chapter 25

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Mattheo Riddle pov

I fell asleep, that's all I know. I woke up with a slap in my face. I was hard. Damn. " wake the fuck up " I heard and a annoyed sigh. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around where is was.

Of course I was in Yelena's room

Fuck that slap was hard

Hayley was sitting in the chair at the desk and Draco was standing over me, holding his hand. Karma asshole. "quod irrumabo" (what the fuck) I said in a annoyed voice. I was sleeping peaceful and not with thoughts what could go wrong.

He looked at me confused. He doesn't speak Latin. I rolled my eyes and sat up. " what time is it" I asked Hayley who was doing her own business. " it's dinner time, we are going to the great hall to eat and then we have to wait to the moon is full." She finished with a sigh, probably because of me but I didn't care.

I looked at Draco who was still looking confused. " it means what the fuck." I answered his thought. He nodded his head that he understood. " well are we going to dinner" Hayley stood up and walked out the door. We looked at each other and walked with her.

" did you find the spell" I pushed my food around my plate and looked at the two of them. " well, we didn't" Hayley took a bite of her food after she was done talking. I looked at them confused and waited for her or him to speak. " Granger did " Draco answered and rolled his eyes. " what happed to muttblood " I was wondering why, he always calls her that.

" we made a deal. She gave us the spell and Draco needs to respect her." Hayley looked at her boyfriend with a soft smile to make him feel better about the deal. I think.

I nodded and pushed my plate away, I didn't want to eat. I was looking at all the people in the great hall waiting for them to finish with there food.

The full moon was high in the air with all the stars. " okay what now" Draco broke the tension. We were not sure if this is going to work. " place the object on the ground" Hayley took the little papier out her bag and grabbed her wand from her waistband. I laid the neckless on the ground and stepped back.

I looked at the sky and hoped this will work. I prayed silently to myself. Hayley spoke the spell and the neckless started moving. Yes

We were now in the middle of nowhere and we were still following the neckless. We were all tired. Hayley was on Draco's back half asleep and I was getting my wand to get the object.

After I caught it we walked back to the school. We walked inside and looked around to see if it was safe. It didn't matter that we had draco. 3 kids walking in the school would ask questions, and we didn't want that. Draco put Hayley in her bed and walked with me to our dorm. We fell face first in bed and just fell asleep. We didn't want to change, we were way too tired to do that.

Yelena snape pov

After our bath I went to bed and fell asleep. Zayden said that he was in the library if I needed him.

"You really thought I meant what I said in the bath." He climbed over me so we were face to face. My arms were tied to the bed and he was in between my legs so I couldn't move them.

I said nothing, I was so scared. " you are so pathetic" he whispered in my ears and I whimpered. " so kitten, what will I do to you. You are so helpless, I can do anything I want. What do you think, do you want me to fuck you." He caressed my face, whipping my tears. I shook my head fast, hard. I was getting dizzy.

I was afraid to speak. I couldn't find my voice. I was really helpless. " you know I think you wat it" he looked me in the eye and then my shorts. He begin ripping them off and I cried and cried.

Zayden pov

I was in the library reading a book when I heard a heartbreaking scream.

Fuck Yelena

I put the book down and ran, ran as fast as I could to the bedroom. When I walked in my heart broke. Yelena was crying and sweating. She was turning and turning. I ran to the bed and sat down. " baby, shhhhh. Your are safe, shhhh. Come back to me. I won't hurt you, I promise." I tried to calm her down but nothing helped, she just kept crying.

I kept thinking of a way to calm her down and then I knew what to do. She learnt France when she was in middle school, it calmed her down. I learnt France so I could understand her when she was talking in the language.

" c'est bon chérie, tu es en sécurité. je promets. je ne te ferai plus jamais de mal je t'aime. répondez moi plus tard '' ( it is okay sweatheart , you are safe . i promise. I am never going to hurt you, i love you. come back to me)

I kept saying that hoping she will calm down and she did, but the frown stayed on her face. I whipped her tears and layed next to her. I kissed her forehead and pulled her close to me, her head head on my chest and my hand rubbing her back.

I caresed her cheek and the frown eventually went away. I sighed and fell asleep with her in my arms.

I hope you like this chapter?

i hope the translation is good i don't speak french or lantin so i used google translate

I wrote this in front of my parents 😊

I didn't have motivation so this one took a little longer.

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Until next time, bye loves<3

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