chapter 51

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(note : there is a song above this chapter and it goes good with this situation their in pleas listen to it with this chapter , x0x writer)

Yelena POV : 

Mattheo looked at as if he saw a ghost .  i push him away. i firts want to know and why he did that. i would always try to understand him. 

"I want you to be honest, now tell me who did you kill ?" I asked him , he is trying to protect me. i can protect myself. i dont need him to do that for me. 

"Yelena please dont hate me"  He said and walked towards me .i took a step back until i was by the bed and sat down. "Just tell me, and dont lie " I say . i began to lose me patience. who could he have killed that was so bad. i forgave him for zayden. i didn't mind that he killed him. 

"I killed Dumbledore" he said with guilt in his voice . to say i was shocked was an understand ment.  "It was for your safety , my father he" he stopped talking wondering if he should tell me. but he made the destisen. " he would've killed you If I didn't kill him , please darling don't hate me " he was on the edge of tears. 

My mouth fell open, he killed him for me , that his father used me like that so that his son would kill the old man. i know that he loves me but i would never  have thought that he would kill for me. 

He is to special to be one of his fathers slaves. because to his father he is a slave not a son just someone who can do all the dirty work for him , and I'm sorry for him.  he doesn't deserve this life style. i would help him get out of it. i don't care if it will cost me my live. he deserves love. a good life. he deserves a chance. 

my little lost cause.

"Mattheo , I - " I couldnt speak the words I need to say. my voice is just gone . completely gone. he stood there and I can see his glossy eyes , he is crying .I stood up , and walked towards him and openend my arms .He imediately fell on me .

All he needs is love . and he didn't get that from his father so i will give it to him. all the love i have and can give. I think I know why he killed dumbledore for me. I am the only person he has ever loved . and i am the only person who can give him enoung love. 

we layed on my bed after a few minutes.  he lays with his head on my stomach . while my hands ran through his hair. he was finally sleeping, he cried until he couldnt anymore , it was so sad to see .he was tired. so tired of his dad and being his little slave.

i feel so bad for him. were both so broken and still were here with eachother. were both so lost. but we glue eachother piece by piece. we were both lost causes. 

I made this as quick as possible so if there are any mistakes sorry. 

But you can just put in the comments and then I will fix it. and my friend wrote most of it and i made it like my writing style.

Btw I have more then 1000 followers on tiktok so I am very happy with that.

I never thought it would happen but people actually enjoy my writing and it make me feel amazing to see people comment on it.

Like ' I love this' or ' how can you write so good' it melts my heart 💖💓.

I hope you had an nice day. I hope you will continue to read this story.

I think I will go to this 70 and then I am done.

Remember you are LOVED❤️😌

Goodbye love.

Lost cause - A Mattheo Riddle fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now