chapter 30

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Mattheo Riddle pov

I looked at Draco and then back at the headmaster. " no, we do not." I said it with venom on my tone. He looked shocked. He pulled himself tighter and looked at me. " do you know where Yelena is. I haven't' seen her in a while. And she is missing classes. I begin worrying about her."

I sighed and leaned back in the chair. " no " Draco said before I could say something. " okay if you she her tell her to come to me. I want to speak to her." We nodded and left as soon as possible.


Hayley was with us at lunch. She was speaking over what happed last night while she was studying and helping another students. She was helping first years. So she was now speaking to us how dumb they are and how stupid.

I wasn't listening, I was to busy thinking how we could find Yelena. I was beginning to get a headache. We had no classes today so we could brainstorm in the library.

" did you hear about the party" Haley said. I didn't want to go to a party. We both shook our heads and looks away. we had too much on our mind to go to party. " please it'll be good for us we need a night where we can rest. we have been looking for Yelena forever we can't find her. please please please please please I'll do anything but can we go to the party I need a night rest, a night fun. I'll promise we go looking for her tomorrow." I looked at draco in hoped he wouldn't give in.

but of course he did.

" fine we'll go but we will go to the library this afternoon to look for spells find Yelena." he looked at her with a serious look. I shook my head and looked at it looks at him. he looked back at me and mouth a sorry. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

apparently we're going to a party tonight. I needed to get drunk anyway.

we were now in the library looking for spells to find her. we were all add a table reading a different book. we've been here since lunch and it is almost dinner.

we are never going to find her

I'm going to lose her

I will never see her again.

what if she's hurt

what if she's dead

what did he do to her

all kinds of thoughts rooms in my mind I couldn't get them out. I needed a break I couldn't take it it was so much. I put the book down all the table and walks away I could hear Hayley and draco screaming after me asking where was going, if I was okay or if I found found the spell. I ignored them. 

I just walked and walked I didn't know where I was going I just needed to get a bit of fresh air. I was wondering if he hurt her. or if she fell in love with him again. it makes me sick still to think about those things. I was wondering if she loves me or if she even likes me in the first place because I have lost her and I don't know when I will see her again.

I saw where I was going I was walking through the forbidden forest I said against tree it looks up to the sky. i close my eyes and the hoped that it will be okay. I hoped that I was here again because I couldn't take it if I'll never see you again.

" please be okay please be alive. please come back to me, I need you" I whispered it to the sky. I know she couldn't hear me or are even see me but I needed to say it I needed to know that I said it.

Last thing I know is blackness. I think I fell asleep I don't know, I don't remember. When I woke up Draco stood over me with a worried expression on his face, panic in his eyes. " are you okay? what happened? why were you screaming?" questions were thrown into my face. He was screaming the questions I looked around to see if people heard him.

I looked at him confused. " what do you mean why was it screaming I wasn't screaming and even if I was . what was I screaming." I stood up and looked at him waiting for an answer. I didn't get one." what was I screaming Draco." I said it again with more venom on my tone. " you were screaming for help. like you were in danger, like you were in pain. I tried to wake you up. I shook you so so hard. but you just kept screaming." he said with so much worry on his face an honest tone.

I looked behind them and saw Haley standing there looking at me with wide eyes she stood there frozen like she didn't know what she was supposed to do ,she didn't even know what was going on. I looked back at him.

"was that the only thing that happens while I was sleeping. did I scream something else. or did they only scream for help" I looked right in the eye I wanted to know even if he was hiding something, I wanted to know if he spoke the truth to me. because if he told me what else happend  I could remember maybe.

he was at hesitating, he looks back at Haley and then back at me." no you screaming something else. you screaming in name" he stopped talking I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. " what name was I screaming?" I step forward causing him to take a step back. he looked down in the grounds and begin with speaking. " you were screaming your dads name." he paused and look me in the eye tell me the next thing

" you were screaming Voldemort"

What is happing with mattheo?

i will try to post as soon as possible

I am sorry it took so long

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Until next time, bye loves<3

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