24: the ocean

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Not long after we sealed wall Maria we had a meeting which I didn't pay any attention to, no suprise there. We then had a ceremony where all of us were given medals.

Just as the snow started to fall Hange's invention to kill titans had gone silent. Roughly a month later it was declared that the Maria refugees can return home.

The last of the scouts restarted the expeditions outside the walls again. Most, if not all the titans had entered wall Maria so we had no casualties. Our aim was the ocean.

Soon enough we reached a stone wall. Riding along it for a couple seconds we found a hill covered in sand. Once we rode to the top of the hill our view was overwhelmed by a vast ocean.

We all tied up our horses and took off our boots before running into the salty water. Levi and Hange stood next to each other as they watched all the cadets having fun in the water.

Hange's POV

I watched as y/n took a handful of sea water and slurped it out of her hand. She instantly had the most disgusted face I've ever seen. I giggled as I watched her try to wipe the taste out of her mouth.

Y/n ran up to me and jumped on me, making me fall over. We both started laughing. Once we stopped we stared into eachother's eyes before leaning in and pressing our lips together.

Y/n's POV

We separated and smiled at eachother. This was perfect, I hope this will never end.

A/N: don't worry I'm not ending the story. I have a plan, your just gonna have to wait for a bit.

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