Chapter 14 - Fired?!

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A/N: My life is a trainwreck ~


'So there will be guards and musketeers all around the castle during the ball. We won't let anything bad happen.'

Monsieur Namjoon and Monsieur Philippe were walking down the stairs where the chandelier accident happened previously, while discussing the security of the masquerade ball that was due next evening.

'Are you sure you're not attending the ball?' asked Monsieur Namjoon. Philippe just shook his head with an apologetic smile.

'No. I have to travel home tomorrow in the afternoon. The country's aura and air always relaxes me after these hectic months around the castle. But my people will be around and I'm sure you'll do everything to keep everyone safe here. You're the best captain the guards could wish for' he put a hand on the other man's shoulder.

'Anyways -'

'Monsieur Kim!'

Four people's synchronized shout cut Monsieur Namjoon's sentence off before it would've started. Both men turned around to see four castle servants running towards them out of breath.

'What's wrong, boys?' asked Monsieur Philippe furrowing his eyebrows with a worried expression. Taehyun turned to Namjoon.

'There's a conspiracy against the prince!' he said.

'A what? Who's conspiring?' raised his eyebrow Namjoon.

'The regent's people!' exclaimed Soobin. Philippe gasped.

'My people? Why would they do that? What's going on?'

'We overheard that they are trying to bring real swords to the ball tomorrow' explained Kai.

'Open one of the chests! There's the proof!' said Yeonjun, gesturing towards the servants who were taking the chests towards the ballroom. Namjoon gestured to two people to put the chest they are bringing down. They opened it. The eight men (Yeonjun, Soobin, Kai, Tae, Namjoon, Philippe and the two servants) peeked inside the chest.

'They seem to be decorations' said one of the men as he took a yellow sword out of the box.

'They aren't! We saw how one of the men pulled out a real blade of it!' argued Tae. Monsieur Philippe picked up the blue sword from the chest and broke it in half effortlessly.

'See? It's decoration!' he said. Tae and the boys exchanged puzzled glances. 'These are all harmless to the prince, don't worry, boys' smiled the regent.

'B-but there were real swords! Maybe in the other chest...'

'Taehyun' said Namjoon, stopping the boy from further talking. He gestured him to come closer and Tae did. He lowered his voice as he put a hand on the boy's shoulder. 'You can't just accuse the regent's people with conspiring. This is a really big thing which you can't just joke around with!'

'I wasn't joking! It's true, I-' The look on Namjoon's face made Tae stop. He took a deep breath and looked into the captain's eyes. 'Monsieur, on the first day you told me that if I need anything I can count on you. This is very important, why won't you believe me?'

'I said that because I used to be a good friend of your father and obviously wanted to protect you! But think, Taehyun, what would your father say if he'd seen you like this?'

Tae felt like he was being hit in the chest as his eyes teared up. For a second he actually thought about the situation. He's here in the castle, in the servants' uniform, accusing one of the most important men's people with conspiring against the crown prince.

But then his eyes got clouded with fury. He is trying to protect the prince (who he still has a crush on despite the other laughing at his dream about becoming a musketeer), who's life might be in danger, but no one believes him. He sighed as he turned back.

'I don't want to see you around during the ball' said Namjoon, making Tae turn around with wide eyes. 'And this applies to all four of you' added the captain. Kai bit his lip as Soobin put his hand on the youngest's shoulder. They all knew how much attending a real royal ball meant to Kai. The four boys exhanged a sad glance.

'Get out!' arrived suddenly another person to the scene. The boys gasped, completely forgetting about Madame de Bossé whom they previously literally threw out of the castle. The woman was furious and was now shoving the boys outside with the help of two guards. Tae looked back at Monsieur Namjoon. The man sighed then looked away. Tae shook his head in disappointment, then followed the others outside.

'You are fired! All of you! Don't even consider ever coming back to the castle! If I see you here again, I'll make sure you are sent in prison!' continued the Madame. The boys left while looking at their shoes.

They didn't even see Yoongi watching them from behind a pillar. The man sighed and bit his lip, then turned around and left the scene without being seen.

The guards threw the boys outside through one of the back doors, making them fall straight into the garbage that was thrown outside. Madame de Bossé shut the door into their faces and turned the key loudly twice.

'Va te faire foutre!*' Yeonjun shouted, his eyes clouded by anger as he stood up and went to kick the door with full force to let out his rage. If he were a cartoon character there would be smoke coming out of his ears. Kai sighed and collapsed back into the garbage. Taehyun was staring into nothing with a blank face.

Soobin just shook his head, then stood up. He held out a hand towards Tae, helping him and Kai up. Then he went to the still furious Yeonjun and pulled him away from the door by the waist. The older was panting from anger but didn't resist.

'Let's go guys' sighed Soobin. 'We are leaving.'



Va te faire foutre!: Kiss my a$$!, F**k off!, and other beautiful expressions you'd say to Madame de Bossé right now :D

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