly not his day.



Au revoir: Goodbye

Excusez-moi: Excuse me


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. This and the next chapter was originally supposed to be one, but it would've been too long so I decided to cut it in half. Which I don't know why I did back when I've written this because I've written way longer chapters too but whatever.

Also guess what, your girl passed her job interview yesterday, so I can finally work! It'll be only a part-time job as far as I know now, so it won't affect the updates, maybe only that I'll be only updating in the afternoons and not in the morning.

Hope you like the book so far! See ya on Friday!

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