chapter 14

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Mattheo pov

Still at the party

When Yelena walked in the crowed I losted sighed of her. I didn't think much of it and started talking to Draco again. But as time went by I was getting worried about her.

Is she still dancing

is she okay 

When is she coming back

" do you think she okay? " I didn't even know I said that out loud. When I did my eyes widen and I was broken out of my thoughts when Hayley answered me. " I am sure she is fine, she is probably having fun. Don't worry". But that is what I did, I did worry, I couldn't help it. It was like I had the need to keep het safe for everything, to protect her.

I kept looking at the crowed hoping, hoping that I saw her, hoping that she came back to us, hoping that she was okay. I didn't hear Draco and Hayley talking to me. Draco kicked my leg to get mine attention . I hissed at the pain and gave Draco a death stare. "what do you want" I looked at them both before looking back at the crowed. " she is still dancing or she is back in her dorm because her foot hurt, she does that when she is done with the party" Hayley said." she is fine, I promise " Hayley said again.

I promise

I promise

She is fine

She is back in her dorm

She does that

She is still dancing

I was getting a headache. Was she really okay. She can handle herself, right. Yeah she can she is a powerful witch. " okay she is probably fine, I am going to bed, I am getting a headache. Good night" I stood up and walked away before they could even react or respond back.

I was now in my room laying on back, staring at the celling, staring at the black celling. Looking at the clock every ones in a while, checking the time.

3 am

My heart felt uneasy, it felt heavy. It was pounding hard like it was trying to tell me something, bet I ignored it and fall asleep still with a frown on my face and a uneasy heart

Next moring

Still Mattheo pov

When I woke up I had the feeling that something is wrong. But I had no idea what was wrong and I hated it. Hated that I couldn't feel what was wrong. I got ready for the day. And I wished that everything went well today. I grabbed my wand and walked out the door.

I sat in the great hall alone because it was so early. I didn't have an appetite, I had this weird feeling in my stomach, like if I would eat something I would throw it up.

I saw Draco walk in, he looked tired. I chuckled when he almost walked in the wall. He looked around confused where he was. Guess he is so tired. When he finally saw me he nodded to himself and walked over to me.

He sat down and let his head fall on the table. He let out a hissed when his forehead fell hard on the table. I think he fall asleep because he didn't move. For a second I thought he was dead. After what felt like a hour he moved his head of the table and looked at me with eyes half open.

Hayley walked in with so much enthusiasm, like always. But I didn't saw Yelena with her and the feeling in my stomach and heart just went down. She sat down next to me.

" hey guys " she grabbed food and started eating. " where's Yelena, is she okay" I spoke my thoughts. " she is still sleeping or she is hungover. Don't worry" she looked at me with a small smile and went back to eating. That didn't ease my worries. The same thoughts went through my head as last night.

Is she okay

She is in her dorm

She is still sleeping

She is hungover

She is fine

She is okay

My heart was hurting

No she is not

She is in pain

She is in trouble

She is not coming back

Save her

Find her

I shook my head and closed my eyes, took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. I notice that breakfast was over. I stood up, said bye too Hayley and Draco who was still half asleep. I let Hayley deal with him. When I walked out I saw Hayley throw water on him to wake him up. He shoot awake.

i was hesitating to go to her dorm, i decided not to go. Walked to my class and sat down. After boring classes and not seeing Yelena in the classes we shared. It was now lunch. I saw Hayley and Draco sitting at the table, he looked pissed. Probably because of Hayley.

" hey Mattheo" Hayley looked up at me with pleading eyes to help her with Draco. I gave them a nod and sat down in front of them. " have you seen her" and with her I meant Yelena but I guess they knew that because they both shook there heads. I sighed and started eating.

Once lunch was over I decided to go to her dorm. I stood in front of her door. I sighed and knocked.

No answer

I knocked again

No answer

I opened the door and it was empty. " love" I said on a loud tone.


" Yelena" I walked in the room and looked around. Looking for ideas where she is. On the bed was a note. I picked it up and read it. I was in shook.

'You want to save her, come and find her. Or else she is dead.'


not 1000 words but I tried , sorry. Forgive me

Hello love, sorry it took so long we were both busy. I wrote this chapter really quick so there may be spelling mistakes in it, and I'm sorry about that next chapter is Yelena pov. I hope you like this chapter.

Do you guys like Mattheo pov. Do I need to do more of that.

Please vote and leave your opinion, pretty please. Until next time, bye loves<3

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