17: new enemies

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"KENNY!!!!" Levi yelled as he drew his blades. I drew mine and then we were off.

We flung ourselves through the streets until we were right on top of the wagon which was now commandeered by the enemy. As soon as we were in sight Kenny's squad started firing.

I followed Levi down alleyways and streets while also dodging gunshots. One shot skimmed my shoulder just before we crashed into a bar.

Ducking behind the bar Levi grabbed the gun that the bartender had. I heard all the murmurs and things before I heard Kenny's voice.

I held my shoulder tightly as I watched Levi execute his plan. Levi used a bottle on the shelf to aim the gun and almost instantly Levi flung the gun onto the table and shots fired.

We got up from our spots and Levi grabbed a chair and threw it out before we left. I gripped my blades tightly and both me and Levi slaughtered a few of the MP's that were waiting outside.

We came back to following the cart with now an unconscious Eren and Historia. A MP came from above us and shot my leg. I screamed in pain and Levi shot one of his wires into the guys stomach, I then slit the guys throat. Levi landed on a wall for a moment before we got ordered to cover Armin and Jean as they landed on the cart.

Mikasa came down and swiped at the women that was controlling the cart. Jean had his sword to her head but he never struck and the women got up and disarmed Jean and got him on the ground with a gun to his head.

Next thing you know a gun fired and the women fell to the floor. Armin stood there, gun in hand and trembling.

I looked behind us to see more MPs behind us. "Shit" I mumbled and Levi yelled "ARMIN, JEAN!!!" Sasha and Levi dived in and and grabbed the 2 males before they could get shot.

Mikasa landed and was about to chase after the cart containing Eren and Historia but Levi stopped her. Mikasa tried to get past but failed miserably.

We ducked into a building and camped there for a little. I started a fire and we all sat around it. I fazed out the conversation until Levi tapped my shoulder and told us we had to leave.

We met up with Hange and Moblit at an abandoned house where we kidnapped a couple MP's and tied them up in the basement. Everyone from the 104th sat at a table upstairs while Levi and Hange interrogated the MP's.

Everyone looked uncomfortable as they listened to the ear splitting screams. I sat there with a smirk on my lips as. I focused all my attention onto the screams.

Once Hange came up and explained what she and Levi had learnt she looked at my bleeding shoulder.

She swiftly walked over to me and grabbed my hand, gently tugging me. I stood up and Hange pulled me to the kitchen. She then grabbed a bandage and told me to take my shirt off. I took it off and Hange bandaged my shoulder. While I put my shirt back on Hange wrapped up my leg.

She then stood up and grabbed my waist. I rolled my eyes and then wrapped my arms around her neck.

Hange moved her face closer to mine and our lips connected. We pulled away and walked back to the group and not long after we left.

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