19- My Brother I'm Still Sorry

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"The posion we found in his system comes from Kamino" said the medical droid over Luke.

Luke was in a deep sleep on his hospital bed. There was one person by his side. Anakin, his father looked over his son with crossed arms. He looked up.

"Someone from Kamino did this?" He asked in anger.

"Its a type of poison that the bounty hunter Jango Fett uses" the droid said.

"Thats impossible" Anakin said, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "Jango fett was killed almost 4 years ago".

"That is intresting" The droid said, "Ah Master Yoda. Good day to you sir".

Anakin turned, still cossing his arms. Yoda walked in his eyes on Lukes unconsious body.

"Mmmm. Sick your young friend is" Yoda said.

"Yes" Anakin said mournfully.

"Sad you are?" Yoda asked his old eyes prying into Anakins younger ones.


Anakin looked at his son. His closed eyes. He wished Luke would open them.

Yoda shook his head, "Tell the truth you should. How you feel Hmmm?".

"I'm just worried for a friend" Anakin said, putting his hands behind his back.

"Almost 900 years i have lived. Lying you are" Yoda said.

"Its nothing master. I've just... bonded with Luke the way a master would bond with a padawan" Anakin said and looked back to Luke.

"An idiot you think me?" Yoda said, suddenly.

Anakin looked back at him shocked, "No, of course not master".

"Your visions you have expressed before" Yoda said, "No problem have you, to do that".

"Its complicated" Anakin said.

"Complicated is the way of life Skywalker" Yoda said, "A Skywalker your jedi friend is".

Anakins face turned to horror. He backed up in front of Luke. His stance was almost protective.

"How did you know?" He asked.

Yoda shook his head, "Lived long i have. Many things I know".

Anakin looked down.

"Master i... I'm sorry" Anakin said.

"Don't be sorry" he said, "leave I will. Tell no one I will".

"Thank you master" Anakin said, "wait... I know attachments are forbidden. Why are you... not angry with me".

"You are who you are" Yoda said, "stay with your son you will. Needs you he does".

With that Yoda left the room leaving Anakin shocked but great full. The droid pushed a chair next to him.

"Visiting time ends in a few" said the droid.

The droid made his way out of the door. Anakin just stared at his son. His breathing was almost nonexistent, but he could feel Lukes power. He was alive and he was fighting.

The Chancellor had requested his presence, but all he wanted to do ignore him. Luke was all he cared about.

Anakin had absent mindingly gripped Luke's left hand. His other lay lifelessly on his chest. Anakin looked at it, then down at his own mechanical arm.

"Luke... please" Anakin said softly.


"Er... am I dead?" Luke questioned.

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