23. Distracted

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"To be here with you."

"Then that's what we'll do."

He can tell I'm about to bring up my reasons again, and he quickly closes the gap between us, and kisses me. He doesn't stop until he senses me relax. So many questions are still running through my head, but part of me doesn't care if we get in trouble. I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with him. We've been best friends for over half our lives. We know each other better than anyone else, and have such a special bond. As I look in his eyes, I don't see any doubt about this decision.

"You want this too, right?"

He can see me searching his eyes for any hints of doubt, and he cups my face.

"Absolutely. I would have you here 24/7 if I could."

"Then you'd really get tired of me."

He gives me a look, and I stick my tongue out at him.

"I'm about to be in heaven with you in my bed every night."

He smiles his sweet smile at the thought of that, and then leans in and kisses me. It's one kiss, but it's everything. He moans before sitting back, and looking at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He sticks his arm out for me to come snuggle with him again, and I don't waste any time. We lay like this for a while, until I can feel him start to shift. He's looking over my shoulder and when I turn to look, his mom is standing there.

"You're in stealth mode tonight."

"I'm sorry if I startled you. I wanted to come down and let you know Katie will be coming for a visit this weekend with the kids. Will you be here?"

"We should be. I have my game Friday, but nothing else planned besides that."

"Okay, good. I know she was looking forward to seeing you."

"I'm guessing she knows about us dating?"

She blushes and the guilt is clear as day on her face.

"Maybe. She is happy for you though."

"Is there anyone you didn't tell?"

She smiles and then runs back upstairs in an attempt to avoid further questioning. When I look back at him, he's already looking at me.

"I really need my own place."

"You could put bells on them."

"I don't think that would stop them from coming down."

"I know, but at least we'd hear them easier."

He nods and laughs.

"When was the last time you saw Katie and the kids?"

"It's probably been a month and a bit since they were down last. I know they've been camping a lot, so they haven't been coming this way on weekends like they used to. When would have been the last time you saw them?"

We both sit here trying to think of when that would have been. I know there's been a lot of their visits I haven't been here for. That's always been something just their family is here for. There have been times he's invited me to come over while they're here, but I don't usually accept. I don't like to intrude, and most were last minute invites that I can tell he didn't ask his parents about before asking me.

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