chapter 48

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Mattheo riddle pov

I watched as she walked away, looking at her figure as it disappeared in the shadows.

I swear if she doesn't come to breakfasts, I will find her and make her eat. Even if she still is with her father.

I will drag her ass to the great Hall if I needed to.

I don't care if her father disagrees.

I don't think he likes me very much. I don't know why. Maybe I am spending to much time with his daughter.

I took a shower, staring at the wall half of the time because I was zoning out every time.

I was thinking when i should kill Dumbledore.

He was a pain in the ass. He was with the teachers or with students.

He was never alone except at night.

He was then in the astronomy tower. I did some research and if if just pushed him of he would survive even If he is old.

So I will just have to kill him or else I have to deal with my father, and I didn't want that.

I never want to see him again after everything he did to me.

I was done in the shower and walked to the closet.

I had some of my clothes moved in her dorm because I had to walked back to my dorm everytime.

And when those two are having seks. I don't want to hear it.

I have nightmares because of that. Those sounds will never leave me alone. It haunts me in my dreams.

I walked in the great Hall after finished getting ready.

I got some stares but I got used to it.

I saw the two love birds sitting by our table. Saving us a seat.

" Had fun last night?" It wasn't even a question. It was just facts. Draco rolled his eyes while Hayley just smirks.

" Where your girl?" Draco asks wanting to get rid of the subject.

" Talking to her dad" I said it with a roll of my eyes.

They both nodded and talked to each other while I was looking around for her.

She walked in with a smile and that a good sign. At least I hope because I don't want to deal with her pissed.

She was scary when she was mad.

When we just met I saw her fighting with some boy because he touched her hair.

It went on for a few minutes until his friends dragged him off.

" Hey guys." She greeted then and when she sat next to me she kissed my cheek but I turned wanting one on the my lips.

She smiled and kissed me.

" Hello my darling"

" Hello love" I greeted her back.

I have her an apple because that what's she always eats when she late.

" Thanks." She whispers and took a bit while she told me how it went with her dad.

I nodded along.

When it was time Hayley dragged her to their lesson while me and Draco called them back.

They came running back and gave us a quick kiss.

" I will see you soon." She then kissed me again and ran away again.

We had a free period so we just sat in our dorm.

We were playing truth or dare with truth serum.
We had a few turns. He had to tell me all his kinks and now that I think about it, I never should have asked it.

he made me dare to go to throw a bucket of cold water over someone head someone is now very pissed at me, but I don't care.

I was now again and I choose truth. I drank the potion.

"Why have you been so secretive?" He asked.

Without realising I answered. " Because I got a mission from my dad and I need to kill Dumbledore." My eyes widen once I  noticed what i said.

He stares at me in shock, he didn't know what to say. He sat there frozen in place.

" What?" He whispered. He lost his voice.

"You heard me. My dad sent Zayden to me and he said I need to kill Dumbledore or else he will kill Yelena. And I can't let that happen." I look down at the ground not wanting to see his face.

I am sure there was disappointed and confusion. But what he said next shocked me.

" I will help you, not because I want to kill Dumbledore but because I care about Yelena like a sister and I will not let anything happen to her " he ended it with a sign.

He put his hand out and waiting until I took it.

I did and shook it.

" Look like we're killing Dumbledore together." I said with a little smirk.

It felt good that he was okay with it. It felt good that I don't need to do it alone.

He smirked back at me and nodded.

"Looks like we are."

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don't forget I love you all so much

Btw on my tiktok account I write little stories and keep you update.

Some teachers are so slow with grading out tests because I have been waiting for a few days.

I mean come on, it take not that long.
I hope you have a fine morning, afternoon or evening

I don't know when you read this

till next time loves bye bye<3

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