9: where did she go?

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The rest of the cadets that wanted to join the scouts came in a couple weeks later. The next week or so was just training and strategizing.

The night before the expedition I walked out to a forest where I could use my ODM gear. Once I got there I connected my wires to the trees and started swinging through them.

Laughing while swinging in the air was something that gave me comfort. I landed on a tree branch and sat on it, closing my eyes for a little.

Next thing I knew it was morning and the sun was rising. "Shit" I whispered and jumped off the branch while connecting my wires to the trunks.

I swung down to the grass once I was at the edge of the forest and ran to HQ. As soon as I got there I saw all the new scouts running around and shouting my name. Yelling I said "I'm right here!" And they all turned to look at me.

Mikasa ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug. "Where were you?!!" She yelled "calm down I was just in the forest" I told her but she did not look happy. "You idiot! We were worried sick!" "Ok fine I'm sorry, I dozed off while sitting on a tree branch".

Mikasa let go of me and we finally got back to getting ready. I saddled up my horse who was sleek black with a white muzzle.

After I was ready I walked my horse over to Erwin and then mounted it. "I want you with Levi and the ops squad to protect Eren" he told me. Glaring at Erwin I started "but-" he cut me off "no buts, your with that squad, got it?" "Yes sir" I sighed and dropped my head as I rode over to Eren.

I put my mask on and pulled my horse up next to Eren. "Oh are you in my squad now?" Eren asked me "sadly" I responded. Eren raised an eyebrow at me and asked "why is that sad?" I gestured to Levi and Eren chuckled.

I glared at him but he just kept on chuckling. Rolling my eyes I looked ahead and we were just about to leave.

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