15: being kidnapped

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Once the titans were slaughtered everyone got back on their horses. The 104th's horses got crushed so we had to ride with the others.

Hange rode up beside me and held her hand out. I gladly took it and she pulled me up and sat me Infront of her. I leaned back resting my head on on Hange's chest. Closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep, just before I fell unconscious I felt a kiss on my forehead.

A hand was on my shoulder as I was shaken awake. I opened my eyes to see we were right infront of the wall. I lifted myself off of Hange and jumped off the horse.

Once Hange had gotten off she took hold of my waist and brought me up the wall with her. The horses were taken over the wall as we all stood atop it.

There Erwin gave me ODM gear that I put on and then sat down. I sat there afterwards letting Hange pepper my face with kisses. Hange finally stopped when we were called over to the group.

We got up and that's when I saw Mikasa stood there with her blades ready. "I'll be back in a moment" I told Hange as I silently walked over to Mikasa. She looked like she was intently listening in on Erens conversation with Reiner and Bertholt.

I placed my hand on Mikasa and whispered "what's wrong?". "Bertholt and Reiner are the colossal and the armoured titans" Mikasa whispered back. My eyes widened in shock and I instantly got my blades ready.

Instantly Reiner took off his sling and showed steam emanating off of the bite mark and it closed up fully. Mikasa instantly took action and slashed at both Reiner and Bertholt.

Next thing we know Reiner had shoved Mikasa off of Bertholt and a yellow light emanated from the two males. The two ex cadets were replaced with the armoured titan and half of the colossal titan. The ribs of the colossal titan connected with the wall.

Bertholt (aka the colossal titan) released a very hot steam as he transformed. Everyone flung back due to the force of the steam. I flung back a little bit before I stabbed my blade into the wall, holding me there.

Reiner grabbed Eren and jumped off the wall. That was the last thing I saw before it all went black.

I woke up to no ODM gear hooked up to my holsters. Looking up I saw Reiner and Bertholt stood there looking at me intently. "What do you fuckers want?" I asked with a hint of sass.

"We just know that with you gone Hange will go ballistic" Reiner answered. "Why would that help you?" "Because then she won't be able to do her research" I heard a voice say beside me.

I looked over to see Eren and Ymir sitting there. Eren instantly crawled over to me and I just sat there with my arms open. Eren sat in between my legs and leaned against me. I wrapped my arms around him and the other three looked at us confused. "He's pretty much my child" I said after a moment of silence and they all seemed to understand after that.

We heard something in the distance and when we looked over we saw smoke signals. Damn that was fast I thought to myself.

Eren got off me and looked out at the signals. The sun started setting and Reiner and Bertholt came down to the branch me, Ymir and Eren were on.

Reiner knocked Eren out, tying Eren to his back and Bertholt grabbed Ymir. Reiner then grabbed me by the waist and the set off through the forest. "Hey!! I have a girlfriend you know!!!" I yelled at him but Reiner just rolled his eyes and kept going.

At some point Ymir grabbed Crista and all of us were stuck on Reiner as the armoured titan. We sat on Reiner's shoulder as he ran through an open field. The scouts had caught up and Reiner had trapped me and Eren, who was tied to Bertholt, under his hands while the ex cadets stood outside trying to convince Bertholt to let us go.

After a couple minutes of talking Reiner had to let go of us so he could defend himself against the titans Erwin led towards us.

Mikasa tried to cut Eren out of his restraints but fail and got caught in the hand of a titan. Jean came up and cut Mikasa out of the hand and brought her to safety.

Armin came over and started saying things about Annie. I smirked when I realized what he was doing. Someone came up and cut Eren from his restraints. Looking down I saw Erwin with a missing arm dropping down onto a horse.

Mikasa flung past us and grabbed Eren. "Armin!" I yelled with my hand out to him. Armin grabbed my hand and left while holding onto me.

We started retreating when suddenly a titan flung over us and landed right Infront of us. "Oh he's throwing titans now!!!" I yelled in frustration.

I rode with Armin for a little before he rode over to Erwin for a moment. "Armin pass y/n over to me, it'll make it easier for you!" Erwin ordered and me and Armin obliged. I hopped over to Erwin's horse and situated myself behind him, holding onto his hips.

Titans suddenly started running towards a titan and eating it. After a couple seconds they all ran over to Reiner and Bertholt giving us a perfect escape time. Instantly we left and rode back to wall Rose.

As soon as we got back I jumped off the horse and ran inside. Instantly I ran to Hange's office and barged through the door.

Looking over at her desk I saw tears streaming down Hange's cheeks as she looked at me. Hange got up from her chair and ran towards me. Engulfing me in a hug Hange whispered "never leave me again". I hug back and whispered "don't worry, I'm not planning on it" with that Hange grabbed my face gently and placed her lips onto mine.

After a couple seconds we pulled away and rested out foreheads together and stared into eachother's eyes.

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