14: the breach

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The next morning I was awoken by Hange and relocated to South of wall Sina with the rest of the 104th. They stuck all of us in a room with non of our gear.

I sat in a corner reading a book while people talked. "Guys I think I'm hearing footsteps" Sasha informed us. Everyone perked their heads up and looked over to Sasha.

I kept my face buried in the book I was reading. Nanaba swung to a window and opened it. I perked my head up at this and actually started listening.

"Is everyone here?" She asked "what is it Nanaba?" Crista asked. "We've got company approximately 500 metres to the south and closing. Titans headed this way there's no time to suit up with your ODM gear. I want everyone on a horse stat, evacuate every settlement in the area, get to it" Nanaba explained.

With that we all rushed out of the room and saddled up our horses. Once we were done we instantly left and that's when we split.

Half went towards Dauper while the rest of us rode to Ragakou. I left to Ragakou with Connie and a couple others. Once we were there what we saw was weird. There was no one in sight and the houses were crumbling and broken but there was no blood or body's.

After riding through the town a bit Connie stopped, looking at one of the houses. A titan lay on top of it but the titan looked like it couldn't move due to the overly small limbs.

We left not long after and started tracing the edge of the wall looking out for a hole. It got dark so we made torches and kept walking until we met up with the other group minus Sasha.

Nanaba went over to the other scout in uniform and spoke to him. They told us we were heading to what used to be a look out post.

Once we were there we settled in and just talked among ourselves. I sat in a corner by myself until Crista came and sat with me.

"Hey y/n" she said "hey Crista" I said back with a slight smile. "So I've noticed you've been hanging around section commander Hange quite a bit recently" Crista smirked.

My face went bright red "it's not like that!!" I yelled. "It's not like what?" Nanaba walked over to us. "Y/n's been hanging out with Hange a lot recently" Crista explained. I dug my head deeper into my arms and Nanaba started chuckling. "Your face says it all y/n" Nanaba said between laughing fits.

Everyone calmed down and Nanaba left to patrol on top of the tower. Suddenly we heard what seemed to be very loud footsteps. Nanaba came to the window and told us titans were approaching and fast. We started Barricading the doors of the tower so titans couldn't enter.

We ran to check on Connie to see that a titan was right on top of him. Me, Ymir and Crista grabbed an old cannon and threw it down the stairs, hitting the titan that was now biting Reiner's arm.

We got it to a window and pushed it making it fall.

Once we did that we finished Barricading the door and then ran to the top of the tower. After getting there we saw Nanaba and a blond guy placing down two dead scouts. My nose ran hot as I peered at the two dead body's but tears never came.

"He did this. The one who made a b line for the wall" Connie explained as he ran to the edge of the tower. "Son of a bitch is randomly -" Connie gasped. "Heads up guys we've got twice as many as before!!" "Shit" I whispered. "Your kidding" the blond guy said "it's like they're timing these attacks like some kind of bigger strategy. This isn't random, we're being toyed with" Nanaba explained. My eyes shot straight to the beast titan on the wall.

The sun was rising as the beast titan let out a giant roar. All the titans instantly attacked the tower and Nanaba and the other scout had to defend it. Not long after they were both eaten.

Ymir must of had a plan because she got Connie's knife and talked to Crista. She then walked to the edge and slit her hand with the knife as she jumped off. We all watched as lightning flashed down and Ymir got replaced by a titan.

The titan started biting napes and attacking the other titans. Crista got up on the edge of the rim and yelled at Ymir. Instantly Ymir started pulling out bricks from the tower and threw them at the titans.

I grabbed Crista and pulled her back off the rim. The sun has risen by now and Ymir must've realized how unstable the tower had become because she came up and we all climbed into her hair.

She brought us down to safety before being overwhelmed with titans. I ran and Crista ran right after, I got to the big crowd of titans and started throwing rocks at them. "You stupid bitches!!" I yelled and one of them turned around. "Oh shit" I mumbled and a big hand grabbed me.

I struggled against its grasp but to no avail I remained in its hand. As I was nearing its mouth I heard zipping like ODM gear.

Instantly the titans hand was cut open and it went down. I felt arms around me before I fell and looked to see Levi caught me. He landed while the rest of the titans were being killed.

Once my brother let got he had the slightest worried expression as he looked me over. "Are you hurt?" He asked, I shook my head and sighed with relief. "Y/n!!!" A voice I know all to well yelled. Looking to my left I saw Hange running towards me with a very worried expression.

I was suddenly engulfed in a hug and I hugged back. "I'm glad your ok" Hange told me while pulling away a bit and resting her hands around my waist. I rested my arms around Hange's neck and pecked her lips.

Someone cleared his throat and we looked over to see a very angry Levi. The 104th had started walking but stopped a few metres away when they saw me kiss Hange. "Alright hands off my sister shitty-glasses" Levi said and pulled me away.

"Levi!!" I yelled and tried to escape his grasp, very unsuccessful. "Hange, babe help pleaseeeeee" I asked. Hange's face flushed red and I chuckled "is that because I called you babe?" I asked and she nodded.

"Y/N!!! WHAT DID I JUST HEAR!!!!???" I heard a yell behind Levi. I turned around and looked behind Levi to see Mikasa running over along with the rest of the 104th. "Oh shit" I said and Levi glared at me "language" he said blandly "oh shush" I said as I escaped his grip.

Mikasa grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me violently. "YOUR DATING SECTION COMMANDER HANGE AND YOUR CAPTAIN LEVI'S SISTER!!!???" She yelled. I grabbed Mikasa's hands and removed them from my shoulders. "Yes and yes" I answered and after quite a bit of talking about it we left.

After getting back to HQ it was around breakfast so we all entered the dining hall and grabbed food. As always I grabbed my food and sat next to Hange.

At some point our conversation had gone to riding and Hange whispered to the point where only the table could hear. She came up to my ear and whispered "y'know you could ride me". My breathing hitched and I whipped my head around to her. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I yelled "HANGE!!" Everyone at the table started cracking up and I covered my face in embarrassment. I'm so glad Levi's not here I thought as I watch everyone at the table laughing.

Honestly I loved moments like these.

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